Yishan Li

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Yishan Li (born 1981) is a professional manga artist currently living in Edinburgh, UK.

Her first published manga story was in Beijing Comics [1], 1999. Her first full-length English manga "Spirit Marked" [2] was published by Yaoi Press in October, 2005. She then published another book called "Aluria Chronicles" [3] with this publisher. Her latest completed project with Yaoi Press is a short story in "SaihĂ´shi the Guardian" [4].

Her other published English books including: "Snow Demon" (bonus story in "Enslaved by the Dragon, 2005, Yaoi Press), "The Guardians" (QKT Anime, 2006), Dark Mists #4 (Markosia, 2006), "Tizzle Sisters" (coloring, Markosia, 2006).

She is currently working on "LES CONTES DU BOUDOIR HANTE" for French publisher Delcourt and "Midnight Blue" for American publisher Demented Dragon[5].

[edit] References

  1. ^ [1]
  2. ^ [2]
  3. ^ [3]
  4. ^ [4]
  5. ^ [5]