Yelena Tregubova

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Yelena Viktorovna Tregubova (Russian: Елена Викторовна Трегубова, May 24, 1973 ) - a Russian journalist, the critic of the president Vladimir Putin and his environment.


[edit] Biography

Tregubova studied journalism at the Moscow University in the nineties and absorbed the spirit of the time when liberal-democratic conceptions took root. She started her career as a journalist in the newspaper Nezavisimaja Gazeta. Between 1997 and 2001 Tregubova was a member of the Kremlin press pool, reporting for the independent Moscow dailies Kommersant, Izvestiya, and Russky Telegraf. The members of this so-called "Kremlin Pool" are reporters who cover Russian president Vladimir Putin every day for television and major newspapers. They are the only journalists who get regular access to Putin. She refused to adhere to the official version of the events. She was expelled from the Kremlin press pool because she would not follow official instruction.

Her best-seller, Tales of a Kremlin Digger, published in October 2003 describes her experiences as a Kremlin correspondent and criticizes customs of the Russian political elite at Yeltsin and Putin, and in particular the Putin administration for the state taking control of the media. Tregubova condemns Putin’s regime for its authoritarian tendencies and attacks on free speech. Tregubova expresses in her book common for the Russian liberal intelligentsia disappointment by the policies and methods of the Putin regime. She also expresses certain nostalgia for the Yeltsin period for the absence of censorship in the Russian media.

"The Tales of a Kremlin Digger" peeved the Kremlin. After the book appeared, Tregubova lost her job as a correspondent for Kommersant. An interview with Yelena Tregubova (11.2003) was pulled from broadcast by NTV - a channel once renowned for its critical reporting. The segment nevertheless was yanked after it had already aired in Eastern time zones of Russian Federation. Not long after her book February 2, 2004 was published, a bomb blew up outside her apartment.

In her second book "Farewell of the Kremlin Digger"(2004) Tregubova writes on the Kremlin’s attempts to stop the first book from reaching the reader, on the advertisement and on the attempt on her life.

[edit] Popularity Abroad

The Italian translation of "Tales of a Kremlin Digger" ("I mutanti del Cremino"), comes out in 2005 at the publishing house Piemme [1]. The German publishing house Tropen Verlag releases the Book in German ("Die Mutanten des Kremls") in October, 2006 [2].

Tregubova started enjoying wide popularity in Germany in connection with the murder of the Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya (7.10.2006). The German newspaper "Zeit" published on October 12, 2006 her letter on occasion of the assassination of Politkovskaya "Silence is partnership", addressed to the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel. Tregubova demanded that the German chancellor actively oppose the suppression of press freedom in Russia. [3]

Tregubova's books have not yet been translated into English.

[edit] Books of Tregubova

  • Елена Трегубова. Байки кремлевского диггера. Москва., Ad Marginem, 2003 ISBN 5-93321-073-0 [1]
  • Елена Трегубова. Прощание кремлёвского диггера. Москва, Ad Marginem, 2004, ISBN 5-93321-095-1. [2]

[edit] Notes

[edit] External links

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