Yechezkel Levenstein

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Rabbi Yechezkel (Chatzkel) Levenstein (1895 - 18 Adar 5734/1974) was the Mashgiach of the Mir yeshiva in Mir, Belarus and during the yeshiva's flight to Lithuania and on to Shanghai due to the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany in World War II. He was a leader of several yeshivas in Europe, America, and Israel, and raised several generations of Torah-observant Jewry.

Rabbi Levenstein was born in Warsaw. His mother died when he was just five years old. He studied in the yeshiva in Łomża, where he was imbued with mussar, then in Radin under the Chofetz Chaim and the famous mashgiach Rav Yeruchom Levovitz, and finally in Kelm.

[edit] Works

  • Or Yechezkel (mussar)

[edit] External links