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YAWL (Yet Another Workflow Language) is a workflow language based on the Workflow patterns. The language is supported by a software system that includes an execution engine and a graphical editor. The language and its supporting system were originally developed by researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology and the Queensland University of Technology. Subsequently, several organizations such as InterContinental Hotels Group, first:telecom and ATOS Worldline have joined this initiative and the YAWL system is now available as an Open source software under the LGPL license.

The original drivers behind YAWL were to define a workflow language that would support all (or most) of the Workflow Patterns and that would have a formal semantics. Observing that Petri nets came close to supporting most of the Workflow Patterns, the designers of YAWL decided to take Petri nets as a starting point and to extend this formalism with three main constructs, namely or-join, cancellation sets, and multi-instance activities. These three concepts are aimed at supporting five of the Workflow Patterns that were not directly supported in Petri nets, namely synchronizing merge, discriminator, N-out-of-M join, multiple instance with no a priori runtime knowledge and cancel case. In addition, YAWL adds some syntactical elements to Petri nets in order to intuitively capture other workflow patterns such as simple choice (xor-split), simple merge (xor-join), and multiple choice (or-split). During the design of the language, it turned out that some of the extensions that were added to Petri nets were difficult or even impossible to re-encode back into plain Petri nets. As a result, the original formal semantics of YAWL is defined as a Labelled transition system and not in terms of Petri nets. The fact that YAWL is based on a formal semantics has enabled the implementation of several techniques for analyzing YAWL processes. In particular, the YAWL system includes a static analysis tool called WofYAWL.

YAWL is sometimes seen as an alternative to BPEL. A major advantage of BPEL is that it is driven by a standardization committee supported by several IT industry players. As a result, BPEL is supported by a significant number of tools (both proprietary and open-source) while YAWL has a single implementation at present. Also, several researchers have captured the formal semantics of subsets of BPEL in terms of various formalisms, including Petri nets, Process algebra and Finite state machine. This has paved the way for the development of static analysis tools for BPEL that can compete with the static analysis capabilities provided by the YAWL system. On the other hand, it has been noted that standard BPEL fails to support human tasks, that is, tasks that are allocated to human actors and that require these actors to complete actions, possibly involving a physical performance. A number of BPEL engines already provide extensions to BPEL for human tasks, but these extensions are yet to be standardized. In contrast, YAWL provides a unified interface for worklist services based on Web services standards. This interface allows developers to build their own worklist service to support human tasks according to their needs. In addition, the YAWL system comes with a default worklist service that supports several types of human task allocation and handling. Another advantage of YAWL is its support for the Workflow Patterns, although the gap between YAWL and BPEL in this respect may be reduced by new constructs that are included in BPEL version 2.0.

[edit] Features

  • Comprehensive support for the workflow patterns.
  • Extends Petri nets, a powerful theory for concurrency.
  • The YAWL (control-flow) language is formally defined, both syntax and semantics.
  • Sophisticated support for workflow analysis at build time.
  • Supports persistence, automated form generation, workflow administration.
  • Approach based on worklets and Ripple Down Rules (RDR) provides unique solution to dynamic workflow.
  • Service-oriented architecture facilitating the development of sophisticated extensions.
  • Support for temporal aspects.
  • Support for data perspective based on XML technologies (XML Schema, XPath, XQuery).
  • Support for resource perspective through a worklist service interface.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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