Yang Neumann

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Yang Neumann is a fictional character in the Macross universe. He is a character in the anime show Macross Plus, where he is the chief engineer of the Shinsei Industries' YF-19 in the Project Super Nova

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] History

A brilliant variable fighter designer and a genius hacker at only sixteen, Yang is a true prodigy by all standards. Shinsei Industries was confident enough in his genius to make him the chief engineer for their experimental fighter; the YF-19, their entry for the competition to select U.N. Spacy's next gen fighter known as Project Super Nova. Due to his age, he is the butt of a lot of jokes, especially from his test pilot Isamu who likes nothing better than to ruin Yang's precious prototypes with his dare devil antics.

Yang is also a huge fan of Sharon Apple, and has used his hacker skills to infiltrate her highly guarded computer systems in an effort to steal her AI. He has all the parts except her emotions module which has proven to be beyond his skills since, unbeknownst to him, it doesn't actually exist.

When Project Super Nova gets cancelled, he correctly predicts that Isamu is going to steal the YF-19 to stop the innaugeration of its replacement, the X-9 Ghost, back in Macross City and manages to convince the hot headed pilot to take him along for the ride. When the crazed Sharon Apple takes control of the city she also successfully hypnotizes Yang into shooting Isamu. He misses and Isamu ejects him from the plane, presumably landing somewhere safe.

[edit] External links