Yamanami Keisuke

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Yamanami Keisuke(山南敬助) (1833 - March 20, 1865) was a Japanese samurai. He was the General Secretary (Vice Commander) of the Shinsengumi, a special police force in Kyoto during the late Edo period.


[edit] Background

Though the details of his origin are unclear, he was thought to be the son of a kenjutsu instructor originated from the Sendai domain.

Yamanami was trained under Chiba Shusaku Narimasa, the founder of the Hokushin Itto-ryu, and attained Menkyo Kaiden (license of total transmission) sometime before 1860.

In 1860, after Yamanami was defeated by Kondo Isami in a match, he was enrolled at the Tennen Rishin Ryu's Shieikan dojo in Edo (which was run by Kondo from 1861.) Yamanami was particularly educated in literary and military arts, with a gentle personality and a kind heart. He was very much admired by the Head Teacher (Jukutou) at the Shieikan, Okita Soujirou (the later Okita Souji), who called him a big brother. In 1863, Yamanami. Kondo and other members of the Shieikan joined the Roshigumi, the military unit being sent to Kyoto by the Tokugawa Shogunate.

[edit] Shinsengumi Period

In Kyoto, Kondo and his "faction" stayed in Kyoto while the rest of the Roshigumi returned to Edo. Soon, the Mibu Roshigumi (which would eventually become known as the Shinsengumi) was formed. Yamanami served as a vice-commander, alongside Hijikata Toshizo and Niimi Nishiki (after Niimi's demotion due to the fight with wrestlers.)

Yamanami was said to be one of the Shieikan members involved in the Serizawa Kamo assassination in 1863. After the purge of the Serizawa faction, Yamanami became one of two vice-commanders (the other being Hijikata).

Yamanami did not take part in the famed Ikedaya Jiken in 1864, instead he guarded the group's headquarters.

[edit] Death

Some time after the Ikedaya Jiken he tried to escape the Shinsengumi, despite the regulation against deserters. As a result, he committed seppuku with Okita as his second on March 20 (lunar calendar February 23), 1865. There are several speculations on Yamanami's reason to escape, including a theory that Yamanami committed suicide without ever leaving the Shinsengumi.

In Shinsengumi : the Shogun's Last Samurai Corps by Romulus Hillsborough there is something mentioned about Yamanami's escape. The following is quoted from this book:

The trouble with Yamanami seems to have originated over a disagreement in philosophy, though Shimosawa also cites a bitter rivalry with the other vice commander, Hijikata Toshizo. Yamanami was apparently vexed over the lately inflated self-importance of Kondo and Hijikata. He felt that they had forgotten the original purpose for which the members of the Shieikan had enlisted in the "loyal and patriotic" corps. The unyielding will to power that had lately consumed his erstwhile friends had diminished their former patriotic ideals. According to most sources, Yamanami's vexation was exacerbated sometime early in 1865, when Kondo and Hijikata, unhappy with their cramped headquarters at Mibu, decided to move to a more spacious location at Nishihonganji Temple in the southwest of the city. The temple priests were perplexed over the decision. Their attempts to rebuff the Shinsengumi were ignored by Kondo and Hijikata. Yamanami objected to what he considered coercion of Buddhist priests. "Certainly there are many other suitable places, " he admonished Kondo, and suggested that his commander reconsider. But his commander would not reconsider, and Yamanami resolved to pay the ultimate price. He composed a farewell letter explaining the reasons he could no longer, in good conscience, risk his life under Kondo's command. Then he defected.

In short, this is the most accepted theory in regard of Yamanami's reason to leave the Shinsengumi, even though officially, it is still a mystery. In addition, It must be noted that Hillsborough's source in regard of the rivalry between Yamanami and Hijikata, Shimosawa Kan's Shinsengumi Shimatsuki, is in fact categorized as historical fiction.

Yamanami fled to Otsu while Kondo sent Okita to retrieve him. After Yamanami returned to Mibu, he was ordered to commit seppuku. He asked Okita to serve as his second. There is also a theory that Kondo asked Okita to serve as Yamanami's second out of respect for Yamanami. (The second was usually a closest friend or family member whenever possible.) Yamanami saw Okita as his younger brother and the two shared a strong bond till the very end of Yamanami's life.

Yamanami was buried at the Kōen Temple (光縁寺 (Kōenji?)) in Kyoto.

Before his death, Yamanami was the second-in-command of the Shinsengumi. (It is a misconception that Hijikata had always been the second-in-command. In fact, Hijikata became the second-in-command after Yamanami's death.)

[edit] Trivia

Yamanami owned a sword named Banshu-juunin Sekishin Okimitsu.

Yamanami was also known as Sannan (the alternate reading of his family name).

Yamanami was said to be small-statured and pale-skinned.

During his time in Edo, neighborhood children were very fond of Yamanami.

Although some believe Akesato to be fictional, Yamanami did in fact have a mistress named Akesato in Kyoto.

[edit] Yamanami in Fiction

Yamanami is featured in Peacemaker Kurogane (anime/manga), Shinsengumi Imon Peacemaker (manga), Kaze Hikaru (manga), Getsumei Seiki (manga), Hijikata Toshizou - Shiro no Kiseki (OVA), and Bakumatsu Renka Shinsengumi (video game series.)

In addition, he is portrayed in Shinsengumi! (2004 NHK Taiga drama series, played by Sakai Masato), Shinsengumi!: Hijikata Toshizo Saigo no Ichinichi (2006 NHK New Year special, again played by Sakai Masato), and Shinsengumi Keppuroku.

[edit] References

  • Shinsengumi Master's Bible. Shin Jinbutsu Oraisha, 2003.
  • Shinsengumi Encyclopedia. Shin Jinbutsu Oraisha, 1978.
  • Yamamura, Tatsuya. Shinsengumi Kenkyaku-Den. Tokyo: PHP Interface, 1998. ISBN 4569601766
  • Japanese wikipedia article on Yamanami Keisuke.
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