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Yamam symbol
Yamam symbol

The Yamam (Hebrew: ימ"מ‎), is the acronym for Special Police Unit (יחידת משטרה מיוחדת, Yeḥidat Mishtara Meyuḥedet), Israel's elite civilian counter-terrorism unit. The Yamam has a world-wide reputation as a professional and successful paramilitary force and it is capable of both hostage-rescue operations and offensive take-over raids against targets in civilian areas. Besides military duties, it also performs SWAT duties and undercover police work.


[edit] Name and organization

Yamam stands for Special Police Unit. In Israel it is also called Unit for Counter-Terror Warfare (היחידה ללוחמה בטרור). The Yamam answers to the Israel Border Police central command and belongs to the civilian Israel Police forces rather than the military. Its operators and officers are professional policemen on payroll, usually with combat experience from their military service within the Israel Defense Forces.

The Yamam is self-dependent, training its own operators in all fields, such as sniping, reconnaissance, dog operating, bomb disposal, etc. As a result, the Yamam has a rapid deployment time and high coordination between various squads (sniping squad, entry team, engagement force, etc.).

The Yamam's primary duties are:

  1. Hostage rescue.
  2. Offensive or preemptive operations.
  3. SWAT duties - handling dangerous criminals.
  4. Undercover police operations.
  5. VIP security.

Most of the Yamam's activity is classified, and published Yamam operations are often credited to other units. Nevertheless, the Yamam enjoys a high reputation among SF professionals and the Israeli public.

[edit] History

The Yamam was established after the Ma'alot massacre, where a failed operation by military special forces units ended with 21 children murdered before the hostage takers were killed. Since hostage rescue in friendly territory is different from that in hostile areas, it was decided to establish an elite civilian force, which develops and practices a special CQB (Close Quarters Battles) doctrine for "counter-terrorism" operations in friendly territory and hostage rescue. In late 1974, the Yamam was established and has since fallen under the direct jurisdiction of the Israel Border Police — the combat arm of the Israel Police.

[edit] Operational record 1974 - September 2000

The Yamam has carried out many paramilitary operations. Some of the missions known to the public prior to the al-Aqsa Intifada are listed below:

  • In March 1988, the Yamam was called into action after a group of three Palestinians hijacked a bus full of women returning from work at the Negev Nuclear Research Center near Dimona, in an incident known as the "Mothers Bus". The Yamam struck, killing all three targets, but not managing to prevent three Israeli passengers from being killed.
  • On March 3, 2000, the Yamam captured an armed group hidden in the Israeli-Arab town of Taibe with the aid of Sayeret Duvdevan and an IDF Caterpillar D9 bulldozer. In the end of the raid, one man was arrested and four were killed.[1] (password-restricted link)

[edit] Operational record during the al-Aqsa Intifada (since October 2000)

The Yamam has carried out many paramilitary operations during the Al-Aqsa Intifada within the last few years. The vast majority of them are classified. Some of the most notable are listed below:

[edit] Yamam Directors

  • Asaf Hafetz (1974-1984)
  • Gabriel Cohen (1984-1988)
  • Elik Ron (1988-1992)
  • David Tzur (1992-1995)
  • Zohar Dvir (2002-2007)
  • The names of active Yamam chiefs are prohibited from publication.

[edit] See also

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