Yale Dramatic Association

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The Dramat

The Yale Dramatic Association, also known as the "Dramat," is one of the oldest college theater companies in the country. Founded in 1900 by undergraduates at Yale University, the Dramat has been putting up student productions for over a century. The Dramat has produced a wide variety of shows over the years, including classics by the likes of Shakespeare and Sophocles and original works by now famous writers like Thornton Wilder and Cole Porter.

The Dramat is run by a 9 undergraduate member executive board which oversees the daily business of the Dramat, which includes selecting repertoire for performance and choosing or hiring directors for its productions. The Dramat's membership includes around 100 Yale undergraduates as well as many honorary and life-time members.

The Dramat played an essential part in the founding of the Yale School of Drama and the constructions of its main venue, the University Theater (also known as the UT). The Dramat and the School of Drama thus have a long tradition of collaboration and cooperation.

The Dramat was the first company to perform Thornton Wilder's one act play, "The Long Christmas Dinner"

[edit] Famous alumni

[edit] External link

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