Yala Old Boys Association

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Yala old boys association was established in 1955 by the alumni of St. Mary's School Yala. The main purpose of its establishment was the school.

[edit] Purpose

The business transacted at the annual general meeting of the “YOBA” is:-

To elect office bearers for the ensuing year, To confirm nomination for the general committee for the ensuing year To appoint the member of the standing committee for the ensuing year, To receive the balance sheets of the “YOBA” for the past year, To elect auditor to the “YOBA” for the ensuing year; To receive the annual reports of the chairman and the secretary To receive the auditor’s report on the financial position. 16. MEETINGS OF “YOBA”

The annual General Meeting of the “YOBA” is held every year in or about the month of December, and two calendar months notice thereof shall be given to the Hon. Secretary of each duly recognized branch.


(a)The “YOBA” has branches in Kenya and in East African territories as it is decided by the General Committee.

(b)Any branch in which membership shall for a period of six months fall below such number as is decided by the General Committee,may be disbanded and its members transferred by the general committee to another branch.

(c)The branch shall elect the following officers who shall hold office for one year:-

(1) Chairman

(2) Secretary

(3) Treasurer, and such officers as it may desire.

(d) Each branch is governed by a branch Executive Committee consisting of not more than ten members and not less than five members.

(e)Branch Officers and members of the Branch Executive Committee are elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of the branch.

(f)Branch officers and members of Executive are elected from members whose contributions are fully paid up.

(g)Branch executive Committee meet quarterly to transact business, and not less than 1/3 form a quorum.

(h) A branch holds its Annual General Meeting in July each year. Special General Meetings is convened by the Branch Secretary as when required upon

(1)Direction of the Branch Chairman in writing.

(2) Resolution of the Branch Executive Committee.

(3) Requisition signed by not less than ten members.

(4) The business to be conducted at the Branch Annual General Meeting is :-

a) Chairmans report for the year :

b)Appointment of office bearers for the ensuing year:

c) Appointment of delegates to the general committee :

d) Appointment of Executive Committee members:

e)Adoption of Statement of Accounts.

[edit] External links