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The XML Process Definition Language (XPDL) is a format standardized by the Workflow Management Coalition to interchange Business Process definitions between different workflow products like modeling tools and workflow engines. XPDL defines a XML schema for specifying the declarative part of workflow.

XPDL is designed to exchange the process design, both the graphics and the semantics of a workflow business process. XPDL contains elements to hold the X and Y position of the activity nodes as well as the coordinates of points along the lines that link those nodes. This distinguishes XPDL from BPEL which is also a process definition format, but BPEL focuses exclusively on the executable aspects of the process. BPEL does not contain elements to represent the graphical aspects of a process diagram.


[edit] History

The Workflow Management Coalition, founded in August 1993, began by defining the Workflow Reference Model (ultimately published in 1995) that outlined the five key interfaces that a workflow management system must have. Interface 1 was for defining the business process, which includes two aspects: a process definition expression language and a programmatic interface to transfer the process definition to/from the workflow management system.

The first revision of a process definition expression language was called Workflow Process Definition Language (WPDL) which was published in 1998. This process meta-model contained all the key concepts required to support workflow automation expressed using URL Encoding. Interoperability demonstrations were held to confirm the usefulness of this language as a way to communicate process models.

By 1998, the first standards based on XML began to appear. The utility of using an XML syntax upon which to base an interchange language was apparent. The Workflow Management Coalition Working Group 1 produced an updated process definition expression language called XML Process Definition Language (XPDL) now known as XPDL 1.0. This second revision was an XML based interchange language that contained many of the same concepts as WPDL, with some improvements. XPDL 1.0 was ratified by the WfMC in 2002, and was subsequently implemented by more than two dozen workflow/BPM products to exchange process definitions. There was a large number of research projects and academic studies on workflow capabilities around XPDL, which was essentially the only standard language at the time for interchange of process design.

The WfMC continued to update and improve the process definition interchange language. In 2004 the WfMC endorsed BPMN, a graphical formalism to standardize the way that process definitions were visualized. XPDL was extended specifically with the goal to be able to represent in XML all of the concepts present in a BPMN diagram. This third revision of a process definition expression language is known as XPDL 2.0 and was ratified by the WfMC in Oct of 2005.

[edit] References

  • Wil M.P. van der Aalst, "Business Process Management Demystified: A Tutorial on Models, Systems and Standards for Workflow Management", Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 3098/2004.
  • Wil M.P. van der Aalst, "Patterns and XPDL: A Critical Evaluation of the XML Process Definition Language", Eindhoven University of Technology, pdf file
  • Jiang Ping, Q. Mair, J. Newman, "Using UML to design distributed collaborative workflows: from UML to XPDL", Twelfth IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, 2003. WET ICE 2003. Proceedings. ISBN 0-7695-1963-6
  • W.M.P. van der Aalst, "Don’t go with the flow: Web services composition standards exposed", IEEE Intelligent Systems, Jan/Feb 2003
  • Jürgen Jung, "Mapping Business Process Models to Workflow Schemata An Example Using Memo-ORGML And XPDL", Universität Koblenz-Landau, April 2004, PDF
  • Volker Gruhn, Ralf Laue, "Using Timed Model Checking for Verifying Workflows", Jose Cordeiro and Joaquim Filipe (Ed.): Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Computer Supported Activity Coordination, Miami, USA, 23.05.2005 - 24.05.2005, 75-88. Insticc Press ISBN 972-8865-26-0
  • Nicolas Guelfi, Amel Mammar, "A formal framework to generate XPDL specifications from UML activity diagrams", Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 2006,
  • Peter Hrastnik, "Execution of business processes based on web services", International Journal of Electronic Business, Volume 2, Number 5 / 2004,
  • Petr Matousek, "An ASM Specication of the XPDL Language Semantics", Symposium on the Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science, March 2002, PS
  • F. Puente, A. Rivero, J.D. Sandoval, P. Hernández, and C.J. Molina, "Improved Workflow Management System based on XPDL", Editor(s): M. Boumedine, S. Ranka, Proceedings of the The IASTED Conference on Knowledge Sharing and Collaborative Engineering, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands, November 29-December 1, 2006, ISBN 0-88986-433-0
  • Petr Matousek, "Verification method proposal for business processes and workflows specified using the XPDL standard language", PhD thesis, Jan 2003
  • Albert Rainer (2004). "Web-centric business process modelling". International Journal of Electronic Business 2 (5). 
  • Y Xiao, D Chen, M Chen (2004). "Research of Web Services Workflow and its Key Technology Based on XPDL". Proc. 2004 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 3: Pages 2137-2142. DOI:10.1109/ICSMC.2004.1400643. ISBN 0-7803-8566-7. 
  • Stefan Jablonski (2005). "Processes, Workflows, Web Service Flows: A Reconstruction", Data management in a connected world : essays dedicated to Hartmut Wedekind on the occasion of his 70th Birthday (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). Berlin: Springer. DOI:10.1007/11499923_11. ISBN 3540262954. 
  • Thomas Hornung, Agnes Koschmider, Jan Mendling, "Integration of Heterogeneous BPM Schemas: The Case of XPDL and BPEL", Technical Report JM-2005-03, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. 2006. PDF
  • Wei Ge, Baoyan Song, Derong Shen, Ge Yu, "e_SWDL : An XML Based Workflow Definition Language for Complicated Applications in Web Environments" Web Technologies and Applications: 5th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2003, Xian, China, April 23-25, 2003. Proceedings, ISSN 0302-9743

[edit] See also

[edit] External links