Xenon difluoride

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Xenon difluoride
Xenon difluoride Xenon difluoride
Systematic name xenon(II) fluoride
Other names xenon fluoride, xenon difluoride
Molecular formula XeF2
Molar mass 169.2968 g mol−1
Appearance Moisture sensitive white solid
CAS number [13709-36-9]
Density and phase 4.32 g cm−3, solid
Solubility in water Decomposes
0.042 g/100mL @ 999°C
Triple point 129 °C
Boiling point 114 °C
Vapor pressure 5.2 hPa
Acidity (pKa)  ?
Viscosity  ? cP at ?°C
Molecular shape Linear
Crystal structure parallel linear XeF2 units
Dipole moment 0 D
MSDS External MSDS
Main hazards Explosive, corrosive,

highly toxic

NFPA 704

Flash point  ? °C
R/S statement R: ?
S: ?
RTECS number  ?
Supplementary data page
Structure and
n, εr, etc.
Phase behaviour
Solid, liquid, gas
Spectral data UV, IR, NMR, MS
Related compounds
Related xenon compounds XeF4, XeO3
Related fluorides KrF2, BeF2, OF2
Except where noted otherwise, data are given for
materials in their standard state (at 25°C, 100 kPa)
Infobox disclaimer and references

Xenon difluoride is a very powerful fluorinating agent, but it is one of the most stable xenon compounds. Like most covalent inorganic fluorides it is moisture sensitive. It decomposes on contact with light or water vapour. Xenon difluoride is a dense, white crystalline solid. It has a nauseating odour but low vapor pressure (Weeks, 1966). It has a strong characteristic IR doublet at 550 cm−1 and 556 cm−1.


[edit] Synthesis

Synthesis proceeds by the simple formula Xe + F2 → XeF2. The reaction requires heat, irradiation, or an electrical discharge. The product is gas but can be condensed at -30 °C. It is purified by fractional distillation or selective condensation using a vacuum line.

The synthesis of XeF2 was first reported by Weeks, Cherwick, and Matheson of Argonne National Laboratory in 1962. They used an all-nickel system with sapphire windows. Equal parts Xe and F2 gases react at low pressure upon irradiation by an ultraviolet source to give XeF2. Williamson reported that the reaction works equally well at atmospheric pressure in a dry Pyrex glass bulb using sunlight as a source. It was noted that the synthesis worked even on cloudy days.

In the previous syntheses the F2 reactant had been purified to remove H2. Šmalc and Lutar found that if this step is skipped the reaction rate actually proceeds at 4 times the original rate.

[edit] Safety considerations

The usual precautions associated with use of F2 are required: grease-free, preferably fluorine passivated metal system or very dry glasswear. Air must be excluded to preclude formation of xenon trioxide, an explosive (this is only true if your XeF2 sample contains XeF4 which hydrolyzes to xenon trioxide).

[edit] Coordination chemistry

XeF2 can act as a ligand in coordination complexes when accompanied by AsF6. One such example is the reaction in HF solution:

Mg(AsF6)2 + 4 XeF2 → [Mg(XeF2)4](AsF6)2.

Crystallographic analysis shows that the magnesium is coordinated to 6 fluorine atoms. Four of the fluorines are attributed to the four xenon difluoride ligands while the other two are a pair of cis AsF6 ligands. A similar reactuion is

Mg(AsF6)2 + 2 XeF2 → [Mg(XeF2)2](AsF6)2.

In the crystal structure of this product the magnesium is octahedrally coordinated and the XeF2 ligands are axial while the AsF6 ligands are equatorial.

Many such reactions of the form [Mx(XeF2)n](AF6)x have been observed where M can be Ca, Sr, Ba, Pb, Ag, La, or Nd and A can be As, Sb or P.

Recently a compound has been synthesised where a metal is coordinated solely by XeF2 fluorines. The reaction is

2 Ca (AsF6 )2 + 9 XeF2 → Ca2(XeF2)9(AsF6)4.

This reaction requires a large excess of xenon difluoride. The structure of the salt is such that one half of Ca ions is coordinated by fluorines from xenon difluoride while the coordination sphere of the other Ca ion bears both XeF2 and AsF6 ligands.

[edit] Fluorination reactions

[edit] Oxidative fluorination

An example of inorganic oxidative fluorination is

Ph3TeF + XeF2 → Ph3TeF3 + Xe

[edit] Reductive fluorination

Examples of reductive fluorination are:

2CrO2F2 + XeF2 → 2CrOF3 + Xe +O2

[edit] Aromatic fluorination

. .

[edit] Alkene fluorination


[edit] Decarboxylation

Xenon difluoride is will oxidatively decarboxylate carboxylic acids to the corresponding fluoroalkanes : RCO2H + XeF2 → RF + CO2 + Xe + HF

[edit] References

Tius, M. A., Tetrahedron, Volume 51, Issue 24, 12 June 1995, Pages 6605-6634 , "Xenon Difluoride in Synthesis" A good review.

Taylor, S.; Kotoris, C.; Hum, G., Tetrahedron, Volume 55, Issue 43, 22 October 1999, Pages 12431-12477, "Recent Advances in Electrophilic Fluorination" A review of fluorination in general.

Weeks, J.; Matheson, M.; Chernick, C., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 84, 4612 (1962) "Photochemical Preparation of Xenon Difluoride"

Weeks, J.; Matheson, M., "Xenon Difluoride", Inorganic Syntheses (8) 1966

Williamson, S., "Xenon Difluoride", Inorganic Syntheses (11) 1968

Šmalc, A.; Lutar, K., "Xenon Difluoride (Modification)", Inorganic Syntheses (29) 1992

Tramšek, M.; Benkič, P.; Žemva, B., Inorg. Chem., 43 (2), 699 -703, (2004) "First Compounds of Magnesium with XeF2"

Tramšek, M.; Benkič, P.; Žemva, B., Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 43, (2), 3456 (2004) "The First Compound Containing a Metal Center in a Homoleptic Environment of XeF2 Molecules"

Greenwood, N.; Earnshaw, A., Chemistry of the Elements Second Edition, p. 894 1997

D. F. Halpem, "Xenon(II) Fluoride" in Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis (Ed: L. Paquette) 2004, J. Wiley & Sons, New York.

[edit] External links

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