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Gnome XBill level 20.
Gnome XBill level 20.
XBill icon.

The classic Open Source computer game XBill is an arcade style game for the X Window System. It very popular at the end of the '90s [1], featuring a bespectacled character known as "Bill". Your goal is to prevent Bill's legions of clones from installing Wingdows, a virus "cleverly designed to resemble a popular operating system", on a variety of computers running other operating systems.

The operating systems are represented by logos shown on the computer screens. The computers you have to defend include PCs running Linux and BSD, SPARCstations with Solaris, SGI IRIX workstations, Apple Macs, Palm pilots, and NeXTcubes. When Bill installs Wingdows onto a computer, its current operating system is placed beside it.

Using your mouse, you can slap Bill and drag discarded operating systems back to their computers. At the end of the level, you get points for every computer that is still running its original operating system.

On later levels, computers are connected to each other with LAN cables, causing Wingdows to spread faster. Some computers may also catch fire. This can be cured by dragging buckets of water onto them.

[edit] References

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