Xana Awakens

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“Xana Awakens”
Code Lyoko episode
Jeremie meets Aelita for the first time.
Episode no. Season 
Written by Sophie Decroisette
Bruno Regeste
Directed by Jerome Mouscadet
Original airdate October 2, 2006
October 3, 2006
Episode chronology
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"Xana Awakens" is a two-part prequel episode of Code Lyoko, revealing how the gang first discovered Lyoko, and how Xana was first activated.


[edit] Summary

A flashback reveals how the group found the factory, how Jeremie met Aelita and fell in love with her at first sight, and how Xana was awoken from the slumber it had been in for so many years.

[edit] Recap

[edit] Part 1

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The first part starts with Jeremie Belpois narrating a part of his diary, in which he describes how he found the supercomputer. hoping to find parts for his robots, Jeremie went to an abandoned factory and found his way to the supercomputer. After turning it on, he goes to the lab and activates the terminal. A girl appears on the terminal, sleeping. After she wakes up, she explains that she has no memory of who she is or where she is. Jeremie decides to tell no one of it.

The next morning, school is starting. Odd Della Robbia, having recently enrolled, finds his way to Ulrich Stern and tells him that they're roommates. Ulrich isn't happy about the idea, but has no say in the matter. Sissi walks up and tells Ulrich to meet her in her room that night and walks off, leaving Odd to tease Ulrich about his "girlfriend", calling her attractive as well. Ulrich explains how every other guy in school loves her (as she is the daughter of the principal), but she's only interested in him. Ulrich doesn't like her because she's a "braindead leech". After class ends, Odd is up to his routine of bad jokes and annoying Ulrich. He claims that Ulrich won't be able to do without him by the end of the day.

Meanwhile, Jeremie returns to the factory and names the artificial intelligence "Maya", for lack of a better name. Having done some investigating, he has learned that she's currently in a tower on Lyoko. He encourages Maya to leave the tower, and she discovers herself in a forest. A holographic display appears beside Jeremie revealing the entirety of Lyoko. As Maya explores, she finds two creatures. Jeremie figures they're part of the environment, but this is disproved when they start firing on Maya. After escaping back into the tower, Maya collapses, and her life points begin regenerating.

Back at school, Ulrich and Odd are discussing Sissi. Odd gladly notes that Sissi is single, since Ulrich doesn't want her. Jeremie walks up to get something to drink, and gets a serious shock from the vending machine. Ulrich rushes him to the infirmary. The machine glows with the logo seen within the tower. Other than a few minor burns, Jeremie is fine.

Later, Ulrich goes to his martial arts class, headed by Jim Moralés. Jim addresses him as if there were an entire class, despite the fact that Ulrich is the only one present. During his speech about martial arts, Yumi Ishiyama, a Japanese student from Tokyo, arrives, causing Jim to apologize for making a remark about the various terms being dishes from a Chinese restaurant. She just shrugs it off, since she's Japanese. Jim describes how martial arts saved him when he was a forest ranger in Quebec many years ago. After a somewhat ridiculous story about he fought off a beaver, the two laugh and suggest that he was better off "not talking about it". Ulrich and Yumi then have a sparring match. After a few dodges, Ulrich comments that Yumi is pretty good for a beginner, for which she kicks him in the face and pins him. After a little struggling, the two realize they're on top of each other and blush. Jim says they can do better, then has them bow and leave, as the session's over for today. Yumi bows, but Ulrich just gives her a cold shoulder.

Back in his room, Ulrich finds that Odd's dog, Kiwi, has made a mess of everything in sight. Odd explains that Kiwi just isn't used to cramped spaces. Ulrich thinks the principal would like to hear about Kiwi, since dogs aren't allowed at Kadic, and storms out. Meanwhile, Jeremie is working on his computer, only to have the same logo from the tower appear on the screen. His robots then attack him. Ulrich, who happens to be passing by, helps stop the robots and forces an explanation from Jeremie. Giving in, Jeremie decides to take Ulrich to the lab.

At the factory, Ulrich remains unconvinced, despite meeting Maya. Jeremie's claims that the system can virtualize people doesn't help matters. Ulrich recommends shutting the system down, but Jeremie wants to materialize Maya first. As they go over the scanners, Jeremie offers to prove that the whole story's true by virtualizing something. Needing a guinea pig, Ulrich thinks up the perfect candidate.

Back at Kadic, Ulrich tries to use Kiwi as the test subject. However, Sissi, having been stood up, calls Ulrich, waking Odd. Ulrich runs off with Kiwi in tow and Odd close behind. Sissi also ends up chasing them when she goes looking for Ulrich. The three eventually end up at the factory, with Ulrich making slightly better time having been there once before.

Setting Kiwi in a scanner, Ulrich heads back to the lab and has Jeremie begin the test. What they don't realize is that Odd and Sissi have made their way into the scanner room, and Odd is in the scanner with Kiwi. Kiwi jumps from Odd's arms just as the scanner activates, and Odd is sent to Lyoko in his place. Jeremie and Ulrich realize this, but can do nothing to prevent it. Ulrich goes down to the scanners after hearing Sissi scream.

On Lyoko, Odd appears dressed as some sort of "giant, purple cat". Jeremie explains the situation to Odd, and he thinks it's cool. While looking around, Odd is shot in the back by the same creatures that attacked Maya before. Since Jeremie can't figure out how to get Odd out, Ulrich asks him to send both him and Sissi as backup. Sissi refuses the offer, citing the fact that cheerleading tryouts will be held soon. Once Ulrich arrives, he finds himself dressed as a samurai, complete with a katana. Odd asks Jeremie about the difference, which Jeremie assumes is caused by their own subconscious desires being interpreted by the supercomputer. Odd remains unhappy at first, but gets over it upon discovering he can fire arrows from his gloves.

In the lab, Jeremie explains the situation on Lyoko to Sissi. As he does, the logo appears on the terminal. The wires on the floor then break free and begin to attack them. Meanwhile, Odd and Ulrich go looking for Maya. Odd's happy that there are girls in the virtual world, too, but Ulrich explains that Jeremie seems to like her. They try to ask Jeremie where to look, but get no answer since the wires are currently attacking Jeremie and Sissi. Ignoring it, the two head to the nearest tower. Odd enters first, but does so incorrectly and ends up hanging from the edge of the platform. Ulrich does the same, and both fall into the void below. Lucky for them, they merely exit another and end up on a glacier. Here they can see a red tower, instead of the normal blue, and four block-like creatures heading for them. These creatures are not friendly either, and make short work of them. To their credit, neither knew how to destroy the creatures, and Ulrich does manage to destroy one before being devirtualized. Both end up back in the scanner room, tired and disoriented.

Heading back to the lab, they find the wires attacking Jeremie. Ulrich tries to chop through the wires with a piece of metal, but the shock repels him. Odd does the same thing, and succeeds. Regaining contact with Maya, Jeremie assures her that everything is alright. While it seems that way, the tower in the glacier sector is still glowing red.

[edit] Part 2

After their short adventure in Lyoko, Sissi, Ulrich, and Odd are in the cafeteria. Odd, having liked his hairstyle in Lyoko, has repeated it in the real world. Jeremie is still trying to materialize Maya, and thinks that the red tower is the key. Odd and Ulrich still have reservations, both from the danger the supercomputer poses and their quick defeat at the hands of the monsters. Sissi's reluctance to assist them is also a factor, but she insists she'll do so after cheerleading practice. The four then part ways for the moment. Sissi asks if Ulrich will watch her cheerleading tryouts, but he tells her that he has something more important to do. Meanwhile, on Lyoko, pulsations begin appearing on the ground and lead to the red tower.

In the gym, Ulrich has showed up for a rematch with Yumi. He tells her that he didn't like ending things on a sour note. The two begin sparring, and seem evenly matched. At the same time, Sissi leaves her room for tryouts. A ball of electricity emerges from an electrical socket as she does. Maya apparently senses the pulsations from the red tower, as she gets up at about the same time. At the cheerleading tryouts, Sissi does a somewhat erratic performance ending in her tossing her baton too high for her to catch. It lands on Jim's head, instead, and he hatefully berates her for the performance, comparing her erratic cheer to the movements of a baboon. The only two people who clap are Hervé Pichon and Nicolas Poliakoff.

On Lyoko, Maya decides to investigate what she sensed earlier, and begins to follow the pulsations. Meanwhile, Ulrich and Yumi seem to have fought each other to a standstill. Ulrich compliments Yumi on her skills, asking if she's been training for long. She confirms this. Ulrich then gives his name, then tries to remember Yumi's, mispronouncing it "Yuri". She trips him for the error and corrects it. Back on Lyoko, Maya finds herself being chased by monsters once more after travelling to a mountain sector.

At the dorms, Hervé and Nicolas end up following Sissi back to her room, claiming to have made a fan club in her honor (consisting of only them). She merely tells them to leave, threatening to tell her father that they tried to break into her room. After she closes the door, the electricity orb that appeared earlier attacks her. Hervé and Nicolas burst in the room just before it departs, and take Sissi to the infirmary.

In the library, Jeremie tells Odd about a program he discovered in the supercomputer called "Return to the Past". Odd isn't listening, instead focusing on his electro-chemistry report. He asks Jeremie for help, calling him Einstein. When Jeremie asks if he's going to keep using that nickname, Odd merely replies "Why not?" Dismissing it, Jeremie gives an explanation about what Odd is working on. Odd wonders if he just has to write that, which Jeremie corrects by telling him that he'll need to add examples, too. Behind them, two students mention Sissi's electrocution, which Jeremie and Odd immediately find suspicious.

Back at the gym, Ulrich and Yumi are still sparring. Ulrich gets the upper hand this time, flipping her onto her back and reversing their positions from their first match. Both blush again and separate, then agree to call it a tie. Ulrich notes that he has to go, since his friends are probably wondering where he is. Yumi admits she has no friends. Before either can go anywhere, however, the electricity orb appears once again to attack them. They manage to escape into the boiler room. As this happens, Jeremie and Odd arrive at the infirmary, overhearing Nicolas' story about an electricity monster. Jeremie calls Ulrich to tell him about the attack, which he has already witnessed firsthand. Ulrich does not bother to be subtle about the conversation, despite the fact that Yumi's nearby. Intrigued, Yumi forces Ulrich to explain. She has no friends, and therefore lots of free time, so Ulrich has little say in the matter. He decides to explain the situation to her on the way to the factory.

On Lyoko, Maya continues her attempts to evade the monsters chasing her. However, for each set of monsters she evades, more just arrive to replace them. As she runs, Jeremie, Odd, Ulrich, and Yumi arrive at the factory. The electricity orb is following them, but it's a fair distance from the factory. Yumi, like everyone else thus far, has trouble believing the story about the factory, but is goaded into going to Lyoko by Ulrich. Yumi ends up in a geisha-like outfit on Lyoko, which Odd isn't happy about since he's still a giant purple cat. Jeremie has the three head off to save Maya. Meanwhile, Sissi wakes up and tells her father, Mr. Delmas, and Jim about the factory and the supercomputer within, stressing the dangers of it. Needless to say, they doubt her claims. Jim even sarcastically claims that there's "a giant chemical teddy bear, too."

Back on Lyoko, Maya is finally cornered by three of the Block-like monsters. Luckily for her, help arrives in the form of Odd, Ulrich, and Yumi. While Ulrich fends off the monsters, Odd takes the opportunity to flirt with Maya. Ulrich scolds him for it, so he returns to fighting the monsters. Yumi, meanwhile, complains about having no weapon to fight with. As she looks around however, a fan is produced from her back. She's skeptical at first, but her attitude changes when Odd suggests that she throw it. The fan quickly becomes a boomerang-like disk that destroys the remaining monsters.

At the school, Sissi is determined to convince her father and Jim that she's not lying, and is leading them to the factory to do so. The electricity orb has made its way to the factory by this point, which Jeremie catches on a security monitor. He informs his friends on Lyoko of the situation, and also notes that two monsters are ahead of them. Outside the factory, Sissi arrives with her father and Jim.

On Lyoko, Odd, Ulrich, and Yumi are forced to deal with two crab-like monsters. These monsters, unlike the others, prove considerably difficult to destroy. Furthermore, they get no assistance from Jeremie, as the electricity orb has made its way to the lab and is attacking him. Odd is the first to be devirtualized. Ulrich and Yumi do a little better, managing to destroy one through a clever team move. The second, however, manages to disable Yumi. Ulrich tries to attack it, but it catches him mid-jump and tosses him like a rag doll, which subsequently devirtualizes Ulrich when he lands. Just before disappearing, he tells Maya to run to the tower. She tries to do so, but is cornered by the monster. Without even realizing what she is doing, Maya creates a barrier to block the monster, then uses the distraction to get to the tower. Yumi cheers her on, neglecting to watch the monster, which devirtualizes her after blasting through the barrier.

In the lab, Sissi, Mr. Delmas, and Jim find the electricity orb attacking Jeremie. Jim tries to help, but is tossed away by a blast from the orb. Maya enters the tower during this exchange. Finding a screen in the center, she touches it. It spells out the name "Aelita" after she presses it, then spells out "Lyoko", dissipating the orb on Earth. Sissi tries to embrace Ulrich after the orb is gone, but he avoids her, angry that she revealed their secret. Sissi claims she was only concerned for him, then asks why Yumi is there, referring to her as "this Chinese girl". Yumi angrily corrects her on her proper nationality. Jeremie asks them about Maya, and Ulrich informs him that Maya didn't return with them. Mr. Delmas cuts them off, demanding that Jeremie shut down the supercomputer. Jeremie refuses, instead activating the "Return to the Past" program he mentioned earlier. As one would expect, they go back in time about a day.

Now a day earlier, it seems as if Odd, Ulrich, and Yumi remember what happened. Jeremie still knows about Lyoko, but only because he discovered it several days earlier. They fill him in. Having not gone to Lyoko, Jeremie was excluded from the supercomputer when the return trip took place. He plans to scan himself the next day to prevent it from happening again. In his room, Jeremie explains the situation to Maya. She tells him to call her Aelita, which she realized was her real name after reading it in the tower. Aelita still thinks the supercomputer should be shut down, as do the others, but Jeremie wants one more day to try and bring Aelita to Earth. As the others leave Jeremie's room, they are confronted by Sissi. Like everyone else, she remembers nothing, and is angry for being stood up by Ulrich. Ulrich brushes her off, leaving with his friends.

During a quick tour of Lyoko, Jeremie and Aelita explain who their enemy on Lyoko is: Xana, a powerful program capable of controlling electricity through the supercomputer. Only Aelita can stop Xana, since she is the only one capable of deactivating the towers. Materializing Aelita, on the other hand, is a little less simple, and Jeremie claims he'll need more time to do it. Aelita suggests shutting down the supercomputer once more, but the others disagree. Since they know how to destroy the monsters, and how to stop any attacks, they decide to stick with it until Aelita can be brought to Earth.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Memorable Quotes

Odd: No fair! I'm the only one who looks like a nitwit on Lyoko!
Jim: Sure,and a giant chemical teddy bear too. (referencing "Teddygozilla")
(Referring to their uniforms on Lyoko)
Jeremie: It must be drawing on your subconscious dreams.
Odd: What!? I don't dream about giant purple cats!
Ulrich: *to Jim* Honestly, I think you would've been better off not talking about it.
Sissi: No No! It was that super whatcha-ma-callit thing of Jeremie's. Where's Ulrich?

[edit] Trivia

  • Because this episode was made in the third season, Aelita's animations on the computer screen are better than the first season; Aelita can be seen more clearly, her mouth movements match her words, and her head takes up less of the window. However, some old animations are used in one shot in Part 2.
  • When Aelita came out of the passage tower in the ice sector the tower's aura is white even though it takes place in the first season and most other tower's auras are blue in this episode.
  • In "Franz Hopper", Jeremie said the gang all turned the supercomputer on together. Here, however, he is shown doing it by himself.
Code Lyoko
Characters Aelita | Franz Hopper | Jeremie Belpois | Jim Moralés | Odd Della Robbia | Elisabeth Delmas | Ulrich Stern | William Dunbar | Xana | Yumi Ishiyama | Secondary characters
Monsters Bloks | Creepers | Krabes | Guardians | Hornets | Kankrelats | Mantas | Marabounta | Megatanks | Polymorphic clone | Scyphozoa | Tarantulas | Transport Orb
Lyoko Ice Barrier | Desert | Forest | Mountain | Carthage | Digital Void | Virtual Limbo
Places The Factory | Kadic Junior High School
Technology Scanners | Towers
Other Media | Episodes | Garage Kids