Xan Yae

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Greyhawk Deity
Xan Yae
Title(s) Lady of Perfection
Home Plane
Power Level Lesser
Alignment Neutral
Portfolio Twilight, Shadows, Stealth, Mental Power
Domains Knowledge, Trickery, War
Alias(es) none
Superior none

In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Xan Yae is the Baklunish goddess of Twilight, Shadows, Stealth, and Mental Power. She was served by the demigod, Zuoken, before he vanished in 505 CY. She is a close ally of the Cat Lord, Rexfelis, and opposes Pholtus and Pyremius.

[edit] Clergy and temples

Though a Baklunish goddess, Xan Yae has some measure of popularity throughout the Flanaess, especially among monks.

One of Xan Yae's better-known monasteries beyond the Baklunish Basin is the Twilight Monastery, located three hours northwest of Diamond Lake in the Cairn Hills.

[edit] References