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Xaltotun is an evil wizard from Robert E. Howard's stories about Conan the Barbarian. He appears in The Hour of the Dragon as an ancient resurrected wizard, and serves as the main enemy to Conan. Much of the book revolves around Conan's quest to retrieve the Heart of Ahriman in order to defeat the wizard.

Xaltotun is by far the most dangerous black wizard Conan ever faces, in any of the Conan stories.

Conan regularly destroys black wizards through brute force and determined frontal attack - in fact, one of his favourite sayings is "A stout blade is a hearty incantation". Xaltotun is different - the one time Conan faces Xaltotun in direct combat, Xaltotun brushes Conan aside as easily as if he were swatting a fly, blasting him unconscious with a flick of his hand.

The raising of Xaltotun is the act of inadequate men. Orastes, a frustrated seeker of dark knowledge, wishes for a teacher worthy of his ambition. Valerius, Amalric and Tarascus are second rate nobles who seek greater Earthly power, and hope the hairbrained schemes of their "pet" black wizard Orastes might advance their quests. None of them hesitate to consider the wider consequences of their acts.

The consequences of Xaltotun's resurrection go far beyond the conquest of a new empire, or a few lessons in the black arts. Orastes finally understands, and repents too late when he realises what he has done.

"When we employed the Heart of Ahriman to bring a dead man back to life," Orastes said abruptly, "we did not weigh the consequences of tampering in the black dust of the past. We thought only of our ambitions, forgetting what ambitions this man might himself have. And we have loosed a demon upon the Earth, a fiend inexplicable to common humanity. I have plumbed deep in evil, but there is a limit to which I, or any man of my race and age, can go. My ancestors were clean men, without any demoniacal taint; it is only I who have sunk into the pits, and I can sin only to the extent of my personal individuality. But behind Xaltotun lie a thousand centuries of black magic and diabolism, an ancient tradition of evil. He is beyond our conception, not only because he is a wizard himself, but also because he is the son of a race of wizards".

When Conan fights Xaltotun, he is fighting for the future of the world, not just the future of his kingdom. As the following passage shows:

"My Lord, it is ill to say, and I fain would say otherwise. But the freedom of [Conan's kingdom] Aquilonia is at an end. Nay, the freedom of the whole world may be at an end! Age follows age in the history of the world, and now the world enters an age of horror and slavery, as it was, long ago.". "What do you mean?" demanded the king [Conan] uneasily. Hadrathus dropped into a chair, and rested his elbows on his thighs, staring at the floor. "It is not alone the rebellious lords of Aquilonia and the armies of Nemedia who are arrayed against you." answered Hadrathus. "It is sorcery - grisly black magic from the grim youth of the world. An awful shape has risen out of the grim shades of the past, and none can stand before it". "What do you mean?" Conan repeated. "I speak of Xaltotun of Acheron, who died three thousand years ago, yet walks the Earth today.".

Orastes explains Xaltotun's ambition to destroy the world as we know it to his fellow plotters.

"And in the last conclave to which I accompanied him [Xaltotun], understanding came to me at last, while the drums beat and the beast worshippers howled with their heads in the dust. I tell you he would restore Acheron with his magic, by the sorcery of a gigantic blood sacrifice such as the world has never seen. He would enslave the world, and with a deluge of blood wash away the present and restore the past.".

In conclusion, the following quote sums up Xaltotun's relationship with the plotters who raised him from the dead - at least, those who are still alive.

Xaltotun turned his inscrutable gaze upon the King. "Conan is wiser than you." he said at last. "He already knows what you Kings have yet to learn - that it is not Tarascus, nor Valerius, no, nor Amalric, but Xaltotun who is the real master of the western nations".

Conan the Barbarian

Original stories by Robert E. Howard: Beyond the Black RiverBlack ColossusThe Black StrangerCimmeriaThe Devil in IronDrums of TombalkuThe Frost Giant's DaughterThe God in the BowlThe Hall of the DeadThe Hand of NergalThe Hour of the DragonIron Shadows in the MoonJewels of GwahlurThe People of the Black CircleThe Phoenix on the SwordThe Pool of the Black OneQueen of the Black CoastRed NailsRogues in the HouseThe Scarlet CitadelShadows in ZamboulaThe Snout in the DarkThe Tower of the ElephantThe Vale of Lost WomenA Witch Shall be BornWolves Beyond the BorderXuthal of the Dusk

Collections: Black ColossusThe Bloody Crown of ConanThe Coming of ConanThe Coming of Conan the CimmerianThe Complete Chronicles of ConanConanThe Conan ChroniclesThe Conan Chronicles, 1The Conan Chronicles 2The Conan Chronicles, 2Conan of AquiloniaConan of CimmeriaConan the AdventurerConan the AvengerConan the BarbarianConan the FreebooterConan the SwordsmanConan the UsurperConan the WandererConan the WarriorThe Conquering Sword of ConanThe Devil in IronThe Essential ConanJewels of GwahlurKing ConanThe People of the Black CirclePool of the Black OneQueen of the Black CoastRed NailsRogues in the HouseSagas of ConanThe Sword of ConanTales of ConanThe Tower of the ElephantThe Treasure of Tranicos

Novels: Conan and the AmazonConan and the Emerald LotusConan and the Death Lord of ThanzaConan and the Gods of the MountainConan and The Grim Grey GodConan and the ManhuntersConan and the Mists of DoomConan and the Shaman's CurseConan and the SorcererConan and the Spider GodConan and the Treasure of PythonConan at the Demon's GateConan, Lord of the Black RiverConan of the IslesConan of the Red BrotherhoodConan of VenariumConan, Scourge of the Bloody CoastConan the BarbarianConan the BoldConan the BuccaneerConan the ChampionConan the DefenderConan the DefiantConan the DestroyerConan the FearlessConan the FormidableConan the FreelanceConan the GladiatorConan the GreatConan the GuardianConan the HeroConan the HunterConan the IndomitableConan the InvincibleConan the LiberatorConan the MagnificentConan the MarauderConan the MercenaryConan the OutcastConan the RaiderConan the RebelConan the RelentlessConan the RenegadeConan the RogueConan the SavageConan the TriumphantConan the UnconqueredConan the ValiantConan the ValorousConan the VictoriousConan the WarlordThe Hour of the DragonThe Return of ConanThe Road of KingsThe Sword of Skelos

Scholarship: The Blade of ConanThe Conan GrimoireThe Conan ReaderThe Conan SwordbookThe Spell of Conan

Authors: Poul AndersonLeonard CarpenterLin CarterL. Sprague de CampRoland J. GreenJohn C. HockingRobert E. HowardRobert JordanSean A. MooreBjörn NybergAndrew J. OffuttSteve PerryJohn Maddox RobertsRoy ThomasHarry TurtledoveKarl Edward Wagner

Other media: Conan and the Young WarriorsConan the AdventurerConan (comics)Conan (Dark Horse comic)Conan the Barbarian (film)Conan the DestroyerRed Sonja (film)

Characters: BêlitConan the BarbarianCromKulan GathRed SonjaSerpent MenSerpent peopleSetThoth-AmonThulsa DoomValeriaVammatarXaltotun

Other: Conan (books)Conan ChronologiesHyborian AgeThe Hyborian AgeThe Shadow of the VultureAquiloniaCimmeriaStygia