XAKEP (journal)

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XAKEP, a journal of computer hooligans (ХАКЕР, журнал компьютерных хулиганов) is a Russian periodical publication about computer security, programming, hacking and cyberculture. XAKEP (also spelled ][akep, and abbreviated as ][) has been published since 1999. The name "XAKEP" originates from the idea of cross-matching letters of the Russian alphabet in English (written in English, the word "XAKEP" visually looks identical to the Russian equivalent of "HACKER").

The publication is similar to 2600 The Hacker Quarterly, the American publication, but tends to present most of the information in a more relaxed manner. The differences between the similar periodicals include the obsession with programming, software exploits and humor. According to XAKEP, their website is the Russia's authority resource dedicated to computer and Internet security.

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