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WVFI[1] (Voice of the Fighting Irish) is an internet-based student-run radio station at the University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, Indiana. As of 2005, WVFI had 145 DJs. They broadcast from suite 200 of the Lafortune Student Center.


[edit] Executive Board

WVFI is a student organization, funded by the Student Activities Office (SAO) at the University of Notre Dame. It is governed by a board of DJ-elected executives.

[edit] Current Executive Board

Station Manager Joe Lattal
Assistant Station Manager Carolina Surla
Mindset Editor Kelly Duoos
Music Directors Sean Hoban
Dave Gonzalez
John Siegel
DJ Relations Claire Smither
PR/Events Christine Nguyen (fall semester)
Chad Lavimoniere (spring semester)
Web Director Samuel Banina
Graphics Design Meaghan Garvey
Sports Director Rok Kopp

[edit] History

WVFI was originally a part of WSND[2], currently a low-frequency FM radio station broadcast from the clock tower of Notre Dame's O'Shaughnessey Hall. WVFI comprised the AM half of the station, with a frequency of 640KHz.

[edit] Schedule

WVFI's broadcast day currently begins at 9:00 a.m. UTC-5, ends at 2:00 a.m. UTC-5, and is broken up into programming blocks.[3]

[edit] Concerts and Events

WVFI co-sponsors between two and four concerts annually at Notre Dame's on-campus restaurant/club, Legends of Notre Dame[4]. Notable bands who have played for WVFI include Ted Leo and the Pharmacists (November 2005), Clap Your Hands Say Yeah (September 2005), The Unicorns (November 2004), and Enon (April 2006).

[edit] External links