Talk:WUTC (FM)

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WUTC management has failed the Chattanooga community on most every level. Why would you donate money to an institution that cares nothing about you or your opinion? The only solution is to starve WUTC of funding. UTC could then sell the station to an entity that could actually take the station forward and give the Chattanooga area the public radio station it truly deserves.

NPR news will always exist in a radio market as large as Chattanooga. The present management (John McCormack, Station Manager and Bob Lyon, UTC Vice Chancellor of Development) has failed our community and betrayed the values of public radio. They have outright lied to the community about WUTC's ratings and listener support for certain shows so that they can turn WUTC into a station that carries only shows from NPR and PRI programs. Chattanooga would be better served having NPR on a completely new radio station -- one that actually listens to its supporters -- or on a WUTC with completely different management. WUTC's demise is an embarrassment to UTC and to the entire community. Don't draw it out by donating during the spring 2006 fundraiser. The only way to voice your opposition is to refuse to fund the station with your pledge. Make your stand! Do not donate during the spring 2006 fundraiser. Also, write an email explaining why you didn't donate and send copies to:

Roger Brown, UTC Chancellor:

John Petersen, UT President:

Phil Bredesen, Tennessee Governor:

Office of the Inspector General, Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB):