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[edit] Dragon Origin Occult
Typhoeus end at Sicily Volcano Etna, under the forge and anvil worked by Hephaestus and elemental mysterious hands Cabeiri "powerful fire genii" (Phoenician...Phrygian), same concept India earliest Dravidian Rudras "Maruts" (genii begot by Rudra and Prisni "goddess of the dark season" - Aesir Hel - Thracian Hecate "Prytania of dead" Invincible Queen goddess of 3 world cross.)
...wind-front deluge, vortical guide-wind include tornadoes, and Briareus is flamable ...
Python genitive and fusion son Typhon
) Iconographs, "idea" first principle as ideography (picture representation) are not words or sounds, however phonetic use enables the idea amongst those that know the picture. ...whereof companion saga continues (Briareus defeats Typhon). Abysmal, satan
[edit] Egyptian Religion Derivation
Buto. chasm enabled cobra "winged serpent" , is red crown of north.... ...Set - Typhon; requirement, freedom correlate spirit link at Isis unconceal polar ice reservoir.
...hearken Neith; Dusk, son of Thebes Mont (bull-head), configurate barbed tail-knot. ..., dawn son of Thebes Khons Hor Isis
widely known in ancient world. Sphinx havoc of dragon ability;
The Sphinx directly considers with Renenet, mass dynamic (reflection) connected - disputed in unified field theory graal exiled dawn king. Sebek triad Dragonscale of dawn king grasp, makes (hard-heart) elemental emphasis for argument havoc causality is sunset ( pig, 2 rigid plumes "Typhonian animal") stratocracy malalignment, as to legitimate graal Khons Hor (Khensu) "dragon shapeshifter" with Renenet spiritualism prehistoric definitive, Tenen (obscure earth god) nexus spirit. Relate to Renpet (springtime, youth) "mistress of eternity", and Neith - Neit (net: crown from the name) crossed arrows realism, "the great weaver" whomso Neith Mehueret "celestial cow" gave birth to the sky, thereby Sebek. Egyptian calender eight "Pharmuti" month of Renenet, goddess of individuation (gives name: personality and fortune, and Shai - Shait soul "destiny"); nourishment and harvest "Lady of the Double Granery", lioness head or uraeus is dressed with 2 strait plumes, presents at death for soul balance and judge in presence of Osiris.
[edit] Dragon World
whence (of Geb generative)
protohistoric eclectic assembly positions omnipresent God hind. Siva Nâtarâja "king of dance" Bhûtapati "prince of demons" Nîlakantha "blue throat", at Dragon v. seizure attempt Typhon,
at victory celestial genii Devas
,Mithra formulae (demons - Asuras) Titan dilemma good v. evil, Ahura Mazda division Spenta Mainyu v. Angra Mainyu;
Of spectre (hidden) ultimate god, coalescent is phantom with dragon companion. MesoAmer. dragon, Tohil Quetzalcoatl (snake-bird) expected return (exploited for Cortez conquest) basis with Cukulcan (bird-snake) counterpart "grasp" as to Egyptol. 3 mummies (1 Khons Hor), with Phantom (2 Ptah) shapeshifter Sebek; (plumed serpent theme) Gucumatz (the feathered snake) Guatemala, phantom shapeshifter Quetzalcoatl. Quetzalcoatl and Hurakan share surname Tohil (hidden god religion) and spectre hidden God (mummy 3 Osiris return Horus), Hurakan reasonably because Quiché legend about rubbing his sandals together and getting fire, tokenize Lakhmu and Lakhamu, dragon of Sumer. Rough geography MesoAmer. is Mexico - Guatemala Pacific ocean coast about 1000 miles Equador - Peru; 150 miles maximum Yucatan - Guatemala width to Pacific. Hurakan legend is of climate and continent upheaval ending previous civilization and generating new language.
[edit] Dragon War
As was typical of MesoAmer. gods celebration, sacrifice the person portraying the god indicates expectation and counter to Typhon deception at narrows (example origins section) and Zoroaster good v. evil. Mithra (truth idealism - realism sun god Baal figure) becomes ascetic personal salvation religion after 6c. B.C. collision Persian oligarchy royal caste Mazdaism and through Roman times. From hind. Aditi (boundless sky), Mitra (sunlight) "friendship and contracts" and Varuna (moonlight) "oaths and judgement) interplay "Mitra lives in the orb of the moon", Magi Mithraic mystery depiction as slaying bull and return of nature abundance. In Theban (prehistory city NO), at narrows winter king Oedipus defeats old king who (began quest to kill Oedipus before his birth) was enforcing his exile. Iconizing the prosperity outcome of this fight, Khons Hor (Khensu) falcon-head and mummy with sceptre of Osiris replaces Mont (bull), son position Theban triad. Sometimes the bull-head at dragon tail knot (narrows time) is dominants corrupt Minotaur. Of recurrent conflict hyperborean verse, Typhon is counterfeit dragon recounted as the giant wolf Fenrir at stand-off Tiuz Týr hand inconvenient occult truth. Ultimate god catalytic Osirisian: scattered in plain sight and easily assembled at nexus all things, foresight and destiny indicate (Gr. Prometheus, presented Hephaestus fire to mankind - Egyptol. Nefertum, son of Sekhmet and Ptah - Babylon Nabu, son of Marduk).
Marduk is depicted with unrivalled weapon scimitar (invested by the gods to him) plausibly a moon crescent attribute illuminate the night, when he saved moon god Sin (mythology) "lord of the Diadem" (lunar eclipse ref.) and with the dragon attribute Lakhmu and Lakhamu earned splitting Tiamat (unmastered force of nature). The phantom Marduk, storm mastery (Ea - Gr. Oceanus and hurricane of Enlil) by 2000 B.C. conferred to a special divinity Adad depicted with thunderbolts in hands standing over the fray, above back of bull. "Bêlu Baal decreed, Adad does" best seen realism (Apollo - Belenos) title bestowed on Marduk and dawn son Adad (winter king Thebes Khons Hor - Celtic Lug - Quiché Cukulcan) serves.
[edit] Rough Etymology
The wedges of cunneiform are the deeper etches remaining of Sumer picture-writing used to represent. (on soft clay tablets) Early, rough pictures (ideograph) lost there exact form. The primary theory of language symbols is spiritual system as first purpose, ergo iconograph mythology record to mass stratification and subordination. The Babylon mythopoem of hero Gilgamesh "he who discovered the source", an out of control dusk king (ca. 2600 B.C.) the mass confront with reflection: "his twin Enkidu becomes fast companion". The furious bull who is about to overthrow the "hero", is torn to peices by Enkidu and the celestial bull flank thrown at Ishtar - L. Venus - Gr. Aphrodite - Egyptol. Sekhmet with oath to slay, no matter the guise treachery use of bull (mass strata and ordinate). The vast horns kept as hold for annoint oil, the cult of Lugal-banda.
Egypt hieroglyphic A is bull-head with one profile eye. The i is an open hand; k is a closed hand. Hieratic alphabet places open hand as ideograph for d delta, Coptic phonetics. Similarly, Sumer picture-writing became Semitic Babylon alphabet with pronunciation common with Hebrew and layers of meaning. The labyrinth of Crete, Daedalus alphabet (Gr. Etruscan L. Runic Phoenician etc.) Ariadne ball of thread bypass dominant corrupt minotaur (king Minos smothered in a bath); conversely like dwarf fashioned ribbon, leash Fenrir at macabre Aesir. Outcast Oedipus of Sphinx... Khons Hor (Khensu) with Dragon, stems "Lex talionis" L. law of retaliation "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth".
[edit] Memphis Triad
Where the Nile makes delta, prehistorical sister cities of "ON" (east side, Cairo ancient Heliopolis), and "Noph" (west side ancient Memphis) wherewith triad Ptah "beyond the wall", consort Sekhmet "the powerful" lioness of Hathor, genitive Nefertum "recipient Hephaestus fire", seems aeon necropolis Saqqara (ref. Onnophris "the good one" Osiris v. Set) whereof life force animation Dragon, cross Thebaic (NO). Egyptol. priests proclaim Phantom Ptah Tenen as the Universal Demiurge who with his own hands fashioned the world (Ptah Seker - Gr. Sucharis prehistoric vegetation god) conjure garden. The ritual "Bull Apis" was called "the renewal of Ptah's life" and was selected for mystic symbolism (black bull with white delta on forehead, figure of vulture with outstretched wings on the back, and right flank moon crescent; image of scarab on his tongue and hair of tail must be double).
Bull of Dragon tail (knot) dilemma is the root of ritual symbol double hair and confusion at Memphis dead bull cult of Osiri Apis - Osorapis with underworld god Serapis. Vulture head-dress underlies the crown (net) of both upper and lower Egypt, though upper white crown Egypt (Nekheb, between Ombos and Thebes) Nekhebet icon is "vulture goddess". Meaningfully, vulture about unfire dead metaphysical and unify delta Buto "cobra goddess" uraeus winged serpent (life journey). Bull "flank" belongs to Sekhmet - Ishtar; similarly moon crescent Ptah - Marduk eclipse reflection attribute also earth god tradition L. Vulcan - Gr. Hephaestus renoun, fire and rift.
Worshipped at Memphis necropolis sanctuary Ro Stau "the doors of the corridors", greenish hawk-headed mummy Seker Osiris "god of the dead" known as the great funerary divinity Ptah Seker-Osiris. The Demiurge is paired with bloodthirsty lioness Sekhmet against automaton mass or giant, that is likewise defeated by hind. goddess Durgâ (invincible) Kâli (black) Bhairavî (terrible). The constant of these "morning star, evening star" (Sekhmet - Venus - Durgâ - Aphrodite - Brigit - Freyja - Ishtar) is human attrition and spirit "flank" at fated (vast sky astrology of eg. Hathor, Cronos, Anu /Sin) projected planet earth event, encounter "lost Phoenix millennial window" opportunity v. oblivious, sets apocalypse. Typifying motivation, Sekhmet massacres target, destruction agency at violation of god capsule (Ra crypt).
Icon for heart of the dragon Sebek (Gr. Suchos), monumental stone sphinx at Giza Cairo may date from ce. 10,000 B.C.
[edit] Aetherial City of the Sun
[edit] Magein Dragon
[edit] References
Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology, Prometheus Press, NY 1960.
9th edition Britanica ca.1870 alphabet
First Steps in Assyrian 492.19 K58
Buddism, Peter A. Purdue, Macmillian, Inc. 1968.
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