
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is my first go at a user page, so it will likely be very simple. I am a musician with a DMA in conducting (Peabody Conservatory, as a student of Frederik Prausnitz; dissertation on the history of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra), a Mus.M in music history (thesis on the Fourth Shostakovich symphony), and a Mus.B in bassoon (both from Boston University). I live in New Hampshire and am currently employed in the information technology sector but will always be a musician first and foremost. I have done edits in various music pages as well as those for my home town (Erie, Pennsylvania) and John D. MacDonald/Travis McGee among others. Mostly I just dip my toe in the water of whatever page I see that I think needs a little nudge, but I do not generally spend much time with major contributions...though that may change.

Lately I've been fooling with userboxes and have created a couple that don't seem to exist elsewhere. Very simple ones, yes, but still, I take some small pleasure in actually figuring this out (with help!).

Have added stubs on a couple of my teachers (bassoon & conducting) too.

Some things to consider:

Musical things
This user enjoys classical music.
This user enjoys jazz music.
Music of the common people This user enjoys folk music.
This user is a conductor.
This user is a music composer.
This user enjoys singing.
This user used to play the bassoon and can easily understand how someone could get excited about playing it.
This user believes that Shostakovich at his best is a great composer.
Linguistic & educational things
en This user is a native speaker of English.
BU This user attends or attended
Boston University.
JHU This user attends or attended the Johns Hopkins University.
This user has a Doctor of Musical Arts degree.
This user is a member of Mensa.
its This user understands the difference between its ("of it") and it's ("it is").
A, B, and C This user prefers the serial comma.
Other things, in no particular order
Kindness Campaign This user is a member of the Kindness Campaign.
Apple Computer This user thinks different.
This user runs Mac OS X.
This user is from New Hampshire.
NPR This user listens to NPR.
XD This user is interested in comedy, and may enjoy writing or performing it.
This user thinks that Buster Keaton is the greatest silent comedian of them all.
 This user enjoys cooking.
This user is a member of the Episcopal Church.
This user is a liberal adherent of Anglican Christianity.
This user is a High Church adherent of Anglican Christianity.
This user is an Anglophile
This user is of English ancestry.

This user is of Scottish ancestry.
This user owns a kilt and even wears it sometimes.
This user is a bibliophile.
This user remembers how to use a typewriter, and that's all you need to know.
This user enjoys reading mysteries.
This user loves the films of Alfred Hitchcock.
BOS This user is a Boston Red Sox fan.