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WS-Topics is a web services specification that works as part of the WS-Notification specification family, providing a method to define and address topics (event notifications) to which web service consumers can subscribe, as well as organising them into complex structures allowing hierarchies (topic trees) and synonyms (topic aliasing).

In topic hierarchies (topic trees), subscribing to a node also implies a subscription to all child nodes.


[edit] Addressing Topics

Topics can be addressed in three main ways (each of which is a subset of the next):

  • SimpleTopic - A QName that describes a topic (this method can only address the root topics).
  • ConcreteTopicPath - A list of QNames that describes a path to a topic.
  • FullTopicPath - An expression (in a subset of XPath) that addresses topics using wildcards.

[edit] Topic Aliasing

Topic aliasing provides a formal way to declare that a topic is identical to another topic or group of topics found elsewhere in the topic space.

[edit] Ad-Hoc Topics

The ad-hoc topic space allows the dynamic definition of topic trees without the overhead of defining a new topic space.

[edit] See also

WS-Topics 1.3 Draft Specification