Write the Laws Act
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The Write the Laws Act is a bill drafted by DownsizeDC.org, a non-profit organization focused on decreasing the size of the federal government. The purpose of the Write the Laws Act is to force Congress to write every law, regulation, or rule that ordinary citizens must obey under penalty of law. The Write the Laws Act was drafted in response to the perceived abandonment of the Separation of Powers doctrine of the Constitution.
The Write the Laws Act strips administrative agencies in the Executive Branch of the United States government the power to write the regulations they enforce. It prohibits Congress from delegating legislative authority to any other branch or agency, and also prohibits Congress from delegating judicial authority to any agency or court other than those courts created under Article III of the Constitution. The Write the Laws Act instructs the Comptroller General to study and report to Congress the extent of regulatory and judicial powers within administrative agencies, with the aim of phasing them out.
[edit] External Links
- DownsizeDC.org - the organization that drafted the Write the Laws Act.
- Draft Legislation of the Write the Laws Act.