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Wput is a free open-source command line program that allows you to transfer files on a net by using the FTP. It comes with many useful features, and is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.


[edit] History

wput's history began with an initial version in Summer 2003. Only small amounts of code of this initial version survived to the current ones. Wput is developed by Hagen Fritsch. The program began as a simple file-uploader, but evolved soon, by implementing a wget-like look & feel interface, improving support for common standards in the ftp-protocol and finally by adding encryption capabilities which were rarely seen in ftp programs at the time.

In 2005 the author wrote a documentational work on wput. The current release 0.6 appeared on April 5th, 2006.

[edit] Features

This ftp uploader

  • is background capable.
  • supports resuming.
  • supports connections through proxies.
  • supports encryption using the AUTH TLS-method with help of GnuTLS.
  • timestamping.
  • can restrict its upload-rate.

[edit] Platforms

Wput is known to run on the following platforms:

[edit] Languages

Wput is being internationalized and available in English, German and Italian.

[edit] Examples

[edit] wput syntax

wput [options] [file]... [url]...
url ftp://[username[:password]@]hostname[:port][/[path/][[file]

[edit] Example 1

This will upload local files to remote ftp server /dir/ path.

wput ftp://user:password@host/dir/ files

[edit] Example 2

Below is an example that I got to work on my computer - (It is non-intuitive to the way you may think should work)

#be one directory down from local directory you want to copy/mirror to the remote server /home/username/ 
# where /home/username/localDir is the one you want to copy/mirror to the remote server
#/test/ is the remote ftp server directory I want the files to copy to
/home/username/wput -vN ftp://branflake2267:xxxxx@ localDirtoUpload

[edit] man wput

Usage: wput [options] [file]... [url]...
 url         ftp://[username[:password]@]hostname[:port][/[path/][file]
 -V, --version           Display the version of wput and exit.
 -h, --help              Print this help-screen
 -b, --background        go to background after startup
Logging and input file:
 -o, --output-file=FILE         log messages to FILE
 -a, --append-output=FILE       append log messages to FILE
 -q, --quiet                    quiet (no output)
 -v, --verbose                  be verbose
 -d, --debug                    debug output
 -nv, --less-verbose            be less verbose
 -i, --input-file=FILE          read the URLs from FILE
 -s, --sort                     sorts all input URLs by server-ip and path
 -I, --input-pipe=COMMAND       take the output of COMMAND as data-source
 -R, --remove-source-files      unlink files upon successful upload
       --bind-address=ADDR      bind to ADDR (hostname or IP) on local host
 -t, --tries=NUMBER             set retry count to NUMBER (-1 means infinite)
 -nc, --dont-continue           do not resume partially-uploaded files
 -u, --reupload                 do not skip already completed files
       --skip-larger            do not upload files if remote size is larger
       --skip-existing          do not upload files that exist remotely
 -N, --timestamping             don't re-upload files unless newer than remote
 -T, --timeout=10th-SECONDS     set various timeouts to 10th-SECONDS
 -w, --wait=10th-SECONDS        wait 10th-SECONDS between uploads. (default: 0)
       --random-wait            wait from 0...2*WAIT secs between uploads.
       --waitretry=SECONDS      wait SECONDS between retries of an upload
 -l, --limit-rate=RATE          limit upload rate to RATE
 -nd, --no directories          do not create any directories
 -Y, --proxy=http/socks/off     set proxy type or turn off
       --proxy-user=NAME        set the proxy-username to NAME
       --proxy-pass=PASS        set the proxy-password to PASS
 -p, --port-mode                no-passive, turn on port mode ftp (def. pasv)
 -A, --ascii                    force ASCII mode-transfer
 -B, --binary                   force BINARY mode-transfer
       --force-tls              force the useage of TLS

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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