World of Wonders

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A paperback edition of World of Wonders
A paperback edition of World of Wonders

World of Wonders is the third novel in Robertson Davies' Deptford Trilogy.

First published by Macmillan of Canada in 1975, this novel focuses on the life-story of the fictional conjuror, Magnus Eisengrim.

Eisengrim (also known by at least four other names throughout the trilogy) tells the story of his life to a group of film makers who are producing a biographical film about the great magician Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin. Also present during the story are Eisengrim's friends Dunstan Ramsay and Liesl, who both appear in the earlier instalments of the Deptford Trilogy. Ramsay reprises the role of narrator that he played in the first novel, Fifth Business, but in this case it is only to add context and continuity to the internal narration of Eisengrim.

[edit] External links

The Deptford Trilogy by Robertson Davies

Fifth Business | The Manticore | World of Wonders