World Wide Web Virtual Library
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The World Wide Web Virtual Library was the first index of content on the World Wide Web and still operates as a directory of e-texts and information sources on the web. It was started by Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of HTML and the Web itself, in 1991 at CERN in Geneva. Unlike commercial index sites, it is run by a loose confederation of volunteers, who compile pages of key links for particular areas in which they are expert. It is sometimes informally referred to as the "WWWVL", the "Virtual Library" or just "the VL".
The individual indices, or virtual libraries live on hundreds of different servers around the world. A set of index pages linking these individual libraries is maintained at, in Geneva only a few kilometres from where the VL began life. A mirror of this index is kept at East Anglia (UK). A VL specific search engine has operated for some years and is now (VLsearch) located on its own server at
The central affairs of the Virtual Library are co-ordinated by an elected Council. A central index (the 'Catalog') is maintained and joint services provided by the Council on behalf of the association.
[edit] History
The Virtual Library was first conceived and run by Tim Berners-Lee, and later expanded, organised and managed for several years by Arthur Secret, before it became a formally established association with Gerard Manning as its Council's first chairman. The late Bertrand Ibrahim was a key contributor to the pre-association phase of the Virtual Library's development, and then served as its Secretary until his untimely death in 2001 at the age of 46.
A brief history , with links to archived pages and screenshots, is maintained on the Vlib site.
The WWW-VL: History Central Catalogue, was launched on 21 September 1993 by Lynn H. Nelson at Kansas University. From April 2004, it was relocated at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy where the history of the History catalogue is also available.
The Virtual Library was incorporated as an association sans but lucratif (not for profit association) in the Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland. Major decisions, including a set of bylaws are decided by the membership at large.
The main Virtual Library Web site was redesigned in 2005 and many old or dead individual Virtual Libraries were removed from the index.
[edit] External links
- Other virtual libraries are
- WWW-VL History Central Catalogue, Florence Italy"I would like to thank, on behalf of all the people who have benefited from it, Lynn Nelson for his great effort to build and maintain the WWW Virtual Library for History." Tim Berners-Lee