Wolfgang Lux
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Dr. Wolfgang Lux (Oct. 12, 1956 - January 20, 2007) was the General Manager of the Asia Pacific division of American Management Association International.
Dr. Wolfgang Lux grew up in Germany and attended schools in Germany, China, Japan and Russia. He speaks eight languages and worked in international trade, retailing and marketing.
Between 1999-2003, he was Assistant Professor of International Marketing and Asia Regional Strategy at Thunderbird University, Tokyo Campus.
He was a moderator for InterFM Radio Station, Sunday Morning Eye-Opener, from January 2001 to March 2002.
From January 2003 to December 2005, he was also moderator for iTV Japan's Management & Leaders, a well-regarded Internet TV channel dealing with Japanese/Asian business issues.
He is survived by his family in Tokyo and Germany.
Der Do-it-Yourself-Markt in Japan, DIY Branchen Magazin, Dec. 1985.
Der DIY Markt Japans, bau & heimwerker-markt 2/1988
China’s Ingredients for Growth, Global Management 1993, MCE, Brussels
Creating Harmony from Diversity – Japanese Leadership, European Leaders, Brussels 1994
Fernoestliche Weisheit – Was ist in Japan noch vorbildlich? Industriebedarf Magazin 2/1994
Groups and Branding in Japan, Global Management 1994, MCE, Brussels
Harmonie aus Vielfalt. Mythos und Probleme des japanischen Managements, Industriebedarf 9/1994. Was koennen wir von Japan lernen? In Schuppert/Papmehl/Walsh: Interkulturelles Management, Gabler Wiesbaden 1994
The Changing Role of Brands in Japan, AMA Management Review, May 1995.
Anfang vom Ende oder Neuanfang – Wie Japans Wirtschaft auf die Rezession reagiert, Industriebedarf 12/1995
The Asian Management Challenge, Pacific Rim Management, AMA 1996
Japanese Management, AMA Management Review June 1997
Nippon Ryuu Management No Mirai, Shacho Journal, Tokyo 10/11 1997
Wie steigere ich die Produktivitaet meiner Verkaufsmannschaft in Japan? With Ziya Muhamedcani; Japan Markt, February 2000.
Management Training and Organizational Development in Japan, Success Stories Japan, December 2003
Japan: Poised for Renewed Growth. MWorld, American Management Association, Spring 2004
Culture Change at Nissan: Revival from Adversity. MWorld, American Management Association, Spring 2004
Training & Organizational Development in Japan. Japan Markt May 2004. German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan.
The Useless Training Program, Daijob HR Club, Tokyo August 2005
Ideas for Training your Japanese Sales Force, Success Stories Japan, August 2005
[edit] Published Academic Articles
The Do-it-Yourself Market in Japan. M.A. Thesis, Sophia University, Tokyo, 1986
The Feeling of Self-Worth and Brand Marketing in an Intercultural Perspective – Japan as Example. Doctoral Thesis, University of Administration, Moscow 1994.
[edit] Presentation Seminars
Nichidoku ni miru ryuutsuu no omo na soiten, Ryuutsuu Shisutemu Sodankai, Tokyo March 14, 1989
Cross Cultural Management – How French & Japanese People Can Successfully Work Together, French Chamber of Commerce, Tokyo June 20, 1996.
Brands and Culture, American Chamber of Commerce, Tokyo December 11, 1996
Management by Objectives, German Chamber of Commerce, January 1997
Successful Project Management, German Chamber of Commerce, Tokyo January 20, 1998
Successful Project Management, American Chamber of Commerce, Tokyo April 23, 1998
Human Resources and Top Management, Institute of Foreign Bankers, Tokyo October 22, 1998
Change Management, German Chamber of Commerce, Tokyo January 20, 1999
Discover Your Personal Potential, German Chamber of Commerce, Tokyo January 18, 2000
Beating Your Competition Through Creativity, American Chamber of Commerce, Tokyo June 1, 2000
Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats, Australian New Zealand Chamber of Commerce, Osaka February 19, 2001
Beating Your Competition Through Creativity, German Chamber of Commerce, Tokyo March 7, 2001
Beating Your Competition Through Creativity, American Chamber of Commerce, Nagoya June 23, 2001 Erfolgreich fuehren, German Chamber of Commerce, November 7-8, 2001
Leadership in a Changing Japan, German Chamber of Commerce, Tokyo January 31, 2002
Leadership in a Changing Japan, American Chamber of Commerce, Tokyo March 18, 2002
Beat your Competition through Creativity, Imperial Consulting, Singapore, August 2002
Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats, Imperial Consulting, Singapore, August 2002
Developing Global Managers, Conference on Leadership Development, Beijing April 2003
Leading as the Heart of Strategy, American Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai April 2003
The Lean and the Fat Buddha – Why Certain Cultures Like Brands, German Chamber of Commerce, Tokyo, January 30, 2003
The Lean and the Fat Buddha – Why Certain Cultures Like Brands, Joint Chamber Event Osaka May 2003
Successful Succession Management – AMA Japan, Tokyo July 23, 2003
Developing Global Leaders – A Western View, 119th Keidanren Guesthouse Forum, September 25, 2003
Global Leadership Challenges – An Asian Perspective. AMA 80th Anniversary Leadership Forum, New York November 22., 2003.
Leadership and Creativity. AMA Japan, Tokyo December 2, 2003
Leadership for Strategic Growth & Profit. European Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines (ECCP), Manila, March 16, 2004.
Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats. European Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines (ECCP), Manila March 16, 2004
The 5 Day MBA. American Chamber of Commerce of Japan, Osaka March 18, 2004.
Aligning Training with Corporate Strategy. American Management Association, Canton, April 2004
Leadership for Strategic Growth & Profit. CEO Forum, The 10th Asia Forum on Business Education, Shanghai May 2004
Competency Model as Tool for Maximizing Performance. American Management Association, Shanghai May 2004
‘The Need for Creativity in Business’; Business Creativity in Competitive Edge, AMA China/British Chamber of Commerce, Guangzhou July 15, 2004
Workshop on Self-Development and Succession Management’, Keidanren, October 27-28, 2004
What makes or breaks a leader? European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Cebu April 8, 2005
What Makes or Breaks a Leader, Korea Foreign Company Association, July 15, 2005
Six Thinking Hats Presentation, American Chamber of Commerce in Japan, Tokyo September 6, 2005
What Makes or Breaks a Leader, British Chamber, German Chamber, Tokyo September 27, 2005
Six Thinking Hats, AMA Public Seminar, Tokyo November 25, 2005
Changing Minds, Tokyo American Club, February 23, 2006
Learning & Creativity in China, Nippon Keidanren Gotemba Guest House Forum, March 22, 2006
Brand Crazy, Tokyo American Club, May 25, 2006
Value Selling, Tokyo American Club, June 29, 2006
The Leader in You – Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish, Nippon Keidanren Gotemba Guest House Forum, October 11-12, 2006
Aligning People to Strategy, AMA Globalization Forum, Tokyo November 8, 2006
[edit] Interviews
Il faut inventer une nouvelle culture d’entreprise, Interview, France Japon Echo 79, French Chamber of Commerce, Tokyo
Changing Minds – Japanese Corporations Learn the Value of Professional Training, Interview, The Journal, American Chamber of Commerce, Tokyo August 2000
Be Creative, Journal of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan, April 2000.
"Power is the People", Journal of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan, January 2004
Globally Experienced Consultant Helps Country Manage Human Capital, Philippine Daily Inquirer, March 21, 2004.
Enter the Coach, Journal of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan, May 2004.
CIE to Offer Courses of American Management Association, Sun Star, Manila, April 11, 2005
Globalization & Leadership, Maeil Business Newspaper, Seoul, July 18, 2005
MBA no Substitute for People Skills, Bangkok Post July 26, 2005
AMA Makes India Foray, The Economic Times India, December 21, 2005
Cry for Leadership, Journal of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan, March 2006