
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[edit] The Name

Wizardx is an old name I used to use from my days on Freenode.

[edit] About Me & Links

My name is John M. McClamrock.

[edit] Joining And Working On Wikipedia

Joining probably the biggest informational web site on the net is an honor. Joining a place for everyone to come to exchange ideas and create informational pages on subjects to further advance the knowledge of all human beings is something I don't take lightly. This honor of joining the dedicated men and women of Wikipedia is more than I can completely write about if given any amount of time.

I'm currently working to get started as a contributer on Wikipedia. Helping out with anything from maintaining pages to watching for malicious changes, and repairing broken topics to creating pages for new topics.

[edit] My Work So Far

I monitor some topics for malicious changes and in the not-so-distant future I will start to create topics on new subjects and update information on evolving and changing topics. These topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Science
  • Politics
  • Religions
  • Technology