Wisconsin Green Party

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The Wisconsin Green Party is an active member of the Green Party of the United States, recently getting antiwar initiatives on the ballot in 32 towns (passing in 24 of them). WIGP member Ben Manski is a former co-chair of the Green National Committee.

The WIGP grew in the 1980s with several independent local parties combining in 1988. Walter Bresette and Frank Koehn of the Lake Superior Greens were instrumental figures in the early years with Koehn's election to the Bayfield County board in 1986 being the first instance of a Green Party candidate to win office anywhere in the United States.

In the spring of 2006, 9 of 13 Green Party candidates won races in which they ran. Including: John Hardin (Barron County), Ben Farrell (Winnebago County), Bob Ryan (Door County), Barbara Vedder (Dane County), John Hendrick (Dane County), and Kyle Richmond (Dane County) all won re-election to county board seats. Vedder had been appointed to an open seat a few months before the election.

Jeff Peterson (Polk County) and Ashok Kumar (Dane County) will take their seats as county board officials for the first time, as well as Eric Krszjzaniek (Portage County) who won a recount of write-in votes with an original 5-7 loss turning into a 8-3 win.

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