Winter cluster

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In beekeeping, a winter cluster is a well-defined cluster of honey bees that forms in a colony when the air temperature dips below 54 to 57 °F (12 to 14 °C). As the temperature further decreases the cluster becomes tighter and more compact as the bees are clinging tightly together on the combs in the hive. The temperature within the winter cluster remains constant regardless of outside air temperature. Larger clusters (basketball size) have a better chance for survival than smaller clusters (softball size).

In extended cold weather periods, the incidence of Nosema disease increases and the cluster may weaken.

[edit] Brood nest

In subtropical climates, bees may not form a winter cluster at all. Workers are foraging and queens are laying eggs almost year-round.

In the temperate zones, winter temperature dip below 54 °F (12 °C) for extended periods. All brood rearing stops for some period during the winter. In early spring, brood rearing resumes inside the winter cluster. Once a broodnest is established, the cluster must maintain a steady temperature between 94.1 to 98.0 °F (34.5 - 36.7 °C) inside the cluster.

[edit] References