Williams & Guion Black Star Line

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Williams & Guion Black Star Line was a New York City based steamship line.

This steamship line was established in the 1840s by John Stanton Williams and William H. Guion. It began running a New York City to Liverpool line in 1851. Along with Grinnell and Minturn and the Black Ball Line, it was one of the most important U.S. companies bringing Irish immigrants to New York City. The flag of the line was blue with a white lozenge bearing a black star. The same flag, sometimes with a six-pointed star, was later used by the British-flagged Guion Line of steamships. The ships were under the British flag because until 1912 only US-built ships could be placed under the US ship registry, and the best steamship technology was being produced in Glasgow. The "Guion Steamship Company" went into voluntary liquidation on February 20, 1900.

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