William Tucker (settler)

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William Tucker (c. 16 May 1784 – December 1817) was a British convict, a sealer, a trader in human heads, an Otago settler, and New Zealand’s first art dealer.

William Tucker has been a minor legend in New Zealand as the man who stole a preserved Māori head and started the retail trade in them. The recent discovery of an old document has now revealed his remarkable place in New Zealand history.

He was baptised on 16 May 1784 at Portsea, Portsmouth, England, the son of Timothy and Elizabeth Tucker, people of humble rank. In 1798 Tucker and Thomas Butler shoplifted goods worth more than 5 shillings from a ‘Taylor’ William Wilday or Wildey, and were convicted and sentenced to death. They were then reprieved and sentenced to seven years’ transportation to New South Wales. They left Portsmouth on the Hillsborough on 20 December 1798.

The voyage was one of the worst in the history of transportation. ‘Jail Fever’, typhus, raged through the ship which lost 95 convicts before arriving at Sydney on 26 July 1799. It isn’t known where Tucker was assigned.

In January 1803 he and Anthony Rawson stowed away on the Atlas visiting China before reaching Deal in England on 13 December 1903. The stowaways were sent under escort to Portsmouth to return to New South Wales on the Experiment. They were lucky. Other returnees were hanged. They were back in Sydney on 24 June 1804.

In March 1805, shortly after his term expired, Tucker was advertised as shipping out on the Governor King for ‘the coast of New Zealand’. She was one of Lord, Kable and Underwood’s ships, a combine recently formed to exploit the sealing grounds at the Antipodes Islands to the south and east of New Zealand’s South Island. She probably landed men at Dusky Sound on the South Island’s south west coast.Tucker was probably later at the Antipodes Islands.

Sealing was a hazardous enterprise involving searching the coast in open boats and landing on rocky promontories and islets where the seals gathered. They had to be surprised and killed with a club and a lance, their skins removed and either dried in the sun or salted. Boats were often lost; men were frequently drowned and gangs were sometimes marooned for years. Because the men were paid with a share of the catch the rewards could be great but it was hard and dangerous work.

In New Zealand there were virtually no Europeans living ashore and Māori still lived much as they had for centuries. Their society was tribal and based on the maintenance of honour, war being recurrent and often fought to get revenge, or 'utu', for an insult. Māori had developed tattoo, 'moko', to a greater extent than any other society and high born males wore full facial tattoos which were unique to the individual. Māori preserved the heads of enemies and loved ones. These relics had interested the first European visitors, as had their carved jade ornaments.

Tucker may have left Sydney for England in 1807 in the Sydney Cove whose command was taken over by Daniel Cooper en route. If so he will have returned to New South Wales either in her, or the Unity, Cooper’s next command.

In April 1809 he was advertised to leave Sydney in the Pegasus. Instead he left on the Brothers, a Campbell and Co ship probably intended for the Solander Islands in Foveaux Strait, between New Zealand’s South Island and Stewart Island. In early November he was one of eleven men landed at the ‘Isle of Wight’ and ‘Ragged Rock’ on what is now the Dunedin coast on the South Island’s south east coast. When Captain Mason returned to Port Daniel, now called Otago Harbour, on 3 May 1810, he found only Tucker and Daniel Wilson.

Tucker was sent to look for the missing men first to the Isle of Wight and then to ‘Ragged point’, apparently the headland on Stewart Island at the western entrance to Foveaux Strait. It was probably then he stole a preserved Māori head whose owners, discovering the loss, pursued the departing sealers. Failing to find the missing men Tucker rejoined the Brothers at Otago Harbour and returned with her to Sydney on 14 July 1810.

Later that year, at Otago Harbour, a Māori chief’s theft of a red shirt and knife from a man from the Sydney Cove started a rolling feud which soon took the lives of some of the Brothers’ missing men and soured Maori/Pākehā relations in the south. It has been called the ‘sealers’ war’, also the ‘war of the shirt’ and continued until 1823.

Tucker left Sydney again on the Aurora, on 19 September 1810 for the newly discovered Macquarie Island far to the south of New Zealand. At Campbell Island in early November, the location of Macquarie was bribed from one of Campbell and Co’s men. The Aurora landed a gang at Macquarie which will have included Tucker. She left, returned and brought her gang back to Sydney on 19 May 1811. It was presumably shortly after this that Tucker offered the Māori head for sale, inaugurating their retail trade and earning him the condemnation of ‘Candor’ in the Sydney Gazette who called him ‘a wild fellow’.

He now spent time ashore where by August 1812 he was a labourer living with old shipmates in poor lodgings in Phillips Street. On 21 August he and Edward Williams stole a woman’s fancy silk cloak for which they were convicted in November, sentenced to a year’s hard labour and sent to Newcastle along the coast. By October–November 1814 he had left New South Wales, perhaps for Tasmania.

In 1815 he returned to Otago, perhaps in the Governor Bligh and took up residence at Whareakeake, later Murdering Beach, a little to the north of Otago Heads. There he built a house and lived for a time with a Māori woman keeping goats and sheep. There were no children. The site has long been known for its large quantities of worked greenstone, nephrite or ‘pounamu’ in Maori, a variety of jade. This took the form of adzes made over with iron tools into pendants or hei tiki. Archaeologists have identified these as produced for a European export trade. An 1819 editorial in the Sydney Gazette described it, saying it was carried on by ‘groupes of sealers’. It seems clear this was part of Tucker’s enterprise. Māori called him ‘Taka’ adapting his surname, also ‘Wioree’ from the diminutive of his first name ‘Willy’. More formally and inaccurately he was also styled ‘Captain Tucker’.

He left, went to Hobart and returned on the Sophia with Captain Kelly, bringing other European settlers, according to Māori sources. The Sophia anchored in Otago Harbour on 11 December 1817.

‘Taka’ was welcomed by Māori of the harbourside settlement but unknown to the visitors the chief Korako, father of Te Matenga Taiaroa, refused to ferry across Māori from the north, Whareakeake, who had come to see Tucker and receive presents.

When Kelly, Tucker and five others took a longboat to Whareakeake a few days later they were at first welcomed. But while Tucker was absent in his house the others were set upon by Maori. Veto Viole and John Griffiths were killed, but Kelly escaped back to the longboat as did Tucker. He lingered in the surf, calling on Māori not to hurt Wioree, but was speared and knocked down. He called ‘Captain Kelly for God’s sake don’t leave me,’ before being killed. Kelly saw him ‘cut limb from limb and carried away by the savages!’ Tucker’s killer was Riri acting on chief Te Matahaere’s orders. Taiaroa allegedly killed the others. All the dead were eaten. A Māori source gives the immediate cause as dissatisfaction at not having the first opportunity to receive Tucker’s gifts but gives it also as an unhappy consequence of the theft of the shirt in 1810 and its owner’s savage reaction.

Returning to his ship in the harbour Kelly took revenge, by his account killing some Maori, destroying canoes and firing ‘the beautiful City of Otago’, a harbourside settlement, probably on Te Rauone beach near modern Otakou.

Tucker has been remembered for stealing the head and inaugurating their divisive trade. It was banned in New South Wales in 1831 but continued anyway. Ten were sold by a single Māori vendor later in the 1830s apparently at Otago. Tucker has also been remembered for his dramatic death which was reported in the Australian newspapers. The theft inspired Shena Mackay’s 1993 novel Dunedin reflecting his role as a minor legend.

However the Creed manuscript, discovered in 2003, shows his theft wasn’t responsible for the war in the south, that he was generally liked by Māori and welcomed as a settler among them. In fact he was the first European to settle in what is now the city of Dunedin, as distinct from sojourning, jumping ship or being held as a captive. While his inauguration of the trade in heads has been condemned even by his own countrymen, since that time his fostering of the trade in tiki reveals him as an enterprising art dealer, in fact New Zealand’s first.

[edit] References

  • Entwisle, Peter (2005). Taka, A Vignette Life of William Tucker 1784–1817. Dunedin: Port Daniel Press. ISBN 0-473-10098-3.