William M. Roth

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William Matson Roth was a shipping executive, special ambassador for trade, member of the ACLU executive committee, and Regent for the University of California.

In 1966 he was targeted (along with Clark Kerr and Elinor Raas Heller) by a fellow Regent, Edwin Pauley, for his alleged 'left-wing' views[citation needed]. President Johnson appointed him United States Trade Representative from 1967-1969.

Among other activities, Roth worked as special representative for trade on US-European trade talks (named the Kennedy Round negotiations). See photo of Roth at a 1967 U.S. Chamber of Commerce conference alongside US Secretary of Commerce Alexander B. Trowbridge; Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman, and Under Secretary of Labor James J. Reynolds.

William M. Roth, Commerce Secretary Trowbridge, Agriculture Secretary Freeman, and Labor Under-Secretary Reynolds, 1967.
William M. Roth, Commerce Secretary Trowbridge, Agriculture Secretary Freeman, and Labor Under-Secretary Reynolds, 1967.

Roth had a summer home on Sonoma Mountain with substantial acreage, having purchased the holding around 1950; the Roth family gifted this property to the Nature Conservancy, who transformed it into a nature preserve, presently known as the Fairfield Osborn Preserve.