William J. Murray

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William J. Murray is a born again Christian who wrote My Life Without God and heads the William J. Murray Evangelistic Association.

He is the son of Madalyn Murray O'Hair, a well-known American atheist activist. When he was a child in Baltimore, his mother came to national attention when she filed a lawsuit against the Supreme Court, saying that prayer and reading the bible in schools was unconstitutional. Murray's personal life before and after his conversion is known largely for its difficulties. As an atheist he had a history of drug addiction, alcohol problems, and fathering a child in his teen years. He converted to Christianity in 1980. On learning of his conversion his mother repudiated him and referred to him as a "postnatal abortion".[citation needed] He felt similarly negative toward her, and some have compared his book to Mommie Dearest written by Christina Crawford about her mother Joan, as he made allegations such as: "She was just evil [...] She misused the trust of people. She cheated children out of their parents' inheritance".[1]

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ http://www.rfcnet.org/news/default.asp?action=detail&article=144

[edit] Further reading

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