Wilhelm Raabe

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Wilhelm Raabe
Wilhelm Raabe

Wilhelm Raabe (September 8, 1831November 15, 1910), German novelist, whose early works were published under the pseudonym of Jakob Corvinus, was born at Eschershausen (then in the Duchy of Brunswick, now in the Holzminden District).

He served apprenticeship at a bookseller's in Magdeburg for four years (1849-1854); but tiring of the routine of business, studied philosophy at Berlin (1855-1857). While a student at that university he published his first work, Die Chronik der Sperlingsgasse (1857), which at once attained to great popularity.

Raabe next returned to Wolfenbüttel, and then lived (1862-1870) at Stuttgart, where he devoted himself entirely to authorship and wrote a number of novels and short stories; notably Unseres Herrgotts Kanzlei (1862); Der Hungerpastor (1864); Abu Telfan (1867) and Der Schüdderump (1870).

In 1870 Raabe removed to Brunswick and published the narratives Horacker (1876); Das Odfeld (1889); Stopfkuchen (1891) — perhaps his masterpiece, Kloster Lugau (1894) and numerous other stories.

The distinguishing characteristic of Raabe's work is a genial humour reminiscent of Dickens; but often combined with realistic pessimism. His works, many of which double as fairy tales, have a recurrent theme of homecoming to the place of birth.

Raabe's 40th anniversary as a writer in 1894 was a matter of national celebration.

Raabe's Gesammelte Erzählungen appeared in 4 vols (1896-1900); there is no uniform edition of his larger novels. See P. Gerber, Wilhelm Raabe (1897); A Otto, Wilhelm Raabe (1899); A Bartels, Wilhelm Raabe: Vortrag (1901).

[edit] Wilhelm Raabe of the painters

Farmer cottage in a heath landscape
Farmer cottage in a heath landscape [1]

Wihelm Raabe had an one wider, known to little, of the painting, next to his talent of the writing. [2] there are approximately 600 feather drawings in part in private property of the descendants and the museum in Braunschweig. The natural scenery "Farmer cottages in a heath landscape " is an oil painting, in the measures 37 x 23,2.

[edit] External links

[edit] References

This article incorporates text from the Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition, a publication now in the public domain.

  1. ^ Jahrbuch der Raabe Geselschaft 1990, Seite 74, Friedhelm Henrich, Ein spätes Ölbild Wilhelm Raabes
  2. ^ Hans-Werner Peter, Wilhelm Raabe, Der Dichter in seinen Federzeichnungen und Skizzen. Rosenheimer Raritäten
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