Wilhelm Middelschulte

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Wilhelm Middelschulte (April 3, 1863, Werve, Kreis Hamm, now part of KamenMay 4, 1943, Dortmund) was a German musician.

In 1888 he worked as Organist and Chordirigent at the Lucas Church in Berlin, but went to Chicago three years later ans stayed in USA till 1939. The University of Notre Dame gave him Doctor honoris causa for his work for the culture heritage in USA. He is one of the most significant Organists of his time. He specialised on the work of Johann Sebastian Bach.

[edit] References

  • Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Middelschulte, Wilhelm. Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, S. 51023 (vgl. MGG Bd. 16, S. 1276) (c) Bärenreiter-Verlag 1986

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