User:William Icari

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William Icari is an American-born writer/composer who has been writing since he was nine years old. Born on May 13, 1982, William's destiny seemed to be within the confines of the arts. Be it poems, short stories, stage and screenplays or traditional prose, he is not one to be away from a pen and paper. He is a strong supporter of free thought and individualism, and never smokes, drinks, or do drugs, much to the dismay of other people he's around. He is seemingly anti-trend and asserts his opinion on the matter as much as possible. He is rather anti-social and does not like women (despite recent rumours, he is not gay), and rather chooses to remain alone, with only a select few who understand him.

His story-writing styles have been predominately comedic, mainly through use of puns, slapstick, or inventive wordplay (main influences include The Simpsons, the Clerks cartoon, The Three Stooges and Arrested Development), though he has come up with a few dramatic pieces. Poetically, his works are much darker in scope than other writings, mostly about death, despair, hatred, Satanic elements, and vampirism. Almost all the poems end up as song lyrics for his different musical projects.

His musical styles have a varying range, though almost all his material is Metal. Everything from black metal, prog metal, death metal, acoustic folk, classical and a bit of electronica. He plays the bass guitar, but is prevalent on the electric and acoustic guitar, keyboards, piano, vocals and drum programming. Since 1998, he has been composing his own music and over the years has written well over fifty songs of varying degrees and intensity in the metal genre. He is most noticed as the bass player to the black metal band Withering Soul.


  • Withering Soul (2003 - current)

Bass, Composer

(Style - Black Metal

Status - Active

Story - Contacted the guitarist in 2003 upon seeing an advertisement on their website stating that they needed a bass player. He was let in within a few weeks after the preliminary recordings of their "Apparitions of the Surreal" album, though he has played many different shows and recorded bass and a couple keyboard tracks off their soon-to-be finished album "Beyond the Veil of Mortality".


Mykil - Vocals (1999-)

Krystofer - Lead Guitars (1999-)

William Icari - Bass (2003-)

Marek - Drums (2003-)

Kain - Rhythm Guitar (2006-)


Mendoz - Lead Guitar (2003-2005)

Ines - Keyboards (2004-2006)

Q - Lead Guitar (2004-2005)

Aric - Lead Guitar (2004)

Robert - Keyboards (2000-2003)


Beyond the Veil of Mortality (2006)

Bass, Keyboards)

  • Nexus (2001 - current)

Composer, Bass, Keyboards and Drums

(Style - Progressive Metal

Status - Active

Story - Formed the project with brother Jim Nothing in 2001, but kept the act going upon and in 2003 wrote and recorded an entire album's worth of material by himself. In 2005, he composed and recorded three songs incorporating more ambience and atmosphere to the original metal sound, giving it the sound it has today. He writes and arranges all the music, but ended up getting a lead guitar player to help record the next number of albums.


William Icari - Bass, Keyboards and Drums (2001-)

Nick Morgan - Lead and Acoustic Guitars (2005-)


Jim Smith - Lead Guitars (2001)


Astrocity (demo) (2001) Bass

Polaris (2003) Lead Guitars, Bass, Keyboards and Drums

Demo 2005 (2005) Lead Guitars, Bass, Keyboards and Drums)

  • Vampiris (1998 - current)

Composer, Lyricist, Vocals, Bass, Keyboards and Drums

(Style - Black Metal

Status - Active

Story - Formed the project in 1998 with a different singer, performing straight-up thrash metal. The project folded in 1999, and was reformed in 2003 in a harsher, black metal direction.


William Icari - Vocals, Bass, Keyboards and Drums (1998-)

Azlyn - Clean Voice and Narration (2003-)

Maugryn - Lead and Acoustic Guitars (2006-)


Krystofer - Lead Guitars (2004-2006)

Baron von Doom - Vocals (1998-1999)


Midnight Requiems (1999) Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, Drums, re-done Vocals

Hominus Nocturne (2006) Vocals, Bass, Keyboards and Drums)

  • Hold Your Tongue (2003 - current)

Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Synth, Drums, Composer, Lyricist

(Style - Metal/Punk hybrid

Status - Active

Story - Formed in 2003 by Jim Nothing as "Jimbo Peeps", (ex-Evernight, Manatee, Assplosion, Necroevil), Tony Zielmo as "Tolejav" (ex-Evernight, ex-Infernal Throne, ex-Void), and Dave Cox as "Big D" (ex-Evernight) as a joke metal band, the original trio wrote and performed a few songs, even playing a live show or two before differences split the band up. Jimbo Peeps reformed the act in 2004 with Big D and new members William (as "Simian Lodge") and Evernight bassist John Haddock (as Pooh-boy Fishbear), and the act has made future plans but has been slow to retaliate.


Jimbo Peeps - Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Drums (2003-)

Simian Lodge - Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Synth, Drums (2005-)

Pooh-boy Fishbear - Bass (2005-)

Big D - Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Drums (2003-)


Tolejav - Guitars (2003-2005)


Hold Your Fucking Tongue Bitch! (live) (2003) Session Bass)


  • The Scribe and the Minstrel (2004)

Composer, Vocals, Bass, Keyboards, Drums

(Style - Black Metal

Status - Inactive

Story - Originally slated to be a vantage point where an unknown writer was to display her talent as lyricist on an album. William was to supply the music to her lyrics and story, but a few months later, the project fell apart due to irreconcilable differences.


William Icari - Vocals, Bass, Keyboards and Drums

Cathy Carnell - Operatic Vocals

Matthew Rice - Lead Guitars)

  • Manatee (2000 - current)

Vocals, Lyricist, Bass

(Style - Death Metal)

Status - On hold

Story - Formed in 2000 by William (as DeathBreath) and brother Jim (as Satan?), in an attempt to poke fun at primitive death metal. The experiment was an absolute failure upon the first initial record, but they kept at it, recording up to 16 albums (full-length, EPs, and cover albums) in just 5 years.


Total Fucking Death (2000)

Multiple Kicks to the Groin (2001)

Stabbed in the Ass (2001)

DemonHell EP (2001)

Covered in Blood (2001)

Violent Boredom (2001)

Bloodsplotch (2001)

Covereder in Blood (2002)

Violent Boredome vol. II (2002)

Cut Cut Cut (2002)

Chaos...Rampant Chaos (2002)

...And You Thought it Couldn't Get Worse (2002)

Use the Manatee (2003)

Putrid Gore Death (2003)

Refried Flesh (2004)

Killing People in Paradise (2005)


DeathBreath - Vocals and Bass

Satan? - Guitars and Vocals

DOD FX86B Death Metal Distortion Pedal - Drums


Gahd - Vocals

Axe - Vocals

Queen of Snakes - Guitars

Jesus Antichrist - Bitching Queer

Stapler - Drums

  • Assplosion (2003)

Vocals, Lyricist, Drums

(Style - Offensive noise-core)

Status - On hold

Story - Formed in 2003 as a response to Seth Putnam stating that his band Anal Cunt was breaking up. Recorded one album, and time just got in the way during the creation of their follow-up album.


You Suck (2003) Vocals, Drums

Hetero-supremacy *unrecorded* (2005) Vocals, Drums)


Will - Vocals and Drums

Jim - Guitars and Backing Vocals


(Style - Electronica/keyboard ambience

Status - Inactive

Story - Formed to be a recording ground for some strange electronica songs William wrote in 2001. Recorded three EPs worth of original material before folding in 2002.


We're Getting the Band Back Together (2001) Synth/instrumentation

The Next Chapter (2001) Synth/instrumentation

Molotov Cocktail (2002) Synth/instrumentation)


William Icari - All instruments


  • Embodiment of Darkness(2001)


(Style - Black Metal

Status - Inactive

Story - The band was formed in 2001 by an over-zealous singer trying to get a band together to perform black metal. A few songs were written, but the band broke up after five practices due to incompetance in the singer and keyboardist.


Daimonian - Vocals

Specter - Lead Guitars

Fifi - Guitars

Lord Dravek - Bass

Dark Minion - Drums

Sadomasochrist - Keyboards)

Session bass

(Style - Thrash Metal

Status - On hold

Story - Formed by brother Jim Nothing in 2003, Evernight wrote and performed a good amount of material during the following year, playing a number of shows. William supplied session bass in case their original bass player couldn't be reached to play. The band broke up in 2005 due to outside instigation.


Jim Nothing - Vocals, Guitars

Tony Zielmo - Lead Guitars

John Haddock - Bass

Johnny Barone - Drums


Dave Cox - Lead Guitars (2003)

William Icari - Session Bass)

  • Infernal Throne (2002)

Vocals, Bass, and Drums

(Style - Black Metal

Status - Inactive/style now prevalent in Vampiris

Story - Formed in 2002 by William and guitarist Ihrien (Tony of Evernight) to perform brutal black metal. Broke up not too long after, but the style therein was changed to Vampiris' initial sound.


William Icari - Vocals, Bass, and Drums

Ihrien - Lead Guitars)


(Style - Speed Metal

Status: Inactive

Before forming Infernal Throne, William was asked to play bass for Tony Zielmo's (Hold Your Tongue, Infernal Throne, Evernight) original band Void, playing more of a speed metal style. Two weeks after agreeing to join, the band broke up for unknown reasons.


Tony - Lead Guitars

Kevin - Lead Guitars

William - Bass

Vocalist and drummer unknown)