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Location: SF Bay Area
Profession: Software Developer
Education: MS in Applied Math
Contributions: Various, mainly in history and geography
Contact: <this user name> at

[edit] JA Election project

List of members of the Diet of Japan


[edit] test

        80.1-100% Republican      80.1-100% Democratic        60.1-80% Republican      60.1-80% Democratic        <=60% Republican      <=60% Democratic          80.1-100% Independent   House seats by party holding plurality in state
     80.1-100% Republican      80.1-100% Democratic
     60.1-80% Republican      60.1-80% Democratic
     <=60% Republican      <=60% Democratic
       80.1-100% Independent
House seats by party holding plurality in state
        6+ Republican gain      6+ Democratic gain        3-5 Republican gain      3-5 Democratic gain        1-2 Republican gain      1-2 Democratic gain        no net change
     6+ Republican gain      6+ Democratic gain
     3-5 Republican gain      3-5 Democratic gain
     1-2 Republican gain      1-2 Democratic gain
     no net change

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