Wiktor Poliszczuk

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Wiktor Poliszczuk (born 10 October 1925 in Dubno near Rivne) is an amateur Canadian politologist of Polish-Ukrainian descent, specialising in Ukrainian nationalism issues and is a controversialn author. Assistant professor (humanities)[dubious ], jurist, politologist; a member of Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada[dubious ]. When he was kid his family was deported to Kazakhstan by the USSR authorities. After the WWII his family resettled in Dniepropetrovsk and later in 1946 he repatreated to Poland as polish national to re-unite with a family of his aunt. In Poland he graduated from the Pedagogical Liceum and was working as a teacher, later he studied law at the Wrocław University. Upon graduation he was working as a prosecutor in the socialist Poland and at this time he made his doctoral thesis about the ideology of ukrainian nationalism which was very popular in the post war Poland.

In 1981 he immigrated to Canada, Toronto where he lives and carries out his research devoted mainly to anatomy of bolshevism, theory and practice of national rights in the USSR and theory and practice of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists - Ukrainian Insurgent Army activities. All his His works are self-published and he is not affiliated with university department; nor does he have a university degree as a historian. Polish historian Ryszard Torzecki, professor at the Institute of History in Warsaw and member of Poland's Academy of Sciences, has dismissed Poliszczuk as an agent of Soviet intelligence [1] [2].

In his works, he clearly separates the issue of UPA and the Ukrainian nation, stating that OUN was based on terror. He explores the sources of the OUN nationalism as based on the theories of Dmytro Dontsov. He maintains that "without studying the UPA security force methods one can not understand anything concerning the ethnic cleansings in Volyn (and Halychyna)"[citation needed]. He says it would be like "studying the Nazi system without explaining the SS or SA role"[citation needed]. Wiktor Poliszczuk gives full support to Vistula action[3].

Along with several other authors, Wiktor Poliszczuk is sometimes accused of playing freely with historical facts, appealing mostly to the reader's emotions. Rafal Wnuk of the Institute of National Remembrance in Lublin has categorized Poliszcuk's work as belonging to the "parascientific tradition" with "no scientific value," and noted Poliszczuk's use of exaggerated numbers of Polish victims of UPA. [4].

[edit] Main Titles

  • (English) "Legal and political assessment of the OUN and UPA, Toronto, 1997, 173 pages, ISBN 0-9699444-4-6
  • (English) "Bitter truth": The criminality of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), the testimony of a Ukrainian, 403 pages, ISBN 0-9699444-9-7
  • (Polish) "Dowody zbrodni OUN i UPA"
  • (Polish) "Gorzka prawda"
  • (Polish) "Ideologia nacjonalizmu ukraińskiego"
  • (Polish) "Apokalipsa według Wiktora Ukrainca"
  • (Polish) "Fałszowanie historii najnowszej Ukrainy"
  • (Polish) "Ocena polityczna i prawna OUN i UPA"
  • (Polish) "Akcja Wisła - próba oceny"
  • (Polish) "Zginęli z rąk ukraińskich"
  • (Polish) "Pojęcie integralnego nacjonalizmu ukraińskiego"
  • (Polish) "Ukraińskie ofiary OUN-UPA" parts available online in English
  • (Polish) "Integralny nacjonalizm ukraiński jako odmiana faszyzmu"

[edit] Notes

^  Rafał Wnuk, Recent Polish Historiography on Polish-Ukrainian Relations during World War II and its Aftermath

[edit] External links

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