Wikipedia talk:WikiProject British Royalty

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[edit] Katharine of Aragon

Hello there. Just wondering if any of the members could give some advice on a debate on the Catherine of Aragon page regarding the spelling of her name. There is some heated discussion on the discussion page, could you drop by and add your thoughts?? Greatly appreciated! CheersPaul75 01:19, 19 February 2007 (UTC)

Well, I am no expert, but the only spelling I have ever encountered in my readings is the 'K' spelling. I have never encountered the 'C' spelling. I am sure both are commonplace, though, depending on which scholars you choose to believe. I am not a specialist in anything relating to the Tudors, so my interest is strictly amateur. Therefore, my limited grasp of the historiography puts me in a weak position. However, I can only say what I know, and that is I have never seen the 'C' spelling. I apologize for answering you after such a delay.

--Ashley Rovira 03:36, 11 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Elizabeth II

Just a minor issue on the Scotland page and on her own page she is states as being Elizabeth II when this is not the case in every country(Scotland being the one I picked up on, where she is Elizabeth the first). I could not edit it for some reason though. 02:01, 7 March 2007 (UTC)