Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Scripts/Fix lowercase first letter problem
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
// Fix wikipedia's lowercase first letter problem // Fix the lowercase first letter problem by changing the page title to the correct one and hiding the template. // by pile0nades addOnloadHook(function (){ try { var ch = get("//div[@id='bodyContent']/dl/dd/span[@class='plainlinks']/i[contains(.,'initial letter is capitalized')]/b").snapshotItem(0); var correction = ch.innerHTML; var articleTitle = get("//div[@id='content']/h1[@class='firstHeading']").snapshotItem(0); var template = ch.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; // check if the original and correct versions match // this avoids acting on non-"real" uses of the template if(articleTitle.innerHTML.toLowerCase() == correction.toLowerCase()) { // Correct the page title document.title = document.title.replace(articleTitle.innerHTML, correction); // Correct the article title articleTitle.innerHTML = correction; // Remove template = "none"; } } catch(e){} function get(query, context) { return document.evaluate( query, document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, context ); } }); //