Wikipedia:WikiProject User Page Help/Content Advice/Other

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Other things you might want to include on your userpage include:

[edit] Status changer

Topaz's status changer lets you show Wikipedians whether you are available, busy or offline. Go to here, edit the page and copy the text to your .js page - if you are using the default Monobook skin, this will be at User:Yournamehere/monobook.js. Save the page and purge the cache (instructions for this will be at the top of your .js page), and you should see three new buttons to the right of the 'log out' buttom. Clicking these will change User:Yournamehere/Status to say 'online', 'offline' or 'busy'.

Now you need to display User:Yournamehere/Status somewhere on your main userpage. To do this, copy the text {{User:Yournamehere/Status}} wherever you want it (it's a good idea to add it to your talk page as well). A good place to position it is at the top of the page, just below the title bar: to do this, use the code

<div style="position: absolute; z-index: 100; right: 14px; top: 38px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 99%;" class="metadata">Activity level: {{User:Yournamehere/Status}}</div>

Note the additional text 'Activity level'. You can replace this with 'Status', 'Currently:' or something more creative.

[edit] Picture(s) of the day

The Picture of the Day is currently displayed every day on the Main Page, and you can use it to decorate your userpage as well. Put {{Pic of the day}} in your userpage to include today's featured picture. If you'd rather have it without the text (to make it smaller), you can use {{Wikipedia:POTD/{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}}_{{CURRENTDAY}},_{{CURRENTYEAR}} instead.

The Random Picture of the Day project also displays a different picture each day - unlike PotD, these pictures are not featured. You can use {{rpotd}} to add the daily random picture to your userpage.

[edit] Tip of the Day

The Tip of the Day project provides a different piece of advice for using Wikipedia every day. Like the Picture of the Day, you can include it on your userpage by adding {{totd}} somewhere. Other formats for the TOTD exist, such as the more compact {{totd3}}, or you can make your own by including {{Wikipedia:Tip of the day/{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}}, {{CURRENTYEAR}}}} on your userpage (which includes the raw text, without any formatting) and then enclose it in your own formatting.

There is also {{totd-random}}, which displays a random tip every minute.