Wikipedia:WikiProject U.S. Interstate Highways/Routebox Legend

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Web Colors Junction route... Article route at this milepost...
lightgrey #d3d3d3 deleted. deleted.
plum #dda0dd unconstructed. unconstructed.
lightyellow #ffffe0 closed to traffic. closed traffic.
navajowhite #ffdead ...does not have an interchange with the article route. ...does not have an interchange with junction route.
paleturquoise #afeeee ...shares alignment with the article route. If this route number is in bold letters, then the shared alignment belongs the junction route, making the article route discontinuous. If this route number is in "regular" letters, then the shared alignment belongs to the article route, making the junction route discontinuous. ...merges with the junction route and shares alignment.
...alights from the junction route and continues.

A bold route indicates that this is where the article route's terminus is.