Wikipedia:WikiProject Saints/Missing articles

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The following individuals and/or articles are currently red links. Please help Wikipedia:WikiProject Saints by creating them or finding the existing page about them.

Through March 25 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)


[edit] Liturgical calendars

The following individuals are all included in one or more liturgical calendars but do not yet have articles in wikipedia.

[edit] A

Abāmūn of Tarnūt; Abbess Eupraxia; Abbot Ignatius; Abbot Nicon; Abraham of Bulgaria; Abraham of Charres; Abramius; Abramius of Arbela; Achilles the Confessor; Aeithalas of Persia; Saint Aemilianus; Agapatus (disciple); Agapitus of Synnada; Agapius of Apamea; Agatha of Palermo; Agathangel; Agatho of Egypt; Agathocleia; Alexander Medvedsky; Alexandra of Alexandria; Alexis of Moscow; Alexis of Zosmia Hermitage; Alexis Stavrovsky; Alexius of Voronezh; Ambrose Gudko; Ammon of Tabennisi; Ammon the Deacon; Amphilochius the Captain; Anastasius of Cyprus; Anastasius of Jerusalem; Anastasius the Persian; Anasthasia Logacheva; Anatole of Odessa; Ancmon; Andrew the Presbyter; Anna Orlova-Chesmenskaya; Ansgar of Hamburg; Anthimus of Chios; Anthony Alexeyovich; Anthony of Athens; Anthony of Berrhia; Anthony of Chernoezersk; Anthony of Dymsk; Anthony of Georgia; Anthony of Krasny Kholm; Anthony of Valaam; Anthony the Roman; Antonina of Nicaea; Antony of Constantinople; Apelles of Heraklion; Aphraates of Persia; Apollo kivebulaya; Apollo of Thebes; Apphia; Aprionus of Cyprus; Aquilina of Thessalonica; Saint Arcadius; Arcadius of Cyprus; Archbishop Nilus; Archbishop Peleus; Saint Archillus; Archimandrite Arsenius; Archipius; St. Aristaces I; Arsenius Matsievich; Arsenius of Tver; Artemidorus and Thallos; Artemius of Thessalonica; Artemius of Verkolsk; Athanasius of Attalia; Athanasius of Novoltsk; Athanasius of Syandemsk; Athanasius the Persian; St. Atrnerseh; Ausentius the Wonderworker; Auxentius of Constantinople; Auxibius of Soli; Avramia of Kashin; Azarias;

[edit] B

Babylas of Sicily; Barsanuphius of Tver; Barsimaeus of Edessa; Barsinaeus; Barsinuphius of Optina; Barsus of Damascus; Barypsabas; Basil of Iberia; Basil of Mangazea; Basil of Rostov; Basil of Thessalonica; Basil the Younger; Bassian; Bessarion I; Bessarion II; Bessarion the Great; Bishop Phoca; Blaise of Caesarea; Bracchio; Bucolus of Smyrna;

[edit] C

Callinica; Caluppan of Auvergne; Carterius; Casdoe; Cassian of Uglich; Castinus of Byzantium; Charitina of Lithuania; Chariton of Syanzhemsk; Charles Henry Brent; Chrestos; Cindeus of Pisidia; Cindius of Cyprus; Clement of Mt. Stirion; Clement of Sardice; Conon of Isauria; Conon of Palestine; Constantine of Georgia; Coprius; Cornelius of Padan-Olonets; Coronatus; Cosmas of Bithynia; Cosmas of Constantinople; Cosmas of Verkhoturye; Cosmas of Yakhromsk; Cosmas of Zographu; Cronides (martyr); Cyprian of Kiev; Cyprian of Serbia; Cyprian of Suzdal; Cyprian of Ustiug; Cyrenia; Cyriacos the Hermit; Cyril of Kazan; Cyril of White Like; Cyrus of Constantinople;

[edit] D

Dalmatus of Siberia; Damaris of Athens; Damascene of Chilandar; Damascene of Valaam; Damian the Healer; Daniel of Shuzhgorsk; Daniel of Thassius; David of Euboia; David of Georgia; David III of Georgia; David of Serpukhov; December 1 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 2 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 3 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 4 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 5 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 6 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 7 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 8 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 10 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 11 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 12 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 13 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 14 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 15 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 16 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 19 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 20 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 21 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 22 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 23 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 24 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 26 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 28 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 29 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 30 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); December 31 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); Demetrian (Euanthia's son); Demetrius (Euanthia's husband); Demetrius of Priluk; Demetrius Skevophylax; Dimitry Ivanov; Dionysius of Athens; Dionysius of Olympus; Dionysius of the Kiev Caves; Dionysius of Zakynthos; Dometian of Melitene; Dometius of Phrygia; Dominica of Contantinople; Domnina of Syria; Domninus of Thessalonica; Dorotheus (Egypt); Dorotheus of Roslavl; Dorothy of Kashin; Dosithea of Moscow; Dositheus (female); Dositheus of Palestine; Dositheus of Verkneostrov; Drosida; Drosis;

[edit] E

Eboras of Persia; Elias Ardunis; Elias of Palestine; Elias the Hermit; Elias the Wonderworker; Elizabeth of Serbia; Emilian of Cyzicus; Ephraim of Perekop; Epicharis (martyr); Erotheis; Euanthia; Eudocimus the Unknown; Eudoxia of Heliopolis; Eulampius of Palestine; Eulogius of Palestine; Eunos of Persia; Euphrasia of Nicomedia; Euphrosyne of Egypt; Euphrosyne of Suzdal; Euphrosynus; Eupraxia of Tabenna; Eurphrosynus the Cook; Eusebius of Kival; Eusebius of Syria; Eusipius of Cyprus; Eustace of Antioch; Eustace of Rome; Eustathius Placidas; Eustratius the Wonderworker; Euthalia of Sicily; Euthemius of Valaam; Euthymius of Mount Athos;

[edit] F

Felician of Foligno; The Fourty Nine Elder Martyrs of Scetes;

[edit] G

Gabdelas; Gabriel of Jerusalem; Gabriel of Pskov-Eleazar; Gaiana; Gaiana of Armenia; Galacteon; Gelasius the Actor; Geminian; Gennadius of Kostroma; George Konnissky; George of Amastris; George of Crete; George of Ioannina; George of Mitylene; George of Philadelphia; George of Serbia; George of Vladimir; George the Chozebite; George the Georgian; Gerasim; Gerasimos; Gerasimus of Cephalonia; Gerasimus of Perm; Gerasimus of the Jordan; Gherman of Dobrogea; Saint Gorgonia; Gregory of Assa; Gregory of Chandzoe; Gregory of Constantinus; Gregory of Crete; Gregory of Moesia; Gregory of Pelshme; Gregory the Singer; Gudelia; Gurias of Kazan;

[edit] H

Hannah Grier Coome; Harriet Mosell; Henry Budd; Herman of Kazan; Herman of Valaam; Hermeningilda; Hermogenes of Moscow; Herodian of Iloezersk; Hesychius the Silent; Hesychius the Wonderworker; Hieromartyr Heraclides; Hieromartyr Myron; Hieormartyr Philemon; Hierotheus of Iveron; Hierotheus of Kalamata; Hilarion of Crete; Hilarion of Optina; Hilarion of Valaam and Sarov; St. Hovsep I; St. Husik; Hypatius of Ephesus;

[edit] I

Ignatius of Bulgaria; Ignatius of Mt. Athos; Innocent of Komel; Innocent of Valaam; Ioasaph of Alaska; Iosaph of Kubensk; Iosaph of Snetogorsk; Irais; Irais of Antinoe; Irene of Egypt; Irene of Green Hill; Irinarch of Rostov; Isaac and Joseph of Georgia; Isaac of Dalmatian; Isaacius of Cyprus; Isabella Gilmore; Isidore of Egypt;

[edit] J

Jadorus; James of Mount Athos; James of Nisibis; James of Serbia; James the Confessor; James the Presbyter; Job of Solovki; St. John I of Armenia; John Calabytes; John Calphas; John Charles Roper; John Kama; John Kyr; John Lampadistus; John of Crete; John of Epirus; John of Kazan; John of Recomans; John of Riga; John of Thebes; John Stuart (missionary); John the Bishop; John the Chozebite; John the Confessor; John West (Anglican); Jonah of Moscow; Jonah of Yashezersk; Jonah the Presbyter; Jonah the Sabbaite; Jordan of Trebizond; Joseph Analytinus; Joseph of Alaver; Joseph of Cappadocia; Joseph of Thessalonica; Joseph of Zaonikiev; Joseph Samakus; Joseph the New; Julian of Emesa; Julian of Galatia; Juliana of Lazarevo; Justin Popovich; Juvenaly;

[edit] K

Kaplunovka; St. Karas; Katevan; Kosheh Martyrs; St. Kyud;

[edit] L

Lambert of Maastrich; Leo of Catania; Leo of Patara; Leobardus; St. Leontius of Armenia; Lesna (icon); Lucy of Syracuse; Luke of Hellas; Luke the New; Lupicinus of Lipidiaco; Lydia (wife of Philetas); Lyubov;

[edit] M

Macarios of Thessalonica; Macarius of Moscow; Macarius of Obnora; Macarius of Paphus; Macarius of Zhabyn; Macedonios; Macedonius of Syria; Major of Gaza; Malchus of Chalcis; Mamelta of Persia; Marcellus of Apamea; Marcellus of Sicily; March 7 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); March 8 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); March 9 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); March 10 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); March 11 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); March 13 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); March 14 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); March 15 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); March 16 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); March 17 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); March 18 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); March 20 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); March 21 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); Marcian of Constantinople; Marcian of Cyrrhus; Saint Marciana; Mares the Singer; Maria of Gatchina; Marie de L'incarnation; Marinus the Elder of Anazarbus; Mark of Apollonias; Mark the deaf-mute; Mark the Faster of Egypt; Maron of Syria; Martin of Thebes; Martinian of Byelozersk; Martinian of Caesarea; Martyr Ariadne; Martyr Callista; Martyr Castor; Martyr Dada; Martyr Fortunatus; Martyr Isaac; Martyr Juliana; Martyr Mardonius; Martyr Martin; Martyr Thomas; Martyrs of New Guinea; Marutha of Martyropolis; Mastridia of Jerusalem; Matrona of Chios; Matthew of Petersburg; Mausimas the Syrian; Maximus of Nola; Maximus of Serbia; Melchizedek of Mzensk; Meletius of Cyprus; Melitena of Marciapolis; Menas of Sinai; Menodora; Meritus of Maurentania; St. Merozanes; Methodia of Cimola; Michael Lisicin; Michael of Armenia; Michael of Klops; Michael of Serbia (Bishop); Misael the Anchorite; Mnason of Cyprus; Modomnoc; Mollie Brant; Moses of Novgorod; St. Mushe;

[edit] N

Nektary of Seattle; Neophytus of Cyprus; Neophytus of Nicaea; Neophytus of Vatopedi; Neophytus the Enclosed; Nestor of Magydos; New Martyrs of Russia; Nicander of Pskov; Nicephorus of Antioch; Nicetas of Epirus; Nicetas the Goth; Nicholas Pantopolis; Nicholas Zagorovsky; Nicolas of Corinth; Nicon (monk); Nilus of Rossano; Nilus of Sora; November 2 (Eastern Othodox liturgics); November 4 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 5 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 6 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 8 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 9 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 10 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 11 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 12 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 13 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 14 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 15 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 16 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 17 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 18 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 19 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 20 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 22 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 23 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 24 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 25 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 26 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 28 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); November 29 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics);

[edit] O

October 9 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); October 10 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); October 11 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); October 12 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); October 13 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); October 14 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); October 15 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); October 16 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); October 17 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); October 21(Eastern Orthodox liturgics); October 22 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); October 23 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); October 24 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); October 25 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); October 26 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); October 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); October 28 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); October 29 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics);October 30 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); October 31 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics); Oleg of Briansk; Onisius of Isauria;

[edit] P

Paisius of Uglich; Pancratius of Taormina; Pansophius of Alexandria; Pantelon; Papas (martyr); Paphnutius of Egypt; Papius of Hierapolis; Parasceva of Diveyevo; Parigorius; Pathcnius; Parthenins; Parthenius of Lampsacus; Patermuthius; Paul and Tatta; Paul of Obnora; Paul Shinji Sasaki; Paul the Obedient; Pelagia of Antioch; Pelagia of Tarsus; Pelagia the Penitent; Perpetua of Carthage; Peter and Paul of Nicaea; Peter Abselamus; Peter Damascene; Peter Galata; Peter Lagov; Peter Michurin; Peter of Anium; Peter of Atroe; Peter of Bulgaria; Peter of Capetolis; Peter of Egypt; Peter of Monovatia; Peter of Moscow; Peter of the Peloponnesus; Peter Skipetrov; Peter the Tax Collector; Peter Zverev; Petronia (martyr); Philagrius of Cyprus; Philemon of Gaza; Philetas the Senator; Philip Lindel Tsen; Philip of Moscow; Saint Philippicus; Philo of Kalpa; Philoteus the Presbyter; Phosterius; Photina; Pigol; Pitirim of Tambov; Placilla; Platon of Revel; Poemen; Polycarp of Briansk; Saint Polyxena; Porphyrius of Gaza; Porphyrius of Glinsk; Porphyrius the Actor; Presbyter Zeno; Prince Bidzin; Prince Elizbar; Prince Michael; Prince Shalva; Prince Theodore of Smolensk; Prince Vsevelod; Prochorus of Pechenga; Procopius of Decapolis; Procopius of Sazava; Psote; Publius of Syria;

[edit] R

Rabulas of Samosata; Rhipsime; Robert McDonald (priest); Roberta Elizabeth Tilton; Roman the Melodist; Romanus of Uglich;

[edit] S

Sabbas of Storozhev; Sabbas of Vishera; Sabbas II; Sadoc of Persia; Saint Hedra; Saint Hor; Saint Isidore of Egypt; St. Karas; Salamanes; Salome of Ujarma; Salvius (bishop); Savvas the New; Schemamonk Rachel; Sebastiana; Seleucus of Scythia; Seraphim of Valaam; Seraphima of Sezenovo; Serapion of Alexandria; Sergius of Caesarea; Sergius of Nurma; Sergius of Valaam; Sergius the Obedient; St. Shahen; St. Shavarsh; Shio of Georgia; Silouan; Simeon of Verkoturye; Simon Gibbins; Simon of Shanghai and Peking; Simon Todorsky; Sophia of Egypt; Sophia of Kiev; Sophia the Martyr; Stephen of Constantinople; Stephen of Placidian; Stephen Stiljianovtich; Syguanos; Sylvanus of Palestine; Sylvester of the Kiev Caves; Symeon of Tver; Symeon the Ancient; Syncletia of Alexandria;

[edit] T

Tatian (martyr); Thais of Egypt; Thaisia of Leushino; Thelalaeus of Syria; Theocles; Theoctistus of Novgorod; Theodosius of Chernigov; Theodoulos; Theodore Gavra; Theodore Graptus; Theodora of Alexandia; Theodore of Alexandria; Theodore of Byzantium; Theodore of Sanaxar; Theodore of Valaam; Theodore the Tyro; Theodoretus of Antioch; Theodosius of Antioch; Theodosius of Karoulia; Theodosius of Optina; Theodosius of Svyatokorsk; Theodosius of Trebizond; Theodosius of Tryglia; Theodosius the Cenobiarch; Theodota; Theodota of Mesopotamia; Theodotus of Cyrenia; Theogenes of Parium; Theoktista Michailovna; Theopan of Poltava; Theopemptus; Theophanes of Sigriane; Theophanes the Hymnographer; Theophanes the Merciful; Theophanes the Silent; Theophilus the Confessor; Theopistes; Tigy; Timon of Nadeyev; Timoth of Caesarea; Timothy of Symbola; Troadius of Neo-Caesarea; Tryphon of Campsada; Tryphon of Vyatka;

[edit] V

Valentine Sventitsky; Valerian (child-martyr); Vandemanius; Vedanayagam Samuel Azariah; Vera the Martyr; Victor and Sosthenes; Victor, Dorotheus, Theodulus and Agrippa; Vladimir Yaroslavich; St. Vrtanes;

[edit] W

Walburgis; Wonder-worker Theodore;

[edit] X

Xanthippa; Xenia of Petersburg; Xenia of Rome; Xenophon of Robika;

[edit] Z

Zachariah of the Kiev Caves; St. Zacharias of Armenia; Zacharias of Jerusalem; Zacharias the Recluse; Zebinas; St. Zementus; Zenas the Lawyer; Zeno of Antioch; Zorsisus; Zosimas

[edit] Missing Catholic encyclopedia articles

The following articles can be found in the first edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia but do not yet have articles in wikipedia.

[edit] A

  1. Venerable William Andlaw or Andlaw, Venerable William (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Venerable Ralph Ashley or Ashley, Venerable Ralph (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Venerable Roger Ashton or Ashton, Venerable Roger (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Ven. Thomas Atkinson or Atkinson, Ven. Thomas (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] B

  1. Venerable Charles Baker or Baker, Venerable Charles (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Christopher Bales or Bales, Christopher, Venerable (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Ven. Edward Bamber or Bamber, Ven. Edward (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. William Barrow or Barrow, William, Venerable (CE | wp gwp g)
  5. Blessed John Beche or Beche, Blessed John (CE | wp gwp g)
  6. George Beesley or Beesley, George, Venerable (CE | wp gwp g)
  7. Venerable Thomas Belson or Belson, Venerable Thomas (CE | wp gwp g)
  8. Blessed Berchtold or Berchtold, Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)
  9. Blessed Bernardine of Fossa or Bernardine of Fossa, Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)
  10. Robert Bickerdike or Bickerdike, Robert, Venerable (CE | wp gwp g)
  11. Ven. John Bodey or Bodey, Ven. John (CE | wp gwp g)
  12. Ven. Jean Louis Bonnard or Bonnard, Ven. Jean Louis (CE | wp gwp g)
  13. Venerable John Bretton or Bretton, Venerable John (CE | wp gwp g)
  14. Ven. Edmund Brindholm or Brindholm, Ven. Edmund (CE | wp gwp g)
  15. Ven. Thomas Bullaker or Bullaker, Ven. Thomas (CE | wp gwp g)
  16. Venerable César de Bus or Bus, Venerable César de (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] C

  1. Venerable Roger Cadwallador or Cadwallador, Venerable Roger (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Venerable Edmund Catherick or Catherick, Venerable Edmund (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Blessed Colomba of Rieti or Colomba of Rieti, Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Venerable Ralph Corbie or Corbie, Venerable Ralph (CE | wp gwp g)
  5. Ven. John Cornelius and Companions or Cornelius and Companions, Ven. John (CE | wp gwp g)
  6. Venerable Ralph Crockett or Crockett, Venerable Ralph (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] D

  1. Venerable William Davies or Davies, Venerable William (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Sir Sir Thomas Dingley or Dingley, Ven. Sir Thomas (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Blessed Delphine or Delphine, Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Blessed Andrea Dotti or Dotti, Blessed Andrea (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] F

  1. Blessed Ferdinand or Ferdinand, Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Blessed Richard Fetherston or Fetherston, Blessed Richard (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Blessed William Filby or Filby, Blessed William (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Ven. John Finch or Finch, Ven. John (CE | wp gwp g)
  5. Ven. John Finglow or Finglow, Ven. John (CE | wp gwp g)
  6. Mathew Flathers or Flathers, Ven. Mathew (CE | wp gwp g)
  7. Blessed Adrian Fortescue or Fortescue, Blessed Adrian (CE | wp gwp g)
  8. Venerable Francis Ingleby or Francis Ingleby, Venerable or Ingleby, Venerable Francis (CE | wp gwp g)
  9. Blessed Francis of Fabriano or Francis of Fabriano, Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)
  10. Blessed Francis Regis Clet or Francis Regis Clet, Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)
  11. Blessed Frowin or Frowin, Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)
  12. William Freeman or Freeman, Ven. William (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] G

  1. Ven. Miles Gerard or Gerard, Ven. Miles (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Venerable Gertrude van der Oosten or Gertrude van der Oosten, Venerable (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Blessed Ippolito Galantini or Ippolito Galantini, Blessed or Ippolito Galantini or Galantini, Ippolito, Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Blessed Gaspare del Bufalo or Gaspare del Bufalo, Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)
  5. Saint Gérard, Abbot of Brogne, or Gérard, Abbot of Brogne, Saint (CE | wp gwp g)
  6. Blessed German Gardiner or German Gardiner, Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)
  7. Blessed Gertrude of Aldenberg or Gertrude of Aldenberg, Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)
  8. Saint Géry or Géry, Saint (CE | wp gwp g)
  9. Blessed Gil of Santarem or Gil of Santarem, Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)
  10. Blessed Giuseppe Maria Tommasi or Tommasi, Blessed Giuseppe Maria (CE | wp gwp g)
  11. Ven. John Goodman or Goodman, Ven. John (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] H

  1. Ven. William Harrington or Harrington, Ven. William (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Ven. William Hartley or Hartley, Ven. William (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Venerable George Haydock or Haydock, Venerable George (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Ven. Thomas Holland or Holland, Ven. Thomas (CE | wp gwp g)
  5. Venerable William Howard or Howard, Venerable William (CE | wp gwp g)
  6. Blessed James Hudson or Hudson, Blessed James (CE | wp gwp g)
  7. Laurence Humphreys or Humphreys, Laurence (CE | wp gwp g) -- Saint and Martyr
  8. Ven. Thurston Hunt or Hunt, Ven. Thurston (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] J

  1. Blessed John Colombini or John Colombini, Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Venerable John Cornelius and Companions or John Cornelius and Companions, Venerable (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Venerable Edward Jones or Jones, Venerable Edward (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] L

  1. Ven. Joseph Lambton or Lambton, Ven. Joseph (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Ven. Richard Langhorne or Langhorne, Ven. Richard (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Venerable Luis de Lapuente or Lapuente, Venerable Luis de (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Venerable John Lockwood or Lockwood, Venerable John (CE | wp gwp g)
  5. Venerable Louis of Casoria or Louis of Casoria, Venerable (CE | wp gwp g)
  6. Saint Loman of Loch Gill or Loman of Loch Gill, Saint (CE | wp gwp g)
  7. Blessed Louis Allemand or Louis Allemand, Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] M

  1. Ven. Charles Mahony or Mahony, Ven. Charles (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Blessed Margaret of Lorraine or Margaret of Lorraine, Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Blessed Marie Christine of Savoy or Marie Christine of Savoy, Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Blessed Marie de l'Incarnation or Marie de l'Incarnation, Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)
  5. Venerable Mary de Sales Chappuis or Mary de Sales Chappuis, Venerable (CE | wp gwp g)
  6. Venerable Thomas Maxfield or Maxfield, Venerable Thomas (CE | wp gwp g)
  7. Blessed Meinwerk or Meinwerk, Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)
  8. Venerable Miles Gerard or Miles Gerard, Venerable (CE | wp gwp g)
  9. Venerable Ralph Milner or Milner, Venerable Ralph (CE | wp gwp g)
  10. Venerable Edward Morgan or Morgan, Venerable Edward (CE | wp gwp g)
  11. Ven. John Martin Moye or Moye, Ven. John Martin (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] N

  1. Venerable George Napper or Napper, Venerable George (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Robert Nutter or Nutter, Robert, Ven. (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] O

  1. Ven. Edward Oldcorne or Oldcorne, Ven. Edward (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] P

  1. Blessed Pacificus of Ceredano or Pacificus of Ceredano, Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Venerable Anthony Page or Page, Venerable Anthony (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Venerable Thomas Palasor or Palasor, Venerable Thomas (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Venerable Angelo Paoli or Paoli, Venerable Angelo (CE | wp gwp g)
  5. Blessed Mary Anne de Paredes or Paredes, Blessed Mary Anne de (CE | wp gwp g)
  6. Joseph Passerat or Passerat, Joseph, Venerable (CE | wp gwp g)
  7. Venerable William Patenson or Patenson, Venerable William (CE | wp gwp g)
  8. Blessed John Payne or Payne, Blessed John (CE | wp gwp g)
  9. Blessed Jean-Gabriel Perboyre or Perboyre, Blessed Jean-Gabriel (CE | wp gwp g)
  10. Blessed Thomas Percy or Percy, Blessed Thomas (CE | wp gwp g)
  11. Venerable Peter Snow or Peter Snow, Venerable (CE | wp gwp g)
  12. Philip of the Blessed Trinity (CE | wp gwp g)
  13. Venerable Thomas Pilchard or Pilchard, Venerable Thomas (CE | wp gwp g)
  14. Ven. Thomas Pormort or Pormort, Ven. Thomas (CE | wp gwp g)
  15. Blessed Edward Powell or Powell, Blessed Edward (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] R

  1. Venerable Ralph Crockett or Ralph Crockett, Venerable (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Venerable Ralph Milner or Ralph Milner, Venerable (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Ven. Anne-Madeleine Remuzat or Remuzat, Ven. Anne-Madeleine (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Blessed Richard Thirkeld or Richard Thirkeld, Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)
  5. Venerable Christopher Robinson or Robinson, Venerable Christopher (CE | wp gwp g)
  6. Venerable Roger of Hoveden Roger Cadwallador or Roger Cadwallador, Venerable Roger of Hoveden (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] S

  1. Venerable John Sandys or Sandys, Venerable John (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Ven. Montford Scott or Scott, Ven. Montford (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Ven. Richard Sergeant or Sergeant, Ven. Richard (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Blessed Seraphina Sforza or Sforza, Blessed Seraphina (CE | wp gwp g)
  5. The Sixteen Blessed Teresian Martyrs of Compiègne or Teresian Martyrs of Compiègne, The Sixteen Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)
  6. Venerable Peter Snow or Snow, Venerable Peter (CE | wp gwp g)
  7. Venerable William Southerne or Southerne, Venerable William (CE | wp gwp g)
  8. Blessed John Speed or Speed, Blessed John (CE | wp gwp g)
  9. Venerable William Spenser or Spenser, Venerable William (CE | wp gwp g)
  10. Venerable Edward Stransham or Stransham, Venerable Edward (CE | wp gwp g)
  11. Venerable John Sugar or Sugar, Venerable John (CE | wp gwp g)
  12. Ven. Robert Sutton or Sutton, Ven. Robert (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] T

  1. Ven. Anna Maria Taigi or Taigi, Ven. Anna Maria (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Ven. Hugh Taylor or Taylor, Ven. Hugh (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Saint Ternan or Ternan, Saint (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Venerable Thomas Atkinson or Thomas Atkinson, Venerable (CE | wp gwp g)
  5. Saint Thomas of Guiana (CE | wp gwp g)
  6. Venerable Robert Thorpe or Thorpe, Venerable Robert (CE | wp gwp g)
  7. Venerable John Thulis or Thulis, Venerable John (CE | wp gwp g)
  8. Ven. Nicholas Tichborne or Tichborne, Ven. Nicholas (CE | wp gwp g)
  9. Ven. Thomas Tichborne or Tichborne, Ven. Thomas (CE | wp gwp g)
  10. Venerable Thomas Tunstall or Tunstall, Venerable Thomas (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] V

  1. Blessed Baptista Varani or Varani, Blessed Baptista (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] W

  1. Ven. William Ward or Ward, Ven. William (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Ven. Edward Waterson or Waterson, Ven. Edward (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Ven. Thomas Welbourne or Welbourne, Ven. Thomas (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Ven. Smithin Wells or Wells, Ven. Smithin (CE | wp gwp g)
  5. Ven. Christopher Wharton or Wharton, Ven. Christopher (CE | wp gwp g)
  6. Venerable Thomas Whitaker or Whitaker, Venerable Thomas (CE | wp gwp g)
  7. Venerable Thomas Whitbread or Whitbread, Venerable Thomas (CE | wp gwp g)
  8. Blessed Richard Whiting or Whiting, Blessed Richard (CE | wp gwp g)
  9. Blessed William Hart or William Hart, Blessed (CE | wp gwp g)
  10. Venerable Peter Wright or Wright, Venerable Peter (CE | wp gwp g)