Wikipedia:WikiProject Redwall/List of Redwall characters

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This is a list of characters in the Redwall fantasy novel series, organized by the book in which they appear.


[edit] Redwall

[edit] Matthias

Main article: Matthias

Matthias is the main character and hero in the first book of the Redwall series. He also appears or is mentioned in several subsequent books. He is the father of Mattimeo (the hero of the third book, Mattimeo), and grandfather of Martin, named for the legendary Martin the Warrior, a major figure in The Pearls of Lutra.

[edit] Methuselah

Methusaleh is an old mouse in the Brian Jacques novel Redwall. He aids Matthias in the finding of the sword of Martin the Warrior but is later killed by the fox Chickenhound. He likes to think himself as an aged but erudite scholar.

"Aged" is correct; Methuselah is the oldest member of Redwall, hence his name. He has seen many an Abbot (and presumably, many an Abbess) come and go; has seen the Summer of the Late Rose thrice; and has spent untold years studying the languages of all animals, as well as the history of Redwall and Mossflower Country. He is a Recorder, and therefore the Gatekeeper, because the two positions have remained together since the foundation of the Abbey. Only after many years is the Recorder separated from the Gates. Methuselah took a special interest in the saga of Martin the Warrior, consequently taking interest in Matthias, in whom he saw many of the traits that distinguish a hero.

Methuselah met his death in the fulfilment of his duty, in that he was restoring a tear in the tapestry of Martin the Warrior when Chickenhound (later Slagar) attacked and killed him.

Later, one of the two new Redwall bells was named after Methuselah, in his remembrance.

Methuselah was voiced by Colin Bean in the full-cast audiobook.

[edit] Cluny the Scourge

Cluny the Scourge is the antagonist in the novel Redwall by Brian Jacques. He is an evil rat leader with an eye patch and a poisonous barb on his tail, which is physically used as a whip (or in some cases, a fifth limb). Cluny is plagued in his dreams by the guardian spirit of Redwall, Martin the Warrior. According to the first chapters of the book, Cluny the Scourge is said to be a Portuguese rat. This is one of the few references to the human world in the whole series.

Cluny was originally a searat, but came ashore with his army seeking plunder and destruction. His atrocities were told about across the land, though most believed him a story for frightening children. He committed many crimes, including the death of Matthias' family (TV series). He came to Mossflower country seeking to take over, wanting to make Redwall into "Cluny's Castle". He expected little difficulty in defeating the inexperienced Redwallers, but was thwarted time and time again by their bravery and ingenuity.

Cluny's efforts were further hampered by nightmares of Martin the Warrior. Cluny kept envisioning the warrior mouse, often with some other fell image with him, such as Cluny's dead soldier or the serpent Asmodeus. Despite this, Cluny pressed on. However, his plans - which included a battering ram, tunneling, getting onto the walls using a siege tower or plank stretched from a tree, and stealing the tapestry of Martin the Warrior - all failed.

Cluny eventually managed to get into Redwall by threatening the family of a dormouse he had captured. A dormouse snuck into Redwall and opened the main gate while everyone else was asleep. Cluny's horde broke in, capturing the defenders and taking over. Cluny was about to kill Abbot Mortimer when Matthias, having gone journeying to find the Sword of Martin, attacked with an army of Guosim shrews and Sparra. Cluny's horde was defeated, and Cluny himself perished at the warrior's hand, when Matthias cut down the Joseph Bell, which crushed Cluny to death.

Cluny is portrayed as a good general and a fine tactician and is one of the three vermin invaders ever to make it into the Great Hall of the Abbey (the others being the raven General Ironbeak in Mattimeo and the Marlfoxes of Marlfox) and the only one to invade "en masse", but he is still driven out by the Redwallers in the end. Cluny was a savage and skilled fighter (he was said to have slain a pike) and even Matthias the Warrior could not best him physically. He was only killed when he is crushed by the Joseph Bell of Redwall Abbey while fighting the mouse hero. His main weapon was his tail, from which he took the name Scourge, but in his battle with Matthias he wielded a metal club. His main outfit for battle was a set of armor with the horns of a stag beetle attached to the helmet.

Cluny is voiced on the TV series by Diego Matamoros and by Jason Mulhearn in the full-cast audiobook.

[edit] Constance

Badger Mother in the time of Matthias, Constance was a steadfast presence in the face of menaces like Cluny the Scourge and General Ironbeak. She assisted Matthias in the defense of Redwall against Cluny's hordes, and came up with several plans to counter him.

When Matthias and the other warriors of Redwall left in search of Slagar, Constance was left in charge of the Abbey's defenses. General Ironbeak came calling, and Constance was able to defeat him, killing his crow seer Mangiz. When Matthias' company returned to Redwall, she became firm friends with Orlando the Axe. She was also the first Badger Mother to groom her successor.

[edit] Jess Squirrel

Jess Squirrel, was a pretty, young, kind, red squirrel mother of Sam Squirrel, excellent at leaping in high distances, & tree climber. She was smart, generous, having a good sense of humor. good at being a warrior & became good friends with Basil Stag Hare. She appeared in Redwall & Mattimeo

[edit] Basil Stag Hare

[edit] Sela

Sela the Vixen, mother of Chickenhound played as a double dealing spy along with her son & was a healer fox. She spied on Cluny the Scourge taking his fake plans, then stealing some valuables from Redwall. But was then caught by Constance & was sent to her death by Cluny's soilders when the creatures at Redwall, & Cluny found out that she was a double spy & a traitor.

[edit] Chickenhound

Chickenhound the fox, son of Sela the Vixen (later Slagar the Cruel) played as a double dealing spy. He & Sela spied on Cluny the Scourge, taking his fake battle plans & outfoxed the two foxes & by recieving them to Constance. While Sela stole some valubles from Redwall, Chickenhound then attacked Methusela & killed him. Chickenhound's mother then died when the creatures at Redwall, & Cluny found out that she was a double spy & a traitor. Chickenhound easily escaped from Redwall when they locked him up in the infirmary. Then also was bitten by Asmodeues. Chickenhound luckily survived, but then went insane from the venom in process a bit. He later became a slaver & became Slagar the Cruel.

[edit] Squire Julian Gingivere

Squire Gingivere, Julian, was possibly a descendant of the Squire Gingivere from the book Mossflower. Living in a barn some distance from Redwall, Julian was odd among cats in the fact that he was a vegetarian. He lived with the owl Captain Snow, but the owl's appetite for meat and their conflicting personalities led to a disagreement and then separation.

During his search for Snow, young Matthias of Redwall came across Julian. The two became friends, and Julian took Matthias to see Snow. After Matthias learned what he wanted, he set out after Asmodeus. He later came back to see Julian, and brought him along to meet Captain Snow. Extracting an apology from Snow, Matthias soon had the two back together, the disagreement forgotten. Julian later came with Snow to Redwall, where they killed the last members of Cluny the Scourge's horde as they tried to escape. He was voiced by Paul Denemy in the full-cast audiobook, and on the animated TV series by Keith Knight.

[edit] Captain Snow

[edit] Asmodeus

Asmodeus Poisonteeth was a giant male adder who lived in an old sandstone quarry north-east of Redwall Abbey in Redwall, a fantasy novel by Brian Jacques. He was also called "Giant Ice Eyes" by the shrews due to his possession of hypnotic powers. He had been known to hiss his name which, according to one of Cluny's soldiers, is that of the devil. For several years he had possessed the sword of Martin the Warrior, which he took from the sparrow king. The mouse Matthias decapitated Asmodeus with Martin's sword.

In the book Outcast of Redwall, it is shown that the quarry was filled with adders before Asmodeus lived there, perhaps his ancestors. It is also revealed in the book Triss that Brockhall, abandoned after the construction of Redwall, has become the residence of adders, possibly descendants of Asmodeus.

Asmodeus was indirectly responsible for the events of Mattimeo, as he bit Chickenhound, the fox. Chickenhound survived, going insane from the venom in the process, and adopting the identity of Slagar the Cruel.

Asmodeus killed Cluny's captain Ragear, and the shrew named Guosim.

Asmodeus is voiced in the TV series by David Hemblen and by Nick Baty in the full-cast audiobook.

[edit] King Bull Sparra

Ruler of the Sparra who nest in Redwall Abbey's roof spaces, King Bull was a fierce tyrant. King Bull lost the Sword of Martin to the serpent Asmodeus. Since then, he was driven mad by a desire to recover it. His madness led to his end when Matthias, a Redwall mouse, came seeking the sword. After keeping the mouse prisoner, King Bull was tricked into leaving. Upon his return, he saw Matthias escaping. The two became locked in battle, and fell into Redwall Abbey's pond. King Bull drowned, and his niece Warbeak became the new Sparra Queen. He was voiced by Ben Campbell on the animated TV series and by Billy Maher in the full-cast audiobook.

[edit] Warbeak

A sparrow warrior who befriended Matthias, Warbeak was a vicious fighter. The two bickered at first, but in time established a friendship. Following the death of King Bull Sparra, Warbeak took his place as queen. She led the Sparra against the forces of Cluny the Scourge. Sadly, she later fell in battle against a horde of rats, and was put to rest by her friend in Mattimeo.

Warbeak's only living family was her mother, Dunwing, her father having been killed by Asmodeus. On the animated TV series, she was voiced by Tracey Moore; in the audiobooks, she was played by Eithne Brown in Redwall and by Keddy Sutton in Mattimeo.

[edit] Mortimer

A mouse who was the Abbot of Redwall during the time when it was menaced by Cluny the Scourge. Mortimer was a kind old mouse, and rather fond of Matthias. He led the Abbey well, but was sadly wounded fatally during the final battle against Cluny. As he lay on his deathbed, he made several declarations, which included appointing his successor Mordalfus and decreeing the marriage of Matthias to Cornflower. He was voiced by Chris Wiggins on the animated TV series and in the full-cast audiobook by Geoff Lavelle.

[edit] Cornflower

Cornflower was the pretty young fieldmouse whom Matthias fell in love with in the Redwall series by Brian Jacques. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fieldmouse, the wife of Matthias, mother of Mattimeo and grandmother of Martin the Second. She was a skilled cook and often wore headbands.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

In Redwall, Cornflower was of great help to Redwall Abbey during the Late Rose Summer War and was able to fend off Cluny the Scourge during one of his attacks. She threw a lantern onto his siege tower which caused it to burst into flames.

In Mattimeo, when Redwall was under attack by General Ironbeak, Cornflower came up with an idea to dress up as the ghost of Martin the Warrior to scare the superstitious birds. Her plan worked, and the rooks and magpies became extremely frightened. She would have continued her masquerade, but Abbot Mordalfus then told her to stop because she could have been killed.

Matthias and Mattimeo still were not home yet, and Cornflower began to get very worried. But finally, as she was staring out from the walltop, she saw them coming back and ran down to greet them.

She was voiced by Rachel Murphy in the full-cast audiobook of Redwall and by Alison Pill and Melissa McIntyre in the television series of Redwall and Mattimeo, respectively.

[edit] Mordalfus

Originally known simply as Brother Alf, Mordalfus was the Abbey Fishermouse, responsible for catching a fish from the pond as part of annual feasts. He was often assisted in this by young Matthias, who added his youthful energy to Mordalfus' expertise. After Abbot Mortimer was wounded, he appointed Mordalfus as his successor.

Eight seasons later, Mordalfus was still ruler of Redwall when many of the Abbey's children, including Matthias' son Mattimeo, were kidnapped by Slagar the Cruel. After Matthias departed in search of them, Mordalfus was forced to contend with the forces of General Ironbeak. However, thanks to the brave efforts of his Redwallers, the evil raven was defeated, and Mordalfus later welcomed Matthias and his friends home.

Mordalfus was voiced by John Stocker on the animated TV series; in the full-cast audiobooks he was voiced by Nick Baty (as Brother Alf) in Redwall and by Gordon Hall in Mattimeo.

[edit] Mossflower

[edit] Barkstripe

The mate of Bella of Brockhall, Barkstripe was the father of Sunflash the Mace. Barkstripe came to dwell in Mossflower with Bella after the wanderings of their youth, taking charge from Bella's father Boar the Fighter. However, Barkstripe's peaceful reign ended when Verdauga Greeneyes came and took over the castle of Kotir and the surrounding territory. Barkstripe led a band of resistance fighters against the wildcat, but being more farmer than warrior, was killed.

Barkstripe later appeared to Sunflash in a vision with Boar and Lord Brocktree, preventing Sunflash from passing through the gates of the Dark Forest. He told Sunflash that his time was not done, and he needed to take up the mantle of his forefathers and become Badger Lord of Salamandastron.

[edit] Mattimeo

[edit] Mariel of Redwall

[edit] Salamandastron

[edit] Loambudd

Grandmother of Badger Lords Urthstripe the Strong and Urthwyte the Mighty, Loambudd was a fierce fighting badger in her youth. Loambudd was off on an errand when her son and daughter-in-law were killed by Ferahgo the Assassin. Upon returning to the home she shared with them, she found them dead and young Urthstripe missing. Taking charge of baby Urthwyte, she traveled far and wide, before finally settling on an island set on a massive lake with Urthwyte and an ancient squirrel. She was voiced by Beth Cassidy

Loambudd's exile ended when Mara, adoptive daughter of Urthstripe, came to the island with a band of Guossom shrews seeking an artifact that the simple Urthwyte had taken long before. Upon learning of her grandson's continued existence, and the fact that he was menaced by Ferahgo, Loambudd joined Urthwyte and Mara as they journeyed to Salamandastron. Despite their assistance, Urthstripe was killed by Ferahgo. Loambudd, recovering a badger medallion that had belonged to her son from the corpse of Ferahgo, placed it about Urthwyte's neck.

Loambudd stayed at Salamandastron the rest of her days, being the only one who could instruct Urthwyte in the ways of the Badger Lord.

[edit] Martin the Warrior

[edit] Rowanoak

Rowanoak was a female badger and member of the Rambling Rosehip Players. Serving as cart puller and baritoness, she fought alongside her troupe and various others in the battle against Badrang the Tyrant and Tramun Clogg. After Badrang's death, Rowanoak became friends with Martin the Warrior, but later parted ways with him to live in Noonvale. She was voiced by Angela Heslop in the full-cast audiobook.

[edit] The Bellmaker

[edit] Outcast of Redwall

[edit] The Pearls of Lutra

[edit] The Long Patrol

[edit] Marlfox

[edit] The Legend of Luke

[edit] Lord Brocktree

[edit] Rosalaun, Melanius, and Snowstripe

Wife of Lord Russano the Wise, Lady Rosalaun lived at Salamandastron with him. Rosalaun was a kind, understanding person, often amused by her husband's childlike enthusiasim for his pet projects. She also enjoyed teasing him, threatening to send him off to bed for being naughty. She also encouraged him, and was the one who convinced him to read his account of the arrival of Lord Brocktree at Salamandastron.

Melanius and Snowstripe were Russano and Rosalaun's daughter and son. Melanius was the older of the two, and it is unknown which of them continued the line of Badger Lords to later years.

[edit] The Taggerung

[edit] Triss

[edit] Lord Hightor and Lady Merola

The parents of Sagaxus, Lord Hightor and Lady Merola ruled over the mountain of Salamandastron. They were rather distressed when Sagax departed to go off traveling, though they accepted that it had to happen sooner or later, due to the legendary tension that occurs between two full grown male badgers living in the same space. Hightor was rather put off by Sagax's choices, including his friendship with Kroova Wavedog, whom Hightor saw as a bad influence.

Hightor and Merola were most surprised when Sagax returned a season later, sailing a pirate vessel with a crew of Guosim and Redwall creatures. The two were most impressed by how much their son had matured, though Merola was startled by his carrying of a battle-axe. When Sagax sailed off again, Hightor sent a score of Long Patrol hares to accompany him. Following the defeat of the Pure Ferrets, Sagax promised to visit them every season, and also made arrangements for them to visit Redwall Abbey.

[edit] Loamhedge

[edit] Grawn

An ancient and shriveled badger, Grawn was the guardian and friend of Lonna Bowstripe. Grawn educated Lonna in the ways of the bowbeast, and also told the young badger of his Seer talents. When Lonna was fully grown, he and Grawn set out on a journey for Salamandastron, where Grawn planned to live out the rest of his days in comfort. Unfortunately, their plans were shattered when they were attacked in the night by Raga Bol's forces.

Grawn was killed in the ensuing battle, and Lonna grievously wounded. Fortunately for the two, they were found by a local group of sea otters. The group nursed Lonna back to health, and buried Grawn under a mound of stones, with Lonna's original bow-shattered in the fight-as a marker. Lonna went on to avenge his death, slaying those who had killed the father-like old badger, and then completed the journey they had set out on, becoming Lord of Salamandastron.

[edit] Rakkety Tam

[edit] Lady Melesme

Badger Lady of Salamandastron, Melesme ruled the mountain at the time that Gulo the Savage came to Mossflower country. After losing eight hares to the beast's cannibals, she sent along a hundred Long Patrol hares to track them down, accompanied by Rakkety Tam MacBurl and Wild Doogy Plumm. Melesme was a kind old badger, very regal in manner and look. She was voiced by Beth Cassidy.

[edit] High Rhulain