Wikipedia:WikiProject Pseudoscience/Green Cheese Model of Lunar Composition

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Disputed science:
Green Cheese Model of Lunar Composition



Core tenets:

The moon's lithosphere is composed of cheese, as opposed to the silicate rock composition postulated by mainstream science.

Year proposed: 1978

Original proponents:

A. Nonymous

Current proponents:

  • B. Nonymous
  • C. Nonymous


[edit] Overview

The Green Cheese Model of lunar composition was proposed by A. Nonymous in 1978. The core tenet of this model is that the lithosphere of the moon is composed of cheese. A. Nonymous maintained that this model provided a better explanation of the existence of lunar mice than the silicate rock model used by mainstream science.

[edit] Claims of the Green Cheese Model

[edit] Core tenets

The claims central to the Green Cheese Model are the following:

  • The moon's lithosphere is composed of a substance similar or identical to cheese in composition and chemical structure.
  • The outermost layers of this shell of cheese host a number of mold species, resulting in the moon's observed surface color.
  • Animals termed lunar mice exist on the surface of the moon, deriving nourishment from the cheese lithosphere.
  • Observations of the composition of the lunar surface and of its animal life were suppressed as a result of a deliberate conspiracy by the governments of the United States and the Soviet Union.

These claims are presented in more detail in the following articles:

  • [[title of article with verbose description of claimed structure and wildlife]]
  • [[title of article with verbose description of claimed cover-up]]

[edit] Incompatibilities with mainstream science

Mainstream science and the Green Cheese Model are incompatible in the following ways:

  • Mainstream science considers the moon's lithosphere to be composed of silicate rock, based on spectrographic observations and retrieved samples. This is incompatible with the Green Cheese Model's claim that it is composed of cheese and mold.
  • Mainstream science considers the moon's surface to be lifeless, based on the absence of an atmosphere and on the lack of observed wildlife or plant life during the Apollo program and preceding lunar investigation missions. This is incompatible with the Green Cheese Model's claim that it is inhabited by lunar mice, based on B. Nonymous's capture on earth of a mouse allegedly originating on the moon.

[edit] Notable proponents and opponents

[edit] Proponents

The Green Cheese Model was aggressively supported by A. Nonymous until his death in 1998.

B. Nonymous and C. Nonymous are currently the primary proponents of the Green Cheese Model. B. Nonymous publicly claims that the model is irrefutable fact based on his claim to have caught a lunar mouse which is alleged to have escaped from a government facility [ref].

[edit] Opponents

No attempted refutations of the Green Cheese Model have appeared in print. When asked about the model in an interview by Celestial Objects magazine, astronomers at the Big Shiny Things observatory jokingly asked for "lunar wine to go with the cheese" [ref].

[edit] References

[edit] Non-mainstream resources

  • C. Nonymous's web page about the Green Cheese Model.
  • A. Nonymous's most notable publications about the Green Cheese Model, published in the Anything Goes Non-Reviewed Science Journal.

[edit] Mainstream resources

  • Lunar composition page.
  • Article in Celestial Objects magazine.
  • Citation for a lunar geology paper from a reputable journal.
  • Another lunar geology citation from a reputable journal.

[edit] See Also

[[Category:Astronomy]] [[Category:Pseudoscience]]

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