Wikipedia:WikiProject Neuroscience

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Wikiproject: Neuroscience
Open Tasks Article Collaborations
Stub Sorting Verification & Referencing
Contributors Guidelines

The Neuroscience Collaboration of the Month for November is Brodmann area.
Action potential
Asperger's syndrome
Free will
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
Glia: Supporting the function of Wikipedia!
Glia: Supporting the function of Wikipedia!

Welcome to WikiProject Neuroscience, a project that aims to create and improve all wikipedia's neuroscience and brain-related articles.


[edit] Aims

[edit] Accuracy

The main goal of this project is accuracy of information. We aim to ensure that all neuroscience-related articles on Wikipedia are clear, well-referenced, and include proper use of media. The end product should be articles with in-depth, qualitative information that are accessible-enough to be encyclopedia articles but well-referenced enough for academic use.

To fulfill these aims, the project will initially focus on articles covering broad ideas and concepts. The project will then develop more detailed, specific articles. This top-down approach will allow Wikipedia to serve immediately as a useful resource that becomes more detailed over time.

The project's approach is to cover the brain through a cross-species, multidisciplinary approach. This should provide detailed information about the distinct differences between species with evolutionary/ ecological reasoning for such differences. We aim to integrate information from the cellular/ molecular level all the way up to the cognitive/ clinical level.

[edit] Simplicity and depth

Basic questions should have simple answers. A major goal of this project is to ensure that neuroscience articles are not only comprehensive enough for a specialist, but should be simple enough for laymen and children alike.

[edit] Areas of coverage

The following is a list of areas which this project hopes to cover. There will, no doubt, be overlap with existing and related projects but this can only help.

[edit] How you can help

Anybody can help!

  1. Identify target articles-particularly covering fundamental concepts and ideas.
  2. Improve and discuss the proposed structures of articles.
  3. Improve articles yourself!
  4. Leave comments here for feedback.

[edit] Focus articles

This section lists relatively complete articles which are fundamental to neuroscience which should be worked on to meet Featured Article criteria. This section emphasizes the general before the specific.

[edit] Featured items

[edit] Articles

The following articles concerned with neuroscience are featured articles:

[edit] Categories

[edit] Pictures

The following featured pictures are neuroscientific in subject:

[edit] Useful links

[edit] Related media

The Psychology Wiki is a Wikia project, meaning that it is hosted by Wikia Inc., which was founded by Jimmy Wales and Angela Beesley. You can think of the project as a daughter of the wikipedia site.

The Psychology Wiki's mission is to create an online resource placing the entire body of psychology knowledge in the hands of its users, be they academics, practitioners or users of psychology services. It is intended to be a meta-textbook, with full academic referencing and extensive cross linking between different subject areas.

The Psychology Wiki differs from Wikipedia psychology articles in that:

  • 1) It is intended to contain all of the discipline of psychology, like a giant meta-textbook, rather than an Encyclopedia.
  • 2) It will therefore go into much greater technical detail than one would have in an encyclopedia. It will have full academic referencing.
  • 3) It will have Personal Experiences relating to psychology issues on seperate user pages, protected by admins, allowing POV to be expressed on these pages only. The rest of the wiki is NPOV, but expression of personal experience is nessesary and desireable on our wiki.
  • 4) It will have course content pages from academic and clinical courses with links to internal wiki articles.
  • 5) It will be a place for researchers to discuss latest papers etc...
  • 6) As the site will mainly be of interest to people who study or work in psychology, we expect that the majority of our contributors will be psychologists by training. Of our current contributors, approximately 80% are psychologists. This means that the community works very differently from Wikipedia, due to a much greater level of expertise.

Please have a look at the Psychology Wiki and let us know what you think. Mostly Zen

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