Wikipedia:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Missing diseases/2

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  1. Bébé Collodion syndrome
  2. Baber's syndrome
  3. Bagatelle Cassidy syndrome
  4. Bahemuka Brown syndrome
  5. Baker Vinters syndrome
  6. Baker-Winegard syndrome
  7. Ballard syndrome
  8. Ballistophobia
  9. Balo disease
  10. Balo's concentric sclerosis
  11. Bamforth syndrome
  12. BANF acoustic neurinoma
  13. Banki syndrome
  14. Baraitser Brett Piesowicz syndrome
  15. Baraitser Rodeck Garner syndrome
  16. Barber Say syndrome
  17. Bare lymphocyte syndrome 2
  18. Bare lymphocyte syndrome
  19. Barnicoat Baraitser syndrome
  20. Barrow Fitzsimmons syndrome
  21. Bartsocas Papa syndrome
  22. Bartter syndrome, antenatal form
  23. Bartter's disease
  24. Basal cell nevus anodontia abnormal bone mineralization
  25. Basan syndrome
  26. Basaran Yilmaz syndrome
  27. Basedow's coma
  28. Basilar impression primary
  29. Bassoe syndrome
  30. Battaglia Neri syndrome
  31. Batten Turner muscular dystrophy
  32. Baughman syndrome
  33. Bazex-Dupre-Christol syndrome
  34. Bazopoulou Kyrkanidou syndrome
  35. Bd syndrome
  36. Beals syndrome
  37. Beardwell syndrome
  38. Becker disease
  39. Beemer Ertbruggen syndrome
  40. Beemer Langer syndrome
  41. Behrens Baumann Dust syndrome
  42. Bellini Chiumello Rinoldi syndrome
  43. Ben Ari Shuper Mimouni syndrome
  44. Benallegue Lacete syndrome
  45. Bencze syndrome
  46. Benign autosomal dominant myopathy
  47. Benign familial infantile convulsions
  48. Benign familial infantile epilepsy
  49. Benign lymphoma
  50. Benign mucosal pemphigoid
  51. Bentham Driessen Hanveld syndrome
  52. Berardinelli-Seip congenital lipodystrophy
  53. Berry aneurysm, cirrhosis, pulmonary emphysema, and cerebral calcification
  54. Beta ketothiolase deficiency
  55. Beta-galactosidase-1 deficiency
  56. Beta-mannosidosis
  57. Beta-sarcoglycanopathy
  58. Beta-thalassemia major anemia
  59. Bethlem myopathy
  60. Bickel Fanconi glycogenosis
  61. Bidirectional tachycardia
  62. Biemond syndrome type 1
  63. Biemond syndrome type 2
  64. Biemond syndrome
  65. Biermer disease
  66. Bifid nose dominant
  67. Bilateral renal agenesis dominant type
  68. Bilateral renal agenesis
  69. Biliary atresia, extrahepatic
  70. Biliary atresia, intrahepatic, non syndromic form
  71. Biliary atresia, intrahepatic, syndromic form
  72. Biliary hypoplasia
  73. Biliary malformation renal tubular insufficiency
  74. Biliary tract cancer
  75. Billard Toutain Maheut syndrome
  76. Billet Bear syndrome
  77. Bindewald Ulmer Muller syndrome
  78. Bird headed dwarfism Montreal type
  79. Birdshot chorioretinopathy
  80. Bixler Christian Gorlin syndrome
  81. Bjornstad syndrome
  82. Blaichman syndrome
  83. Blepharo cheilo dontic syndrome
  84. Blepharo facio skeletal syndrome
  85. Blepharo naso facial syndrome Van maldergem type
  86. Blepharonasofacial malformation syndrome
  87. Blepharophimosis nasal groove growth retardation
  88. Blepharophimosis ptosis esotropia syndactyly short
  89. Blepharophimosis ptosis syndactyly mental retardation
  90. Blepharophimosis syndrome Ohdo type
  91. Blepharophimosis, ptosis, epicanthus inversus
  92. Blepharophimosis
  93. Blepharoptosis aortic anomaly
  94. Blepharoptosis cleft palate ectrodactyly dental anomalies
  95. Blepharoptosis myopia ectopia lentis
  96. Blethen Wenick Hawkins syndrome
  97. Blomstrand syndrome
  98. Blood Coagulation Disorders, Inherited
  99. Blood vessel disorder
  100. Blount disease
  101. BOD syndrome
  102. Boder syndrome
  103. Bone development disorder
  104. Bone dysplasia Azouz type
  105. Bone dysplasia corpus callosum agenesis
  106. Bone dysplasia lethal Holmgren type
  107. Bone dysplasia Moore type
  108. Bone fragility craniosynostosis proptosis hydrocephalus
  109. Bone marrow failure neurologic abnormalities
  110. Bone marrow failure
  111. Bonneau-Beaumont syndrome
  112. Bonneman Meinecke Reich syndrome
  113. Bonnemann Meinecke syndrome
  114. Bonnevie Ullrich Turner syndrome
  115. Book syndrome
  116. Boomerang dysplasia
  117. Booth Haworth Dilling syndrome
  118. BOR syndrome
  119. Borjeson Syndrome
  120. Bork Stender Schmidt syndrome
  121. Borrone Di Rocco Crovato syndrome
  122. Boscherini Galasso Manca Bitti syndrome
  123. Bosma Henkin Christiansen syndrome
  124. Boucher Neuhauser syndrome
  125. Boudhina Yedes Khiari syndrome
  126. Bowen syndrome
  127. Bowen-Conradi syndrome
  128. Bowenoid papulosis
  129. Bowing congenital short bones
  130. Bowing of long bones congenital
  131. Boylan Dew Greco syndrome
  132. Brachioskeletogenital syndrome
  133. Brachman-de Lange syndrome
  134. Brachycephalofrontonasal dysplasia
  135. Brachycephaly deafness cataract mental retardation
  136. Brachydactylous dwarfism Mseleni type
  137. Brachydactyly absence of distal phalanges
  138. Brachydactyly anonychia
  139. Brachydactyly clinodactyly
  140. Brachydactyly dwarfism mental retardation
  141. Brachydactyly elbow wrist dysplasia
  142. Brachydactyly hypertension
  143. Brachydactyly long thumb type
  144. Brachydactyly mesomelia mental retardation heart defects
  145. Brachydactyly nystagmus cerebellar ataxia
  146. Brachydactyly preaxial hallux varus
  147. Brachydactyly scoliosis carpal fusion
  148. Brachydactyly small stature face anomalies
  149. Brachydactyly Smorgasbord type
  150. Brachydactyly tibial hypoplasia
  151. Brachydactyly type a2
  152. Brachydactyly type a3
  153. Brachydactyly type A5 nail dysplasia
  154. Brachydactyly type a6
  155. Brachydactyly type a7
  156. Brachydactyly type B
  157. Brachydactyly type C
  158. Brachydactyly type e
  159. Brachydactyly types b and e combined
  160. Brachymesomelia renal syndrome
  161. Brachymesophalangy 2 and 5
  162. Brachymesophalangy mesomelic short limbs osseous anomalies
  163. Brachymesophalangy type 2
  164. Brachymetapody anodontia hypotrichosis albinoidism
  165. Brachymorphism onychodysplasia dysphalangism syndrome
  166. Brachyolmia recessive Hobaek type
  167. Brachyolmia
  168. Brachytelephalangy characteristic facies Kallmann
  169. Braddock Carey syndrome
  170. Braddock Jones Superneau syndrome
  171. Brain Stem Neoplasms
  172. Branchial arch defects
  173. Branchial arch syndrome X linked
  174. Branchio oculo facial syndrome Hing type
  175. Branchio-oculo-facial syndrome
  176. Branchiootorenal syndrome
  177. Breast and ovarian cancer
  178. Breast cancer, familial
  179. Brittle bone syndrome lethal type
  180. Brittle cornea syndrome
  181. Broad beta disease
  182. Broad-betalipoproteinemia
  183. Bronchiectasis oligospermia
  184. Bronchiolitis obliterans with obstructive pulmonary disease
  185. Bronchogenic cyst
  186. Bronchopulmonary amyloidosis
  187. Brown syndrome
  188. Bruck syndrome
  189. Brunoni syndrome
  190. Bruyn Scheltens syndrome
  191. Bulbospinal amyotrophy, X-linked
  192. Bull Nixon syndrome
  193. Bullous dystrophy macular type
  194. Bullous ichtyosiform erythroderma congenita
  195. Buntinx Lormans Martin syndrome
  196. Burn Goodship syndrome
  197. Burnett Schwartz Berberian syndrome
  198. Burning mouth syndrome- Type 3
  199. Buschke Ollendorff syndrome
  200. Bustos Simosa Pinto Cisternas syndrome
  201. Buttiens Fryns syndrome
  202. Butyrylcholinesterase deficiency
  203. C1 esterase deficiency, (type 2 with ascites)
  204. Cacchi Ricci disease
  205. CACH syndrome
  206. CAHMR syndrome
  207. Calciphylaxis
  208. Calderon Gonzalez Cantu syndrome
  209. Calloso genital dysplasia
  210. Callus disease
  211. Calpainopathy
  212. Calvarial hyperostosis
  213. Camera Marugo -Cohen syndrome
  214. Camfak syndrome
  215. Campomelia Cumming type
  216. Camptobrachydactyly
  217. Camptocormism
  218. Camptodactyly fibrous tissue hyperplasia skeletal dysplasia
  219. Camptodactyly joint contractures facial skeletal dysplasia
  220. Camptodactyly overgrowth unusual facies
  221. Camptodactyly syndrome Guadalajara type 1
  222. Camptodactyly syndrome Guadalajara type 2
  223. Camptodactyly taurinuria
  224. Camptodactyly vertebral fusion
  225. Camptomelic syndrome
  226. Camurati Engelmann disease
  227. Candidiasis familial chronic
  228. Cantalamessa Baldini Ambrosi syndrome
  229. Cantu Sanchez Corona Fragoso syndrome
  230. Cantu Sanchez Corona Garcia syndrome
  231. Cantu Sanchez Corona Hernandes syndrome
  232. Capillary leak syndrome with monoclonal gammopathy
  233. Capillary venous leptomeningeal angiomatosis
  234. Capos syndrome
  235. Caratolo Cilio Pessagno syndrome
  236. Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase deficiency
  237. Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase I deficiency disease (ornithine carbamoyl phosphate deficiency)
  238. Carbohydrate deficient glycoprotein syndrome
  239. Carbon baby syndrome
  240. Carbonic anhydrase II deficiency
  241. Carcinoma of the vocal tract
  242. Cardiac and laterality defects
  243. Cardiac conduction defect, familial
  244. Cardiac diverticulum
  245. Cardiac hydatid cysts with intracavitary expansion
  246. Cardiac malformation
  247. Cardiac valvular dysplasia, X-linked
  248. Cardioauditory syndrome of Sanchez- Cascos
  249. Cardioauditory syndrome
  250. Cardiofacial syndrome short limbs
  251. Cardiogenital syndrome
  252. Cardiomelic syndrome Stratton Koehler type
  253. Cardiomyopathic lentiginosis
  254. Cardiomyopathy cataract hip spine disease
  255. Cardiomyopathy diabetes deafness
  256. Cardiomyopathy dilated with conduction defect type 1
  257. Cardiomyopathy due to anthracyclines
  258. Cardiomyopathy hearing loss type t RNA lysine gene mutation
  259. Cardiomyopathy hypogonadism metabolic anomalies
  260. Cardiomyopathy spherocytosis
  261. Cardiomyopathy, familial hypertrophic
  262. Cardiomyopathy, fatal fetal, due to myocardial calcification
  263. Cardiomyopathy, X linked, fatal infantile
  264. Cardioskeletal myopathy-neutropenia
  265. Carey Fineman Ziter syndrome
  266. Carnevale Canun Mendoza syndrome
  267. Carnevale Hernandez Castillo syndrome
  268. Carnevale Krajewska Fischetto syndrome
  269. Carney syndrome
  270. Carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1 deficiency
  271. Carnitine palmitoyl transferase 2 deficiency
  272. Carnitine palmitoyl transferase deficiency
  273. Carnophobia
  274. Carnosinase deficiency
  275. Carnosinemia
  276. Carpal deformity migrognathia microstomia
  277. Carpenter Hunter type
  278. Carpo tarsal osteolysis recessive
  279. Carpotarsal osteochondromatosis
  280. Cartilage hair hypoplasia like syndrome
  281. Cartilaginous neoplasms
  282. Cartwright Nelson Fryns syndrome
  283. Cassia Stocco Dos Santos syndrome
  284. Castro Gago Pombo Novo syndrome
  285. Cat Rodrigues syndrome
  286. Catagelophobia
  287. Catapedaphobia
  288. Cataract aberrant oral frenula growth retardation
  289. Cataract anterior polar dominant
  290. Cataract ataxia deafness
  291. Cataract cardiomyopathy
  292. Cataract congenital autosomal dominant
  293. Cataract congenital dominant non nuclear
  294. Cataract congenital Volkmann type
  295. Cataract congenital with microphthalmia
  296. Cataract dental syndrome
  297. Cataract Hutterite type
  298. Cataract hypertrichosis mental retardation
  299. Cataract mental retardation hypogonadism
  300. Cataract microcornea syndrome
  301. Cataract microphthalmia septal defect
  302. Cataract skeletal anomalies
  303. Cataract, alopecia, sclerodactyly
  304. Cataract, congenital, with microcornea or slight microphthalmia
  305. Cataract, total congenital
  306. Cataract,congenital ichthyosis
  307. Cataract-glaucoma
  308. Catecholamine hypertension
  309. Catel Manzke syndrome
  310. Caudal appendage deafness
  311. Caudal duplication
  312. Cavernous hemangioma
  313. Cavernous lymphangioma
  314. CCA syndrome
  315. Ccge syndrome
  316. CDG syndrome type 1B
  317. CDG syndrome type 1C
  318. CDG syndrome type 2
  319. CDG syndrome type 3
  320. CDG syndrome type 4
  321. CDK4 linked melanoma
  322. Cecato De lima Pinheiro syndrome
  323. Celiac disease epilepsy occipital calcifications
  324. Cennamo Gangemi syndrome
  325. Central core disease
  326. Central nervous system protozoal infections
  327. Central serous chorioretinopathy
  328. Central type neurofibromatosis
  329. Centromeric instability immunodeficiency syndrome
  330. Centronuclear myopathy, congenital
  331. Centrotemporal epilepsy
  332. Cephalopolysyndactyly
  333. Ceraunophobia
  334. Cerebellar agenesis
  335. Cerebellar ataxia areflexia pes cavus optic atrophy
  336. Cerebellar ataxia ectodermal dysplasia
  337. Cerebellar ataxia infantile with progressive external ophthalmoplegia
  338. Cerebellar ataxia, dominant pure
  339. Cerebellar degeneration, subacute
  340. Cerebellar degeneration
  341. Cerebellar hypoplasia endosteal sclerosis
  342. Cerebellar hypoplasia tapetoretinal degeneration
  343. Cerebellar parenchymal degeneration
  344. Cerebelloolivary atrophy
  345. Cerebelloparenchymal disorder 3
  346. Cerebellum agenesis hydrocephaly
  347. Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Familial
  348. Cerebral calcification cerebellar hypoplasia
  349. Cerebral calcifications opalescent teeth phosphaturia
  350. Cerebral cavernous malformation
  351. Cerebral gigantism jaw cysts
  352. Cerebral malformations hypertrichosis claw hands
  353. Cerebral ventricle neoplasm
  354. Cerebro facio articular syndrome
  355. Cerebro facio thoracic dysplasia
  356. Cerebro oculo dento auriculo skeletal syndrome
  357. Cerebro oculo genital syndrome
  358. Cerebro oculo skeleto renal syndrome
  359. Cerebro reno digital syndrome
  360. Cerebroarthrodigital syndrome
  361. Cerebro-costo-mandibular syndrome
  362. Cerebro-oculo-facio-skeletal syndrome
  363. Cerebroretinal vasculopathy
  364. Ceroid lipofuscinois, neuronal 1, infantile
  365. Ceroid lipofuscinois, neuronal 2, late infantile
  366. Ceroid lipofuscinois, neuronal 3, juvenile
  367. Ceroid lipofuscinois, neuronal 4, adult type
  368. Ceroid lipofuscinois, neuronal 5, late infantile
  369. Ceroid lipofuscinois, neuronal 6, late infantile
  370. Ceroid lipofuscinosis, neuronal 4
  371. Cervical hypertrichosis neuropathy
  372. Cervical hypertrichosis peripheral neuropathy
  373. Cervical ribs sprengel anomaly polydactyly
  374. Cervical vertebral fusion
  375. Cervicooculoacoustic syndrome
  376. Chanarin disease
  377. Chanarin Dorfman syndrome ichthyosis
  378. Chandler's syndrome
  379. Chands syndrome
  380. Chang Davidson Carlson syndrome
  381. Chaotic atrial tachycardia
  382. Char syndrome
  383. Charcot Marie tooth disease deafness dominant type
  384. Charcot Marie tooth disease deafness mental retardation
  385. Charcot Marie Tooth disease deafness recessive type
  386. Charcot Marie Tooth type 1 aplasia cutis congenita
  387. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A
  388. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1B
  389. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1C
  390. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2A
  391. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2B1
  392. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2B2
  393. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2C
  394. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2D
  395. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4A
  396. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4B
  397. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease with ptosis and parkinsonism
  398. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, intermediate form
  399. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, neuronal, type A
  400. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, neuronal, type B
  401. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, neuronal, type D
  402. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, X-linked type 2, recessive
  403. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, X-linked type 3, recessive
  404. Charcot-Marie-Tooth peroneal muscular atrophy, X-linked
  405. Charles' Disease
  406. Charlie M syndrome
  407. Chavany-Brunhes syndrome
  408. Cheilitis glandularis
  409. Chemke Oliver Mallek syndrome
  410. Chemophobia
  411. Chen Kung Ho Kaufman Mcalister syndrome
  412. Chiari type 1 malformation
  413. Chiari-Frommel syndrome
  414. CHILD syndrome ichthyosis
  415. Childhood pustular psoriasis
  416. Chirophobia
  417. Chitayat Haj Chahine syndrome
  418. Chitayat Meunier Hodgkinson syndrome
  419. Chitayat Moore Del Bigio syndrome
  420. Chitty Hall Baraitser syndrome
  421. Chitty Hall Webb syndrome
  422. Chlamydial and Gonococcal Conjunctivitis
  423. Choanal atresia deafness cardiac defects dysmorphia
  424. Choledochal cyst, hand malformation
  425. Cholemia, familial
  426. Cholerophobia
  427. Cholestasis pigmentary retinopathy cleft palate
  428. Cholestasis, progressive familial intrahepatic 1
  429. Cholestasis, progressive familial intrahepatic 2
  430. Cholestasis, progressive familial intrahepatic 3
  431. Cholestasis, progressive familial intrahepatic
  432. Cholestatic jaundice renal tubular insufficiency
  433. Cholesterol ester storage disease
  434. Cholesterol esterification disorder
  435. Chondroblastoma (benign)
  436. Chondrocalcinosis familial articular
  437. Chondrodysplasia lethal recessive
  438. Chondrodysplasia pseudohermaphrodism syndrome
  439. Chondrodysplasia punctata 1, x-linked recessive
  440. Chondrodysplasia punctata with steroid sulfatase deficiency
  441. Chondrodysplasia punctata, brachytelephalangic
  442. Chondrodysplasia punctata, Sheffield type
  443. Chondrodysplasia punctata
  444. Chondrodysplasia situs inversus imperforate anus polydactyly
  445. Chondrodysplasia, Grebe type
  446. Chondroectodermal dysplasia
  447. Chondromatosis (benign)
  448. Chondrysplasia punctata, humero-metacarpal type
  449. Chordoma
  450. Chorea familial benign
  451. Chorea minor
  452. Choreoacanthocytosis amyotrophic
  453. Choreoathetosis familial paroxysmal
  454. Chorioretinopathy dominant form microcephaly
  455. Choroid Plexus neoplasms
  456. Choroidal atrophy alopecia
  457. Choroideremia hypopituitarism
  458. Choroiditis, serpiginous
  459. Choroiditis
  460. Choroido cerebral calcification syndrome infantile
  461. Christian Demyer Franken syndrome
  462. Christian Johnson Angenieta syndrome
  463. Christian syndrome
  464. Christianson Fourie syndrome
  465. Chromomycosis
  466. Chromophobe renal carcinoma