Wikipedia:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Missing diseases/10

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  1. Saal Bulas syndrome
  2. Saal Greenstein syndrome
  3. Sackey Sakati Aur syndrome
  4. Sacral defect anterior sacral meningocele
  5. Sacral hemangiomas multiple congenital abnormalities
  6. Sacral meningocele conotruncal heart defects
  7. Sacral plexopathy
  8. Sacrococcygeal dysgenesis association
  9. Saito Kuba Tsuruta syndrome
  10. Sakati syndrome
  11. Salcedo syndrome
  12. Salivary disorder
  13. Salivary gland disorders
  14. Sallis Beighton syndrome
  15. Salti Salem syndrome
  16. Sammartino Decreccio syndrome
  17. Samson Gardner syndrome
  18. Samson Viljoen syndrome
  19. Sanderson Fraser syndrome
  20. Sandhaus Ben Ami syndrome
  21. Sandrow Sullivan Steel syndrome
  22. Santavuori disease
  23. Santos Mateus Leal syndrome
  24. SAPHO syndrome
  25. Sarcoma, Granulocytic
  26. Sarcosinemia
  27. Satoyoshi syndrome
  28. Saul Wilkes Stevenson syndrome
  29. Say Barber Hobbs syndrome
  30. Say Barber Miller syndrome
  31. Say Carpenter syndrome
  32. Say Field Coldwell syndrome
  33. SCAD deficiency
  34. Scalp defects postaxial polydactyly
  35. Scalp ear nipple syndrome
  36. Scapuloiliac dysostosis
  37. Scapuloperoneal myopathy
  38. SCARF syndrome
  39. Schaap Taylor Baraitser syndrome
  40. Schaefer Stein Oshman syndrome
  41. Schamberg disease
  42. Scheie syndrome
  43. Schereshevskij Turner
  44. Scheurermann's disease
  45. Schimke syndrome
  46. Schindler disease
  47. Schinzel syndrome
  48. Schinzel-Giedion midface retraction syndrome
  49. Schinzel-Giedion syndrome
  50. Schisis association
  51. Schizophrenia mental retardation deafness retinitis
  52. Schlegelberger Grote syndrome
  53. Schmidt syndrome
  54. Schneckenbecken dysplasia
  55. Schofer Beetz Bohl syndrome
  56. Scholte Begeer Van Essen syndrome
  57. Schraderman's disease
  58. Schrander Stumpel Theunissen Hulsmans syndrome
  59. Schroer Hammer Mauldin syndrome
  60. Schwartz Newark syndrome
  61. Schwartz-Jampel syndrome
  62. Schwartz-lelek syndrome
  63. Schweitzer Kemink Malcolm syndrome
  64. Scleredema
  65. Scleroatonic myopathy
  66. Sclerocornea, Syndactyly, ambiguous genitalia
  67. Scleromyxedema
  68. Sclerosing bone dysplasia mental retardation
  69. Sclerosing cholangitis
  70. Sclerosing Lymphocytic Lobulitis
  71. Sclerosing Mesenteritis
  72. Sclerosteosis
  73. Sclerotylosis
  74. Scoleciphobia
  75. Scoliosis as part of NF
  76. Scopophobia
  77. SCOT deficiency
  78. Scotomaphobia
  79. Scott Bryant Graham syndrome
  80. Scott syndrome
  81. Sea-blue histiocytosis
  82. Seafood poisoning
  83. Seaver Cassidy syndrome
  84. Sebocystomatosis
  85. Secernentea Infections
  86. Seckel like syndrome Majoor Krakauer type
  87. Seckel like syndrome type Buebel
  88. Seckel syndrome 2
  89. Secondary pulmonary hypertension
  90. Seemanova Lesny syndrome
  91. Seemanova syndrome type 2
  92. Seghers syndrome
  93. Segmental neurofibromatosis
  94. Segmental vertebral anomalies
  95. Seizures benign familial neonatal recessive form
  96. Seizures mental retardation hair dysplasia
  97. Selenophobia
  98. Selig Benacerraf Greene syndrome
  99. Semmerkrot Haraldsson Weenaes syndrome
  100. Sener syndrome
  101. Sengers Hamel Otten syndrome
  102. Senior syndrome
  103. Senior-Loken Syndrome
  104. Sennetsu Fever
  105. Sensory neuropathy type 1
  106. Sensory neuropathy
  107. Sensory radicular neuropathy recessive form
  108. Senter syndrome
  109. Seow Najjar syndrome
  110. Septooptic dysplasia digital anomalies
  111. Sequeiros Sack syndrome
  112. Seres Santamaria Arimany Muniz syndrome
  113. Setleis syndrome
  114. Severe Infantile Axonal Neuropathy
  115. Sex Chromosome Disorders
  116. Shapiro syndrome
  117. Sharma Kapoor Ramji syndrome
  118. Sharp syndrome
  119. Shaver's Disease
  120. Shith Filkins syndrome
  121. Shokeir syndrome
  122. Short broad great toe macrocranium
  123. Short chain Acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
  124. Short limb dwarf lethal Colavita Kozlowski type
  125. Short limb dwarf lethal Mcalister Crane type
  126. Short limb dwarf oedema iris coloboma
  127. Short limb dwarfism Al Gazali type
  128. Short limbs abnormal face congenital heart disease
  129. Short limbs subluxed knees cleft palate
  130. Short rib syndrome Beemer type
  131. Short rib-polydactyly syndrome, Beermer type
  132. Short rib-polydactyly syndrome, Majewski type
  133. Short rib-polydactyly syndrome, Saldino-Noonan type
  134. Short rib-polydactyly syndrome, Verma-Naumoff type
  135. Short rib-polydactyly syndrome
  136. Short ribs craniosynostosis polysyndactyly
  137. Short stature abnormal skin pigmentation mental retardation
  138. Short stature Brussels type
  139. Short stature contractures hypotonia
  140. Short stature cranial hyperostosis hepatomegaly
  141. Short stature deafness neutrophil dysfunction
  142. Short stature dysmorphic face pelvic scapula dysplasia
  143. Short stature heart defect craniofacial anomalies
  144. Short stature hyperkaliemia acidosis
  145. Short stature locking fingers
  146. Short stature mental retardation eye anomalies
  147. Short stature mental retardation eye defects
  148. Short stature microcephaly heart defect
  149. Short stature microcephaly seizures deafness
  150. Short stature monodactylous ectrodactyly cleft palate
  151. Short stature prognathism short femoral necks
  152. Short stature Robin sequence cleft mandible hand anomalies clubfoot
  153. Short stature talipes natal teeth
  154. Short stature valvular heart disease
  155. Short stature webbed neck heart disease
  156. Short stature wormian bones dextrocardia
  157. Short syndrome
  158. Short tarsus absence of lower eyelashes
  159. Shoulder and thorax deformity congenital heart disease
  160. Shoulder girdle defect mental retardation familial
  161. Shprintzen Golberg craniosynostosis
  162. Shwartzman phenomenon
  163. Sialadenitis
  164. Sialidosis type 1 and 3
  165. Sialuria, French type
  166. Sideroblastic anemia, autosomal
  167. Siegler Brewer Carey syndrome
  168. Silengo Lerone Pelizzo syndrome
  169. Silicosiderosis
  170. Sillence syndrome
  171. Simian B virus infection
  172. Simosa Penchaszadeh Bustos syndrome
  173. Singh Chhaparwal Dhanda syndrome
  174. Single upper central incisor
  175. Single ventricular heart
  176. Singleton Merten syndrome
  177. Sinus cancer
  178. Sinus histiocytosis
  179. Sinus node disease and myopia
  180. Sitosterolemia
  181. Situs inversus totalis with cystic dysplasia of kidneys and pancreas
  182. Situs inversus viscerum-cardiopathy
  183. Sjogren Larsson like syndrome
  184. Sjogren Larsson syndrome
  185. Skeletal dysplasia brachydactyly
  186. Skeletal dysplasia epilepsy short stature
  187. Skeletal dysplasia orofacial anomalies
  188. Skeletal dysplasia San diego type
  189. Skeletal dysplasias
  190. Skeleto cardiac syndrome with thrombocytopenia
  191. Sketetal dysplasia coarse facies mental retardation
  192. Skin peeling syndrome
  193. Slavotinek Hurst syndrome
  194. Small non-cleaved cell lymphoma
  195. Smet Fabry Fryns syndrome
  196. Smith Fineman Myers syndrome
  197. Smith Martin Dodd syndrome
  198. Sneddon Syndrome
  199. Sohval Soffer syndrome
  200. Somatostatinoma
  201. Sommer Hines syndrome
  202. Sommer Rathbun Battles syndrome
  203. Sommer Young Wee Frye syndrome
  204. Sondheimer syndrome
  205. Sonoda syndrome
  206. Sophophobia
  207. Sosby syndrome
  208. Southwestern Athabaskan genetic diseases
  209. Sparse hair ptosis mental retardation
  210. Spastic angina with healthy coronary artery
  211. Spastic ataxia Charlevoix-Saguenay type
  212. Spastic diplegia infantile type
  213. Spastic dysphonia
  214. Spastic paraparesis deafness
  215. Spastic paraparesis, infantile
  216. Spastic paraparesis
  217. Spastic paraplegia epilepsy mental retardation
  218. Spastic paraplegia facial cutaneous lesions
  219. Spastic paraplegia familial autosomal recessive form
  220. Spastic paraplegia glaucoma precocious puberty
  221. Spastic paraplegia mental retardation corpus callosum
  222. Spastic paraplegia nephritis deafness
  223. Spastic paraplegia neuropathy poikiloderma
  224. Spastic paraplegia type 1, X-linked
  225. Spastic paraplegia type 2, X-linked
  226. Spastic paraplegia type 3, dominant
  227. Spastic paraplegia type 4, dominant
  228. Spastic paraplegia type 5A, recessive
  229. Spastic paraplegia type 5B, recessive
  230. Spastic paraplegia type 6, dominant
  231. Spastic paraplegia, familial
  232. Spastic paresis glaucoma mental retardation
  233. Spastic quadriplegia retinitis pigmentosa mental retardation
  234. Spasticity mental retardation
  235. Spasticity multiple exostoses
  236. Spatic paraparesis vitiligo premature graying
  237. Spellacy gibbs watts syndrome
  238. Spherophakia brachymorphia syndrome
  239. Spielmeyer-Vogt disease
  240. Spina bifida hypospadias
  241. Spinal atrophy ophthalmoplegia pyramidal syndrome
  242. Spinal bulbar motor neuropathy
  243. Spinal bulbar muscular atrophy
  244. Spinal cord disorder
  245. Spinal dysostosis type Anhalt
  246. Spinal muscular atrophy type 1
  247. Spinal muscular atrophy type 2
  248. Spinal muscular atrophy type 3
  249. Spinal muscular atrophy type I with congenital bone fractures
  250. Spine rigid cardiomyopathy
  251. Spinocerebellar ataxia amyotrophy deafness
  252. Spinocerebellar ataxia dysmorphism
  253. Spinocerebellar atrophy type 3
  254. Spinocerebellar degeneration corneal dystrophy
  255. Spinocerebellar degenerescence book type
  256. Spirurida Infections
  257. Spleen neoplasm
  258. Splenic agenesis syndrome
  259. Splenogonadal fusion limb defects micrognatia
  260. Split hand deformity mandibulofacial dysostosis
  261. Split hand split foot malformation autosomal reces
  262. Split hand split foot mandibular hypoplasia
  263. Split hand split foot nystagmus
  264. Split hand split foot X linked
  265. Split hand urinary anomalies spina bifida
  266. Split-hand deformity
  267. Sponastrime dysplasia
  268. Spondylo camptodactyly syndrome
  269. Spondylo costal dysostosis dandy walker
  270. Spondylocarpotarsal synostosis
  271. Spondylocostal dysplasia dominant
  272. Spondylodysplasia brachyolmia
  273. Spondyloenchondrodysplasia
  274. Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia congenita, Iraqi
  275. Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia congenita, Strudw
  276. Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia joint laxity
  277. Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia
  278. Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia nephrotic syndrome
  279. Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda progressive art
  280. Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda
  281. Spondylohypoplasia arthrogryposis popliteal pteryg
  282. Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, 'corner fracture' t
  283. Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, Schmidt type
  284. Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, Sedaghatian type
  285. Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, X-linked
  286. Spondyloperipheral dysplasia short ulna
  287. Spongy degeneration of central nervous system
  288. Spontaneous periodic hypothermia
  289. Spontaneous pneumothorax familial type
  290. Spranger schinzel yers syndrome
  291. Sprengel deformity
  292. SSADH (succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency)
  293. SSPE (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis)
  294. Stalker chitayat syndrome
  295. Stampe sorensen syndrome
  296. Stargardt's disease
  297. Steatocystoma multiplex natal teeth
  298. Steatocystoma multiplex
  299. Steele Richardson Olszewski syndrome, atypical
  300. Steinfeld syndrome
  301. Stenophobia
  302. Sterility due to immotile flagella
  303. Stern lubinsky durrie syndrome
  304. Sternal cleft
  305. Sternal cyst vascular anomalies
  306. Sternal malformation vascular dysplasia associatio
  307. Steroid dehydrogenase deficiency dental anomalies
  308. Stiff skin syndrome
  309. Stimmler syndrome
  310. Stoelinga de koomen davis syndrome
  311. Stoll alembik dott syndrome
  312. Stoll alembik finck syndrome
  313. Stoll geraudel chauvin syndrome
  314. Stoll kieny dott syndrome
  315. Stoll levy francfort syndrome
  316. Stomach cancer, familial
  317. Storage pool platelet disease
  318. Stormorken sjaastad langslet syndrome
  319. Stratton garcia young syndrome
  320. Stratton parker syndrome
  321. Streeter's (Amniotic Bands)
  322. Striatonigral degeneration infantile
  323. Strudwick Syndrome
  324. Stuart factor deficiency, congenital
  325. Stuccokeratosis
  326. Stuve Wiedemann dysplasia
  327. Subacute cerebellar degeneration
  328. Subacute sclerosing leucoencephalitis
  329. Subaortic stenosis short stature syndrome
  330. Subcortical laminar heterotopia
  331. Subependymal nodular heterotopia
  332. Subpulmonary stenosis
  333. Subvalvular aortic stenosis
  334. Succinate coenzyme Q reductase deficiency of
  335. Succinic acidemia lactic acidosis congenital
  336. Succinic acidemia
  337. Succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency
  338. Succinyl-CoA acetoacetate transferase deficiency
  339. Sucrase-isomaltase deficiency
  340. Sulfatidosis juvenile, Austin type
  341. Sulfite and xanthine oxydase deficiency
  342. Sulfite oxidase deficiency
  343. Summitt syndrome
  344. Super mesenteric artery syndrome
  345. Supraumbilical midabdominal raphe and facial cavernous hemangiomas
  346. Suriphobia
  347. Susac syndrome
  348. Sutherland Haan syndrome
  349. Sutton disease II
  350. Sutton's Disease II
  351. Swyer James and McLeod Syndrome
  352. Sybert Smith syndrome
  353. Symmetrical thalamic calcifications
  354. Symphalangism brachydactyly craniosynostosis
  355. Symphalangism brachydactyly
  356. Symphalangism Cushing type
  357. Symphalangism distal
  358. Symphalangism familial proximal
  359. Symphalangism short stature accessory testis
  360. Symphalangism with multiple anomalies of hands and feet
  361. Symphalangism, distal, with microdontia, dental pulp stones, and narrowed zygomatic arch
  362. Syncamptodactyly scoliosis
  363. Syncopal paroxysmal tachycardia
  364. Syncopal tachyarythmia
  365. Syndactyly between 4 and 5
  366. Syndactyly cataract mental retardation
  367. Syndactyly Cenani Lenz type
  368. Syndactyly ectodermal dysplasia cleft lip palate hand foot
  369. Syndactyly type 1 microcephaly mental retardation
  370. Syndactyly type 2
  371. Syndactyly type 3
  372. Syndactyly type 5
  373. Syndactyly-polydactyly-ear lobe syndrome
  374. Syngnathia cleft palate
  375. Syngnathia multiple anomalies
  376. Synostosis of talus and calcaneus short stature
  377. Synovial cancer
  378. Synovialosarcoma
  379. Synovitis acne pustulosis hyperostosis osteitis
  380. Synovitis granulomatous uveitis cranial neuropathi
  381. Synpolydactyly
  382. Syphilis embryopathy
  383. Syringobulbia
  384. Syringocystadenoma papilliferum
  385. Syringomas natal teeth oligodontia
  386. Syringomelia hyperkeratosis
  387. Systemic arterio-veinous fistula
  388. Systemic necrotizing angeitis
  389. T cell immunodeficiency primary
  390. Tabatznik syndrome
  391. Tamari Goodman syndrome
  392. Tang Hsi Ryu syndrome
  393. Tangier disease
  394. Taste disorder
  395. TAU syndrome
  396. Taurodontia absent teeth sparse hair
  397. Taurodontism
  398. Taybi Linder syndrome
  399. Taybi syndrome
  400. Teebi Kaurah syndrome
  401. Teebi Naguib Alawadi syndrome
  402. Teebi Shaltout syndrome
  403. Teebi syndrome
  404. Teeth noneruption of with maxillary hypoplasia and genu valgum
  405. Tel Hashomer camptodactyly syndrome
  406. Telangiectasia ataxia variant V1
  407. Telecanthus hypertelorism pes cavus
  408. Telecanthus with associated abnormalities
  409. Telencephalic leukoencephalopathy
  410. Telfer Sugar Jaeger syndrome
  411. Temporal epilepsy, familial
  412. Temporomandibular ankylosis
  413. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ)
  414. Temtamy Shalash syndrome
  415. Ter Haar Hamel Hendricks syndrome
  416. Ter Haar syndrome
  417. Teratocarcinosarcoma
  418. Tetanophobia
  419. Tethered spinal cord disease
  420. Tetraamelia ectodermal dysplasia
  421. Tetraamelia multiple malformations
  422. Tetraamelia pulmonary hypoplasia
  423. Tetraamelia-syrinx
  424. Tetrahydrobiopterin deficiencies
  425. Tetrasomy X
  426. Thaasophobia
  427. Thakker Donnai syndrome
  428. Thalamic degeneration symmetrical infantile
  429. Thalamic degenerescence infantile
  430. Thalamic syndrome
  431. Thanatophoric dysplasia cloverleaf skull
  432. Thanatophoric dysplasia Glasgow variant
  433. Thanos Stewart Zonana syndrome
  434. Theodor Hertz Goodman syndrome
  435. Thiele syndrome
  436. Thiemann epiphyseal disease
  437. Thies Reis syndrome
  438. Thin ribs tubular bones dysmorphism
  439. Thiolase deficiency
  440. Thiopurine S methyltranferase deficiency
  441. Thomas Jewett Raines syndrome
  442. Thomas syndrome
  443. Thombocytopenia X linked
  444. Thompson Baraitser syndrome
  445. Thong Douglas Ferrante syndrome
  446. Thoracic celosomia
  447. Thoracic dysplasia hydrocephalus syndrome
  448. Thoraco abdominal enteric duplication
  449. Thoraco limb dysplasia Rivera type
  450. Thoracolaryngopelvic dysplasia
  451. Thoracopelvic dysostosis
  452. Thost-Unna palmoplantar keratoderma
  453. Thrombocytopathy asplenia miosis
  454. Thrombocytopathy
  455. Thrombocytopenia cerebellar hypoplasia short stature
  456. Thrombocytopenia chromosome breakage
  457. Thrombocytopenia multiple congenital anomaly
  458. Thrombocytopenia purpura
  459. Thrombocytopenia Robin sequence
  460. Thrombocytopenic purpura, autoimmune
  461. Thrombomodulin anomalies, familial
  462. Thumb absence hypoplastic halluces
  463. Thumb absent short stature immune deficiency
  464. Thumb deformity, alopecia, pigmentation anomaly
  465. Thumb deformity
  466. Thumb stiff brachydactyly mental retardation
  467. Thymic carcinoma
  468. Thymic epithelial tumor
  469. Thymic renal anal lung dysplasia
  470. Thymus neoplasm
  471. Thyrocerebrorenal syndrome
  472. Thyroid agenesis
  473. Thyroid carcinoma, follicular
  474. Thyroid carcinoma, papillary (TPC)
  475. Thyroid hormone plasma membrane transport defect
  476. Thyroid, renal and digital anomalies
  477. Tièche-Jadassohn nevus
  478. Tibia absent polydactyly arachnoid cyst
  479. Tibiae bowed radial anomalies osteopenia fracture
  480. Tibial aplasia ectrodactyly hydrocephalus
  481. Tibial aplasia ectrodactyly
  482. Tibial hemimelia cleft lip palate
  483. T-Lymphocytopenia
  484. Tollner Horst Manzke syndrome
  485. Tolosa-Hunt syndrome
  486. Toluene antenatal infection
  487. Tomaculous neuropathy
  488. Tome Brune Fardeau syndrome
  489. Toni Debre Fanconi maladie
  490. Toni-Fanconi syndrome
  491. Toriello Carey syndrome
  492. Toriello Lacassie Droste syndrome
  493. Toriello syndrome
  494. Toriello-Higgins-Miller syndrome
  495. Torres Ayber syndrome
  496. Torsion dystonia 7
  497. Torticollis keloids cryptorchidism renal dysplasia
  498. Tosti Misciali Barbareschi syndrome
  499. Total Hypotrichosis, Mari type
  500. Townes-Brocks syndrome
  501. Toxic conjunctivitis
  502. Toxopachyoteose diaphysaire tibio peroniere
  503. Toxoplasmosis congenital
  504. Tracheal agenesis
  505. Tracheobronchomalacia
  506. Tracheobronchomegaly
  507. Tracheobronchopathia osteoplastica
  508. Tracheoesophageal fistula symphalangism
  509. Tracheophageal fistula hypospadias
  510. Tranebjaerg Svejgaard syndrome
  511. Transcobalamin II deficiency
  512. Transient neonatal arthrogryposis
  513. Transitional cell carcinoma
  514. Transplacental infections
  515. Transverse limb deficiency hemangioma
  516. TRAPS (TNF-receptor-associated periodic syndrome)
  517. Treft Sanborn Carey syndrome
  518. Tremophobia
  519. Trevor disease
  520. Triatrial heart
  521. Tricho dento osseous syndrome type 1
  522. Tricho odonto onycho dermal syndrome
  523. Tricho odonto onychodysplasia syndactyly dominant type
  524. Tricho onychic dysplasia
  525. Tricho onycho hypohidrotic dysplasia
  526. Tricho retino dento digital syndrome
  527. Trichodental syndrome
  528. Tricho-dento-osseous syndrome
  529. Trichodermodysplasia dental alterations
  530. Trichodysplasia xeroderma
  531. Trichoepithelioma multiple familial
  532. Trichofolliculloma
  533. Tricho-hepato-enteric syndrome
  534. Trichomalacia
  535. Trichomegaly cataract hereditary spherocytosis
  536. Trichomegaly retina pigmentary degeneration dwarfi
  537. Trichoodontoonychial dysplasia
  538. Trichopathophobia
  539. Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type I
  540. Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type II
  541. Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type III
  542. Trichostasis spinulosa
  543. Trichothiodystrophy sun sensitivity
  544. Tricuspid dysplasia
  545. Trigonocephaly bifid nose acral anomalies
  546. Trigonocephaly broad thumbs
  547. Trigonocephaly ptosis coloboma
  548. Trigonocephaly ptosis mental retardation
  549. Trigonomacrocephaly tibial defect polydactyly
  550. Trihydroxycholestanoylcoa oxidase isolated deficiency
  551. Trimethadione antenatal infection
  552. Triopia
  553. Triose phosphate-isomerase deficiency
  554. Triphalangeal thumb non opposable
  555. Triphalangeal thumb polysyndactyly syndrome
  556. Triphalangeal thumbs brachyectrodactyly
  557. Triploid Syndrome
  558. Trismus pseudocamptodactyly syndrome
  559. Trisomy 1 mosaicism
  560. Trisomy 11 mosaicism
  561. Trisomy 12 mosaicism
  562. Trisomy 14 mosaicism
  563. Trisomy 2 mosaicism
  564. Trisomy 3 mosaicism
  565. Trisomy 6
  566. Trochlear dysplasia
  567. Trophoblastic Neoplasms (gestational trophoblastic disease)
  568. Trophoblastic tumor
  569. Tropical Spastic Paraparesis
  570. Troyer syndrome
  571. Trueb Burg Bottani syndrome
  572. Tsao Ellingson syndrome
  573. Tsukahara Azuno Kajii syndrome
  574. Tsukahara Kajii syndrome
  575. Tsukuhara syndrome
  576. Tuberculophobia
  577. Tuberculosis, pulmonary
  578. Tuberculous uveitis
  579. Tuberous Sclerosis, type 1
  580. Tuberous Sclerosis, type 2
  581. Tucker syndrome
  582. Tuffli Laxova syndrome
  583. Tufted angioma
  584. Tunglang Savage Bellman syndrome
  585. Turner Kieser syndrome
  586. Turner Morgani Albright
  587. Turner-like syndrome
  588. Tutuncuoglu syndrome
  589. Twin twin transfusion syndrome
  590. Tyrosine-oxidase temporary deficiency