Wikipedia:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Hotlist of Plants/FlowersAA

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List of entries to add from "Wild Flowers An Aid to Knowledge of Our Wild Flowers and Their Insect Visitors" by Neltje Blanchan.

Full-text on here.


[edit] References

[edit] Plants

[edit] B

  1. Blue wax-weed = Cuphea visc osissima of the Lythraceae
  2. Butterfly-pea = Butterfly pea = Centrosema of the Fabaceae

[edit] C

  1. Canada Violet
  2. Card teasel = Dipsacus sylvestris Huds. = barber's brush = brushes and combs = card-thistle = church broom = gypsy-combs = Venus's basin = Venus's bath = Venus's-cup = wild teasel
  3. Celandine poppies = Stylophorum diphyllum = Celandine poppy = Wood poppy = Yellow poppy
  4. Clammy Everlasting
  5. Climbing bitter-sweet
  6. Climbing false buckwheat
  7. Climbing fumitory
  8. Climbing hempweed
  9. Coast jointweed
  10. Columbines
  11. Compass-plant
  12. Creeping snowberry
  13. Cresses
  14. Culver's-root
  15. Cup-plant

[edit] D

  1. Dalibarda [1] [2] [3]
  2. Dwarf goat's beard = Aruncus aethusifolius = Korean Goatsbeard = Dwarf Goat's Beard = Miniature Goatsbeard = Korean goat's beard [4] [5]

[edit] E

  1. Early saxifrage
  2. Elder bushes
  3. Evening-primrose

[edit] F

  1. Fall dandelion
  2. False foxgloves
  3. False lily-of-the-valley
  4. Fetter-bush, Stagger-bush = Lyonia mariana = staggerbush = stagger bush
  5. Flea-banes
  6. Flowering spurge
  7. Fly-honeysuckles
  8. Fly-trap Dogbane
  9. Foam-flower
  10. Four-leaved Milkweed
  11. Fragrant Goldenrod
  12. Fringed polygala
  13. Frost-flowers

[edit] G

  1. Golden aster
  2. Golden-club = Orontium aquaticum = Golden club
  3. Goldenrods
  4. Gold-thread
  5. Green dragon (plant) = Arisaema dracontium or Dracunculus vulgaris, dragon arum
  6. Gronovius' dodder
  7. Groundsel-bush = groundsel bush = Baccharis halimifolia = consumption weed = cotton-seed tree = groundsel tree

[edit] H

  1. Hairy ruellia
  2. Harmless Sumacs
  3. Hobble-bush = Viburnum alnifolium = hobblebush
  4. Hog peanut
  5. Horned Bladderwort
  6. Horse-balm
  7. Hound's tongue = Cynoglossum officinale

[edit] I

  1. Indian cucumber-root
  2. Indian physic

[edit] L

  1. Ladies' smock
  2. Ladies' tresses
  3. Large Purple-fringed Orchis = Orchis (Fringed Purple) = Habenaria fimbriata
  4. Large-flowered Wake-robin
  5. Laurel Magnolia = Laurel magnolia
  6. Live-forever

[edit] M

  1. Marsh Calla
  2. Marsh pink
  3. Marsh rosemary
  4. Meadow-beauty
  5. Meadow-rues
  6. Meadow-sweet
  7. Milk-pea
  8. Mitrewort
  9. Moss pink

[edit] N

  1. New Jersey tea = Ceanothus americanus [6]
  2. Night-flowering Catchfly = Silene noctiflora [7]

[edit] P

  1. Cassia fasciculata = Partridge pea = Chamaecrista fasciculata = Sensitive pea = Wild sensitive plant
  2. Pasture Thistle = Cirsium pumilum [8] [9]
  3. Pea vine
  4. Pink Azalea
  5. Pink corydalis and Golden corydalis
  6. Pink knotweed
  7. Purple Marsh Clematis = Clematis crispa = Marsh Clematis
  8. Purple-flowering Raspberry
  9. Pyxie = Pyxidanthera barbulata

[edit] R

  1. Rattle-box
  2. Rattlesnake plantains
  3. Red-berried Elder = red-berried elder = Sambucus racemosa = European red elder
  4. Rose pogonia = Rose Pogonia = Snake-mouth = Pogonia ophioglossoides (L.) Jussieu [10]

[edit] S

  1. Sabbatia
  2. Salt-marsh Fleabane = Salt-marsh fleabane = Pluchea camphorata
  3. Scarlet painted cup
  4. Sea-pink
  5. Seaside pea
  6. Sensitive Pea
  7. Serpentary
  8. Amelanchier canadensis
  9. Shin-leaf
  10. Slender yellow and Ridged flax
  11. Small Yellow Lady's Slipper = Cypripedium parviflorum
  12. Smaller Purple-fringed Orchis = Orchis psycodes = Habenaria psycodes
  13. Smoke bush
  14. Solomon's seals
  15. Sow-thistles
  16. Spearworts
  17. Speedwells
  18. Squaw huckleberry
  19. St. Peter's-wort
  20. Star-cucumber
  21. Star-flowered Solomon's Seal
  22. Stick-seeds = Stick-seed = Echinospermum lappula (L.) Lehm
  23. Sundrops
  24. Sweet viburnum
  25. Sweet White Violet

[edit] T

  1. Tear-thumb
  2. Tick-trefoil = Tick-trefoils
  3. True Solomon's Seal
  4. Turtle-head
  5. Twayblades
  6. Twin-flower
  7. Twisted-stalk = Twisted-stalks = Streptopus roseus

[edit] W

  1. Water-parsnip = Sium suave = water parsnip of the Apiaceae
  2. White Azalea = Rhododendron mucronatum G. Don of the Ericaceae
  3. White hellebore = Veratrum spp. = American hellebore = Indian poke = bugbane of the Liliaceae
  4. White sanicle
  5. White-fringed Orchis
  6. Wild bean
  7. Wild Bergamot
  8. Wild bergamot
  9. Wild geranium
  10. Wild Grape
  11. Wild Grapes
  12. Wild grapes
  13. Wild Honeysuckies
  14. Wild mandrake
  15. Wild Phlox = Jamesbrittenia grandiflora (Galpin) Hilliard = Sutera grandiflora [11]
  16. Wild potato vine
  17. Wild Spikenard (slightly)
  18. Wild spikenard
  19. Winter-berry (black alder)
  20. Withe-rod or Witherod -- Verbanum of the Caprifoliaceae