Wikipedia:WikiProject Microbiology

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About About WikiProject Microbiology

This Wikiproject aims to better organize information in articles related to microbiology on Wikipedia.

If you would like to help, feel free to add yourself to the list of participants, or have a look at How you can help section below. Also of interest is the Molecular and Cellular Biology Portal associated with this project. You don't need to know anything about microbiology to help!


This project aims to cover all areas of microbiology including: bacteria, archaea, molds, yeasts, protists, viruses, famous microbiologists and researchers, microbiological methods and concepts, microbiology equipment, microscopy, and other microbiology-related topics.

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Articles Articles covered by this WikiProject

WikiProject Microbiology articles

Contact with WP Microbiology
Bacteria [1] Top December 25, 2006 Featured article FA 0.5
Tuberculosis [2] Top December 27, 2006 Featured article FA 0.5
Influenza [3] High December 28, 2006 Featured article FA 0.5
Malaria [4] High February 28, 2007 A 0.5
Yeast [5] Top January 10, 2007 Good article GA
HIV [6] High January 10, 2007 Good article GA 0.5
Virus [7] High January 10, 2007 Good article GA 0.5
Edward Jenner [8] Mid January 10, 2007 Good article GA
Measles [9] Mid March 30, 2007 Good article GA
Rabies [10] Mid January 10, 2007 Good article GA 0.5
Yellow fever [11] Mid January 10, 2007 Good article GA
Henipavirus [12] Low January 10, 2007 Good article GA
Agar [13] Top December 27, 2006 B
Anthrax [14] Top December 28, 2006 B
Antibiotic [15] Top December 28, 2006 B
Antibiotic resistance [16] Top December 27, 2006 B
Antiseptic [17] Top December 27, 2006 B
Anton van Leeuwenhoek [18] Top December 25, 2006 B
Archaea [19] Top December 27, 2006 B
Beta-lactamase [20] Top December 27, 2006 B
Botulism [21] Top December 28, 2006 B
Bubonic plague [22] Top December 28, 2006 B
Cholera [23] Top December 28, 2006 B 0.5
Escherichia coli [24] Top December 25, 2006 B
Escherichia coli O157:H7 [25] Top December 28, 2006 B
Fecal coliforms [26] Top January 16, 2007 B
Foodborne illness [27] Top December 28, 2006 B
Leprosy [28] Top December 28, 2006 B
Louis Pasteur [29] Top December 28, 2006 B 0.5
Microorganism [30] Top December 25, 2006 B
Microscope [31] Top December 25, 2006 B
Mold [32] Top December 28, 2006 B
Pathogen [33] Top December 27, 2006 B
Sterilization (microbiology) [34] Top December 26, 2006 B
Streptococcus pneumoniae [35] Top December 28, 2006 B
Syphilis [36] Top December 28, 2006 B
Agar plate [37] High December 28, 2006 B
Biofilm [38] High December 28, 2006 B
Clostridium difficile [39] High December 28, 2006 B
Clostridium tetani [40] High December 28, 2006 B
Cyanobacteria [41] High December 28, 2006 B
Diphtheria [42] High December 28, 2006 B
Disinfectant [43] High December 26, 2006 B
Haemophilus influenzae [44] High December 28, 2006 B
Horizontal gene transfer [45] High January 29, 2007 B
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus [46] High December 26, 2006 B
Microbial metabolism [47] High December 28, 2006 B
Microscopy [48] High December 28, 2006 B
Optical microscope [49] High December 28, 2006 B
Plasmodium falciparum [50] High December 28, 2006 B
Poliovirus [51] High February 17, 2007 B
Pseudomonas aeruginosa [52] High December 28, 2006 B
Streptococcus [53] High December 26, 2006 B
Tetanus [54] High March 8, 2007 B
Thermus aquaticus [55] High December 27, 2006 B
Typhoid fever [56] High December 28, 2006 B
Bacteria and human health [57] Mid December 27, 2006 B
Gut flora [58] Mid December 27, 2006 B
Leishmaniasis [59] Mid December 28, 2006 B
Smallpox [60] Mid January 9, 2007 B 0.5
Toxoplasma gondii [61] Mid March 22, 2007 B
Amoebozoa [62] Top February 8, 2007 Start
Antibiotic sensitivity [63] Top December 27, 2006 Start
Bacillus [64] Top December 27, 2006 Start
Bacillus anthracis [65] Top December 28, 2006 Start
Coccus [66] Top December 27, 2006 Start
Colony (biology) [67] Top December 28, 2006 Start
Food microbiology [68] Top December 27, 2006 Start
Herpesviridae [69] Top December 28, 2006 Start
Klebsiella pneumoniae [70] Top January 16, 2007 Start
Microbiology [71] Top December 25, 2006 Start
Mycobacterium leprae [72] Top December 25, 2006 Start
Mycobacterium tuberculosis [73] Top December 25, 2006 Start
Pilus [74] Top December 27, 2006 Start
Prokaryote [75] Top December 25, 2006 Start
Protist [76] Top December 25, 2006 Start
Robert Koch [77] Top December 28, 2006 Start
Saccharomyces cerevisiae [78] Top December 25, 2006 Start
Treponema pallidum [79] Top December 28, 2006 Start
Vibrio cholerae [80] Top December 28, 2006 Start
Yersinia pestis [81] Top December 28, 2006 Start
Ziehl-Neelsen stain [82] Top December 27, 2006 Start
Actinobacteria [83] High December 26, 2006 Start
Antimicrobial [84] High December 28, 2006 Start
Autoclave [85] High December 26, 2006 Start
Campylobacter [86] High December 28, 2006 Start
Campylobacter jejuni [87] High December 28, 2006 Start
Candida albicans [88] High December 25, 2006 Start
Chlamydia [89] High December 28, 2006 Start
Chlamydiae [90] High December 28, 2006 Start
Clostridium [91] High December 28, 2006 Start
Clostridium perfringens [92] High December 28, 2006 Start
Corynebacterium diphtheriae [93] High December 28, 2006 Start
Fermentation (food) [94] High December 28, 2006 Start
Germ theory of disease [95] High December 28, 2006 Start
Gram staining [96] High December 26, 2006 Start
Haemophilus [97] High December 28, 2006 Start
Halobacteria [98] High March 14, 2007 Start
Koch's postulates [99] High December 28, 2006 Start
Lactic acid bacteria [100] High December 31, 2006 Start
Lactobacillus [101] High December 28, 2006 Start
List of Archaea genera [102] High March 16, 2007 Start
List of bacterial orders [103] High March 16, 2007 Start
Listeria monocytogenes [104] High January 18, 2007 Start
Microscope slide [105] High December 25, 2006 Start
Mycobacterium [106] High December 25, 2006 Start
Mycoplasma pneumoniae [107] High December 28, 2006 Start
Pseudomonas [108] High December 26, 2006 Start
Saccharomyces [109] High December 25, 2006 Start
Salmonella [110] High December 25, 2006 Start
Salmonella enterica [111] High December 28, 2006 Start
Slime mould [112] High February 8, 2007 Start
Staphylococcus [113] High December 26, 2006 Start
Streptococcus pyogenes [114] High December 28, 2006 Start
Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus [115] High December 28, 2006 Start
Acetic acid bacteria [116] Mid December 31, 2006 Start
Bacterial growth [117] Mid December 27, 2006 Start
Brettanomyces [118] Mid December 25, 2006 Start
Bright field microscopy [119] Mid December 28, 2006 Start
Campylobacter fetus [120] Mid December 28, 2006 Start
Candida (genus) [121] Mid December 25, 2006 Start
Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg [122] Mid December 28, 2006 Start
Clostridium thermocellum [123] Mid April 6, 2007 Start
Dark field microscopy [124] Mid December 28, 2006 Start
Economic importance of bacteria [125] Mid December 27, 2006 Start
Enterococcus [126] Mid December 28, 2006 Start
Gram-negative [127] Mid December 26, 2006 Start
Gram-positive [128] Mid December 26, 2006 Start
Growth medium [129] Mid December 28, 2006 Start
Hans Christian Gram [130] Mid December 28, 2006 Start
Incubator (microbiology) [131] Mid January 7, 2007 Start
Mycoplasma [132] Mid December 28, 2006 Start
Myxobacteria [133] Mid December 28, 2006 Start
Petri dish [134] Mid January 7, 2007 Start
Phase contrast microscopy [135] Mid December 28, 2006 Start
Probiotic [136] Mid December 25, 2006 Start
Rhizobia [137] Mid March 8, 2007 Start
Schizosaccharomyces pombe [138] Mid January 1, 2007 Start
Spirochaete [139] Mid December 28, 2006 Start
Sterility assurance level [140] Mid February 28, 2007 Start
Streaking (microbiology) [141] Mid January 7, 2007 Start
Streptomyces [142] Mid December 28, 2006 Start
Bacterial lawn [143] Low January 8, 2007 Start
Apicomplexa [144] March 22, 2007 Start
Coliform bacteria [145] Top January 16, 2007 Stub
Microbiologist [146] Top December 25, 2006 Stub
Archaeoglobi [147] High March 14, 2007 Stub
Clostridium botulinum [148] High January 19, 2007 Stub
Halobacteriaceae [149] High March 14, 2007 Stub
Halobacteriales [150] High March 14, 2007 Stub
Methanobacteria [151] High March 14, 2007 Stub
Methanococci [152] High March 14, 2007 Stub
Methanomicrobia [153] High March 14, 2007 Stub
Methanopyri [154] High March 14, 2007 Stub
Micrograph [155] High December 25, 2006 Stub
Minimum inhibitory concentration [156] High December 28, 2006 Stub
Thermococci [157] High March 14, 2007 Stub
Thermoplasmata [158] High March 14, 2007 Stub
Thermoprotei [159] High March 14, 2007 Stub
Archamoebae [160] Mid February 8, 2007 Stub
Bacillus stearothermophilus [161] Mid December 28, 2006 Stub
Bacteria in the human body [162] Mid December 25, 2006 Stub
Coliform Index [163] Mid December 31, 2006 Stub
Enterobacter [164] Mid January 16, 2007 Stub
Enterococcus faecalis [165] Mid December 28, 2006 Stub
Indicator bacteria [166] Mid December 31, 2006 Stub
Inoculation loop [167] Mid January 7, 2007 Stub
Listeria [168] Mid December 25, 2006 Stub
Serratia [169] Mid March 18, 2007 Stub
Zygosaccharomyces [170] Mid December 25, 2006 Stub
Candida stellata [171] Low December 26, 2006 Stub
Citrobacter [172] Low January 16, 2007 Stub
Dichelobacter nodosus [173] Low April 4, 2007 Stub
Telonemia [174] Low March 8, 2007 Stub
Timeline of microscope technology [175] Low March 8, 2007 Stub
Verrucomicrobia [176] Low March 20, 2007 Stub
Merozoite [177] March 22, 2007 Stub
Sporozoite [178] March 22, 2007 Stub
See also: assessed article categories. Last update: April 7, 2007


Top High Mid Low None Total
Featured article FA 2 1 3
A 1 1
Good article GA 1 2 4 1 8
B 24 20 5 49
Start 21 33 27 1 1 83
Stub 2 13 11 6 2 34
Assessed 50 70 47 8 3 178
Unassessed 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 50 70 47 8 3 178

Category tree

How you can help

Improve articles

  • Improve all B-class articles to GA or better
  • Add or upgrade the taxoboxes in microorganism articles.
  • Add or improve images in microorganims articles.

Start new articles

  • Start any microbiology related articles that are currently red-links.


Improve the project itself

  • Improve or create templates.
  • Improve or create images.
  • Assist in public relations and outreach by recruiting editors interested in microbiology to contribute to Wikipedia.

Categorise microbiology related articles

  • Label articles of interest to the project by putting the banner template on the talk pages of all articles of interest to microbiology.
    • Assess and mark the importance of these articles using the class and importance fields of the banner template.
  • Add stub templates to microorganism related stubs with the relevant template from the template section below.
  • Categorise articles by adding them to the appropriate microbiology categories as shown to right.
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Microbiology WikiProject WikiProject Microbiology is part of WikiProject Microbiology, which aims to improve Wikipedia's coverage of Microbiology and microbiology-related topics. Please work to improve this article, or visit our project page to find other ways of helping.

Article Grading: The article has not been rated for quality and/or importance yet. Please rate the article and then leave comments here to explain the ratings and/or to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the article..


Here is a list of Microbiology Wikiproject members, together with some of their interests. To join the group simply add yourself to the list of participants, being sure to maintain alphabetical order.

  Name  Talk page   Special interests
Adenosine Talk BSc in Microbiology. Mostly focused on E.coli genetics and conjugation
Alextrevelian 006 Talk Studying microbiology, focus on prokaryote genomics
Bamskamp Talk Grad student in microbial ecology, specialty in anoxygenic phototrophs
Basa Talk Graduate student in molecular microbiology
feydey Talk Nothing special.
Geoking66 Talk Nucleic acids, chromosones, high school student working in microbiological science research, minor editing (WikiGnome)
insentient Talk VCE student who simply loves biology class ^_^ and may be able to help this project as my knowledge grows?
James.Folsom Talk Microbial Food Safety
KeybladeSephi Talk I'm a student at Wasatch Jr. High, with an expertise in biology, physics, and computer programming.
KP Botany Talk My background is Marine Biology (worms) and geology, including phycology, interested in marine protists.
MarcoTolo Talk Molecular and micro background (Streptomyces, mostly); microbial pathogenesis; medical micro in general.
MetsFan76 Talk Senior graduate student hoping to finish my Ph.D in microbiology/immunology in 2007.
Microbiojen Talk I work in marketing products to the pharmaceutical production segment of microbiology.
NighthawkJ Talk Microbial pathogenesis, bacterial physiology
Noneus Talk First WikiProject for me! Working on my Master's in microbiology/molecular biology.
Scharks Talk I have a background in food microbiology with a particular interest in yeasts.
Serephine Talk Being the WikiProject hog that I am, could I resist? Majoring in microbiology and pathology.
Sodaplayer Talk Student in Jr High that loves microbiology. Planning to upload several pictures to protists in the future. Very active in Wikipedia and adds Templates and tags to every appropriate article.
Solo.card Talk Currently studying a Bachelors degree in Microbiology.
TimVickers Talk I'm a molecular microbiologist particularly interested in protozoal pathogens.
Trillianne Talk working on my Master´s in microbiology/molecular biology (Enterobacter sakazakii, a food-borne pathogen)
Willow Talk Non-expert but sincerely interested in helping; friendly but overfond of smileys ;)
Moshe Constantine Hassan Al-Silverburg Talk